
Roman facts and numerals slides

Today we looked at the Roman invasions on Zoom, for next week let´s learn a bit more. What were some of the things invented by the Romans?
The Romans were fantastic innovators, and we still use many of their inventions today! Some of them include:

Irrigation and Sanitation - the process of irrigation was a fundamental part of Ancient Rome, with aqueducts being used to carry water long distances to towns and cities. After, sewers were used for the first time to take away human waste from the cities.
Concrete - we take concrete for granted in modern life, but in Roman times it was an exciting new technology that allowed buildings to be more durable and last longer!
Roads - in a similar vein, it was considered revolutionary when the Romans began building roads that were expansive enough to move large amounts of men and machines. Some of them we still use today! Also, lets look at Roman numerals! With information on how to work them out, examples and a slide showing what each number each letter represents. Please answer the questions in the last slide, good luck!