Tuesday Group

Charlotte's web book Chapter 4

Chapter 4


Read Chapter 4 this week at home. We will go over it in Zoom next week

Reread the first 2 pages of Chapter 4. Imagine you are Wilbur. On a page, write out a timetable for Wilbur’s day. You might want to write it like you are Wilbur the pig with ‘I’, for example:

6:30a.m. I awoke to find the day was rainy and not very nice outsise At least there was breakfast to look forward to! Lurvy was on time with breakfast and today it was my favourite of …


Charlotte's web booklet.docx

Tuesday Group


here is the first part of our new book we can study from home. I have attached the first 2 chapters to be read for this week. Once Chapter 1 and 2 are read you can go to the booklet and answer the questions together and draw the farm map. 

Next week the next section of the booklet will be added.

The first section of the movie can be watched here. Next week we will look at the differences between the movie and the book.
