Preparatory classes for migrants in Jyväskylä - Esi- ja perusopetuksen valmistava opetus Jyväskylässä
Preparatory class for migrant pupils
Foreign students born in 2017-2008 are provided with preparatory teaching for basic education. The preparatory teaching is attended by all non-Finnish speaking students.
Usually, a student attends preparatory teaching for one school year and then starts at the school of his or her residential area. Preparatory teaching for basic education is provided annually at various times by different schools.
We use only the online registration for preparatory class. If you are registering outside of EU, the system might not let you proceed. In this case contact
- Choose + valmistavaan opetukseen ilmoittautuminen and click it to the shopping basket
- Press the shopping basket and press green button Ilmoittaudu/Hakeudu (register/apply)
We provide as well heritage language lessons i.e. mother tongue lessons in 28 different languages . Mother tongue lessons or heritage language will be arranged for students whose mother tongue/heritage language (or the language they speak in addition to their mother tongue) is not Finnish. Lessons will also be arranged for Finnish students who have lived abroad for a significant amount of time and wish to upkeep the learned foreign language. The lessons can only be arranged if at the beginning of the semester the teaching group includes a minimum of four students and a teacher, who is qualified to teach the language. The registrationform can be found here.
When we have received registration, we can inform you more about the school start. It takes at the moment at least 4 weeks, to organise the school place, because all groups are full.
In the 2024-2025 academic year prepatory teaching will be provided in the following schools:
Classes 1-4 Kangasvuori daycare school, teacher Heini Kuusisto (Group is full)
Classes 1-6 Keltinmäki school, group 1 teacher Johanna Särkkä
Classes 1-6 Keltinmäki school, group 2 teacher Maija Savolainen
Classes 1-6 Kortepohja daycare school, group 1 teacher Pirita Padatsu
Classes 1-6 Kortepohja daycare school, group 2 teacher Laura Honka
Classes 1-4 Kuokkala comprehensive school, teacher Mervi Mikkonen (group is full)
Classes 4-7 Kuokkala comprehensive school, teachers Teija Laitila (group is full)
Classes 7-9 Kuokkala comprehensive school, Paula Oksanen (group is full)
Classes 7-9 Kuokkala comprehensive school, Minna Lähdepolku (group is full)
Classes 1-6 Lohikoski school, teacher Outi Vanhatalo
Classes 1-6 Tikka school, teacher Natalia Karamzina (group is full)
Classes 7-9 Viitaniemi school, teacher Susanna Halonen, (group is full)
Classes 9 Viitaniemi school, teacher Niina Linnanmäki, (group is full)