Justine Billert

How it started (September-November 2016)

Hello and welcome to my blog about the Erasmusproject! I'm Justine and I go to the Ernestinenschule in Lübeck. And now enjoy reading my blog!

Before the project began we had to write an application. At first I wasn't sure if I should do that. But in the end there were 4 or 5 free places left so I decided to join the project because I wanted to find out about different eating habits and cultures. Besides I wanted to improve my english and have a little exchange where I can find out how it feels to be forced into speaking english all the time. I thought it'll bring a lot of fun and wrote a little application. Now I'm glad to be part of the project.
Then there was a "parent-teacher evening" but I couldn't be there because I didn't have time. So I can't say much about what has happened and has been said. After this parent-teacher evening we had to decide to which country we like to travel and which programm appeals to us best. I chose the trip to Gdansk in October 2017 because it sounded very interesting.
The real project started at the end of September and our first meeting was at 28
th September 2016. After that meeting we had to create a vocabulary book and a food pyramide. I chose that:
My eating habits are a bit different than in that pyrmide. I do sport every day because I usually go to school by bike. Moreover I go riding twice a week. But I eat much more wheat than whole grain. I like to eat sweet things sometimes so that's what I should reduce a little bit.

My vocabulary book
from outside...

...and inside

In my vocabulary book I've got different categories. On the right side I wrote the words down and on the left side I stuck the pictures on.
At the 13th October we had our second meeting. Then we had to prepare a three course meal to the next meeting, which was at the beginning of November. I chose the following meals: bread with herb butter as starter; swede purée with gammon steak as main dish (you can find it in the recipes) and chocolate pudding by Dr. Oetker as dessert. I have made all those things yet or helped at least with the preparation.
Besides we had to create a logo with the 'Erasmus+' sign.

That's my logo. If you want to know how I created it, read on! Well, I've got an app on my mobile which is called "Foto-Collagen-App". I like it a lot because you have many possibilities to work on photos. So I decided to create my logo with this app. I add a photo with the Erasmus+ symbol. Then I looked for some nice smilies and put them in my logo too. So I hadn't a structure or a plan.
At the 13
th November some students flew to Finland. They came back at the 19th November.

That is everything I know that happened before. I hope you like my blog!

See you,

Working on the project at school; wednesday, 18th January 2017

Hey guys!
At the 18th January we (the students of the Erasmusproject) hadn't had lesson because we spent the whole day in the project.
This day we got our blog. So we had to go to our computer room. There we had to follow the steps our teachers told us. It took a long time until everybody had his/her own profile. Then we had to write the first things in our blogs. That was not easy because we had to rememeber all the things from September. But I think we all got the most things back.
But before we got our blog the students who have been to Finland in November told us what they saw, e.g. about their exchange students and their families they stayed for those days. They also told us about the finnish meal times, about the Master Chef (a cooking competition), what they did in their freetime and about trips in Finland. I think they had a good time and some of them would have liked to stay longer. All that sounded very exciting and now I look forward to my trip to Gdansk in October (or rather September) 2017. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog!


meeting; wednesday, 1st February 2017

Hey guys!
On the 1st February we had our next meeting. But today we met with other teachers who'll take over the project. I couldn't be there because I had an appointment that day. So my friend Finja B. told me what we did. She said that they have talked about our mensa: What is good and not so good.

Here's a picture of our board.
Of course the things are in german so I will tell you a little what we wrote:

- Our mensa is a great room with decorations and comfortable seating opportunites. But sometimes there aren't enough seating opportunities at all.
- We think our eating service has user-friendly homepage but the time limit to order the meals is too small. In return you can cancel the meal until 8 o'clock. The prise is fine and if you didn't order a meal you can eat spontaneously there (only for a few cents more)
- The meals are tasty and healthy and it's fresh cooked; the quantity is fine
- As starter you can take a salad (if you order it with the meal); dessert is there only twice a week but it's free like the salad
We also wrote down a few things about our cafeteria:
- There are filled rolls, sweets (e.g. cake), pizza, pretzels, pretzel sticks, fruits, smoothies and some more things
- As drink they offer for example cocoa, stawberry drinks, milk, juice, soft drinks and since a few days sparkling mineral water
- You pay cash
Besides we thought about some things we could improve:
- The salad could be bigger
- More aroma (spice, e.g. salt)
- Complete free meals (like in Finland)
- Guarantee a second helping

That were the most points. As homework we have to copy that on a piece of paper.

So that's how it looks as an "overview". We also have to find out at least 5 table manners. I chose:

  1. Eat with knife, fork and spoon
  2. Don't eat or drink noisily
  3. Don't speak if you have something in your mouth
  4. No mobile at the table/while eating
  5. All start together

Our next meeting will be the 15th February. We also got a piece of paper with details to our next meetings:

In the middle you can see the next dates for our meetings. Unfortunately they are all on Wednesday and in the afternoon I go to a horse farm with my best friend so I have to hurry. But I think it will work in one way.
I hope you like my blog!

Keep cool,

meeting; wednesday, 15th February 2017

Hey guys!

Today we met again. At first we compared our homework about table manners. Me and another student wrote down the things the others told us. I thouht there would be about 20 things but at the end the board was full!

Here is a part of our board...
We wrote something on the left side of the board too. So our first homework we got was to write down this mindmap in an order with topics (e.g. manner, how to treat with the cutlery,...)
After that we had to form groups for different topics. The topics were:

- Make a report of our mensa (How is it right now?)
- Work out the aims for our mensa
- Write a letter to the parliament
- Write a letter for the parents(, students and teachers) with information about the mensa

I'd liked to make the report but I wanted to do something with my friend Finja B. together so we decided to work out the aims. I was in a group with Finja B., Henri and Jonas. We're going to talk to Mrs. Gerischer (our mensa cook) about the aimes on Friday.

See you,

Conversation with Mrs. Gerischer; friday, 17th February 2017

Hey guys!
Today my group met with Mrs. Gerischer in our mensa for discussing our aims for the mensa. I think we were a bit nervous and excited first but in time we calm down. Before we started Mrs. Gerischer offered us free drinks which was a bit strange in this moment because we have to pay for it usually. Then we started.

Our most important ideas were:

  1. Free tea in winter (to the meals)
  2. Dessert every day (e.g. 2 times "sweet" and 3 times fruits)
  3. Juices instead of dessert
  4. Free water without lemon
  5. In lunch breaks: different grades to different times
  6. Prepare salt and pepper (on tables)
  7. Fruit salad as dessert
  8. Noodles in cup
  9. Big salad as starter

1. She answered that she already offers tea and that it depends on the costs, so it probably would be too expensive.

2. Well, first you have to know that Mrs. Gerischer offers only twice a week dessert but it doesn't cost anything. So her suggestion was to offer two times free dessert and the other three times for some cents (20-50 cents).

3. She said that she could also offer juice for free sometimes. But then she'll have to mix it with water a little bit because otherwise it would become too expensive.

4. She meant it wouldn't be a problem because there aren't more costs and some other students asked her the same before. By the way; we also asked her for mineral water in bottles for the selling. After that question she answered that she only forgot to order it. XD

5. She found the idea pretty well but she said it's the head teacher's job to decide things like that. Nevertheless we tried it out and formed two lines.We think it would work better or rather quicker than at the moment.

6. She meant the 5th and 6th graders would mess around with it. So it wouldn't have a good ending.

7. She said that she could offer it without a problem. So maybe there will be a fruit salad as dessert soon.

8. The noodle cup was one of our most important ideas. We explained to her that there was a noodle cup at the old eating service which was very popular. She said that it's a good idea but she doesn't want to decide it without the opinion of other students (see 17th March 2017)

9. She answered that it would be possible if she took a little money.

Mrs. Gerischer wrote down all our suggestions in her notice book for improve our mensa. She will have to think about some things and then she will have to see if it works.


4th May 2017:
She already offers a noodle cup and sometimes the juice (mixed with water) is offered to the meals. Maybe there will be a few things more after the summer holidays because she wants to improve her plan for the mensa then.

meeting; wednesday, 1st March 2017

Hey guys!

When we met at the 1st March I couldn't be there because I was ill. So Finja B. told me again, what they did. She told me that our "mensa-aim-group" had to present the results. After that they were split off in groups. She also said that her group went to Penny for searching the ingredients of different foods.
As little "homework" Finja and I have to make a survey for the "mensa-aim-group".
Unfortunately I can't tell you more but I hope you like it anyway!

See you,

meeting; wednesday, 15th March 2017

Hey guys!
Today we met again. First we went to the computer room where we got time to work on our blogs. Our teachers gave us some tips for improving our blogs. They remind us about our reward we'll get when we write a good blog; a second trip to the other country because there are some free places left.

After we wrote for a time the teachers told us to go to the other room because the students who will travel to Poland next week have prepared a role play. They wanted to present it to us right then:
The role play was about a business family (mother and daughter) which met another family (mother and her two childs) at a resturant which was called "Tengo mucho dinero". The hostess welcomed the guests. The daughter of the business family was neat and knew about the table manners. The other two girls didn't know about table manners or didn't care about them. They used their mobils at the table, made unpleasent noises and they didn't behave their selves. So they argued and in the end they were kicked out of the restaurant.

That was the story in a short form. It was funny and interesting; so I liked it. Here's a picture of the actors:

At this point a big praise for the actors and their successful role play again! They will act it in Poland again and everybody who'll be there can look forward to see this role play.
After that act we were allowed to go on writing our blogs or go home if we write our blogs there. Most of us went home straightaway. I think that was everything.
So I hope you enjoyed it!

Keep cool,

Survey on the noodle tumbler; friday, 17th March 2017

Hey guys!

Today I held a survey on the noodle cup with Finja. We held it during the lesson and missed french but for our teacher it was all right. It was our first time holding a survey so we were a bit nervous.
We asked whether the noodle cup is of interest to the other students and most students were interested in the noodle cup. Then we had to ask one more question because our mensa is environmentally aware and wants to produce as little garbage as possible. So we can't use paper cups and now we had to find out, if the others want to bring their own cups or if they want Mrs. Gerischer to buy some cups which they can borrow for deposit.
The survey was very obviously; the most want a noodle cup in a cup you can borrow for deposit. For the survey Finja and I made some notes.
Here's a picture :)

In the first column you can see the classes we asked. In the second column you can find the number of the persons who said yes to the noodle cup and the third column shows you the results for the question to the cup. I know it's pretty unclear but we only took notes for an overview.

I hope you liked it (3


meeting; friday, 31st March 2017

Hey guys!
We met a few days earlier, so today instead of monday. At first the students who had been to Poland told us about their experiences. They also showed us lots of fotos they made so we got a very well impression. What I remember best is that they went to a jump park and made a "movie night". Everything sounded very positive and fun!
Here are two pictures of them:

See you,

First day of my challenge; monday, 24th April 2017

Hey guys!

Today the challenge week started. So everyone of us has to go without anything (like sweets, meet, sugar,...) or has to reach an aim they chose (like drinking 1,5l, running for 30 minutes, ride and run,...).
I decided to live vegeterian.
For this week my mum bought me some vegeterian sliced: mortadella, salami and chicken nuggets.

In the morning I ate two crispbreads with Nutella.

At break I ate a roll with veggie mortadella, 1 chocofresh and 1 pear:

For lunch I had potato soap.

And for dinner I had roll with Buko.

Of course, I had some sweets too but these are the most important meals.

Keep cool,

second day of my challenge; tuesday, 25th April 2017

Hey guys!

Today I ate the following things:

2 crispbreads with Buko for breakfast

1 roll with veggie mortadella and veggie salami, a carrot, a choco fresh in school:

vegetarian chicken nuggets for lunch

and 1 roll with veggie mortadella and veggie salami for supper:

The first two days it wasn't difficult not to eat meet.

See you,

third day of my challenge; wednesday, 26th April 2017

Hey guys!

Today I had the same breakfast like yesterday, 2 crispbreads with Buko.
Here's a photo of it

In school I bought a chocolat roll and a pretzel. Besides I had a piece of cucumber and a carrot in my box.

At home I had "mexico lasagne" what means lasagne noodles with tomato sauce, maize, kidney beans, crème fraîche and cheese.

In the evening Finja B. came because we'll have a work placement tomorrow. We both ate 1 roll with veggie salami and veggie mortadella.


fourth day of my challenge; thursday, 27th April 2017

Hey guys!

Today Finja and I ate both a roll. She took butter and I took Buko and Nutella.

Before we went to our work placement we ha to "Junge" (a baker's shop in Germany) and bought 2 cheese roll and 1 pretzel stick. At the work placement we also got an apple and a banana.

For lunch I had "mexico lasagne" again but there wasn't enough for Finja but that was okay because she ate a pizza baguette.

(I'd like to add a picture but it doesn't work because if I try to the, website doesn't react anymore :( Sorry! )

In the evening I had a roll with veggie mortadella and veggie salami.

As "dessert" I ate a smelly chocolate pudding.


fifth day of my challenge; friday, 28th April 2017

Hey guys!

Today we had a short meeting in our break. We spoke about some things for the exchange and got the plan for the week when the exchange students will come. And that will be in 9 days! It's so incredible! I saw that the plan is full with activities. I think we'll have a lot of fun but I think it'll be exhausting too. We also got the name and e-mail adress of our exchange student (if we got one). My exchange student is named Mimosa and is from Finland. I'm looking forward seeing her. :D
But now I want to tell you what I ate today (I know it's almost like the days before)

breakfast: 1 roll with Buko and Nutella
school: 1 roll with veggie mortadella, a carrot, a piece of cucumber,

1 chocolate cookie
lunch: tortellini (without any sauce)

supper: 1 roll with veggie salami and veggie mortadella

And at you all doing a challenge: Stand it!

Keep cool,

sixth day of my challenge; saturday, 29th April 2017

Hey guys!

After this day there is only one day you have to stand! You'll get it!

So today I had 2 rolls with Buko, veggie Mortadella, veggie Salami and Nutella for breakfast,
At midday I passed at a Mc Donald's with my mum and she asked me if I want to have a cheeseburger. But I remembered my challenge so I had to say no and took french fries.
In the afternoon we celebrate my birthday later (with my grandma) and we ate some pieces of cake and cookies.
In the evening I had the same like every evening; a roll with veggie mortadella and veggie salami.

Only the cucumber pieces are new...

Stay strong,

seventh (/LAST) day of my challenge; sunday, 30th April 2017

Hey guys!

Today was the last challenge day.
In the morning I had a baguette roll with Buko and Nutella.
Then I was invited to the confirmation of one of my friends. We went eating at Zeus, a greek restaurant. So the main things they offered at the buffet weren't vegetarian and that was the result for my dish:

It was rice with tomato sauce and bread. I had some strawberries too but they were so delicious so they aren't in the picture ;D
Then we ate cake and in the evening some snacks so I wasn't hungry enough for a supper.
That was my last day of my challenge. Maybe I could live more vegetarian than before especially with cold cuts. But I think a whole life without meet is nothing for me.

I hope you managed it!

See you,

meeting; wednesday, 3rd May 2017

Hey guys!

Today we had our next meeting. We settled some questions and prepared some things for the exchange next week. Of course we worked in groups so one group laminate some papers for the city rallye another group thought about the rallye we'll do in school and the group which I was in created a pinboard and will present some things with the pinboard. We have prepared a lot of things and we are almost finished so the exchange students can come!

See you,

ARRIVAL of the exchange students- germany exchange day 1; sunday, 7th May 2017

Hey guys!

Today was a very exciting day! At 11:10 my mum and I drove to the train station. At first I felt like usual but I got excited very quickly. At the train station we met some other parents and some other students. We talked a while and in no time it was 11:48. The train with the finnish exchange students arrived. Everybody got nervous and most had a paper with the name of the exchange student. Mine looked like that:

When most people had left the train we couldn't see them. But in the end we found them and welcomed them. Then we all went home.
At home we met my father and I showed Mimosa the house and where she can sleep. After talking a moment we had lunch. We ate tasty in a way selfmade burgers (so you could chose what you like to eat on it). Then we didn't know what to do so we decided to go for a little walk. We went to the Ringstedtenhof which is a farm and really close to our house. Here are some pictures of the animals:

Here are some cows on the fields around the farm

These are some of the hens. The most were in main stall but you can't see anything on this picture

This is a little sheep family which lives on the farm.
The others are on another field nearby the farm:

Here are some of them

If you look on the left you can see a black donkey who's called Lukas.
On the right is a grey donkey named Rivanna.
(They are really far so I hope you can see them ;-) )

This is one of some pigs which was really cute and trusting.

Here you can see the playground in front of the farm shop.

After that we wanted to go home again but when we were nearby the house we met my best friend. When we spoke together it was time to go to Lisa's confirmation (we cleared up this before). But when we arrived there were so many guests that we only ate a piece of cake and changed a few words with Lisa. So we left quickly again because we both only sat there and talked a bit. The whole act was needless and it only caused drowsiness. Especially for Mimosa; she got up at 3am and slept only for 4 hours! At least we got home and there we met my best friend again. We went out with the neighbours' dogs. I think we had a great time together and talked a lot. Then we had supper and ate a finnish bread which was very delicious. But then we were too tired for do something else. Mimosa went to bed and I wrote this blog entry.

I hope you enjoyed reading this entry!


rallyes- germany exchange day 2; monday, 8th May 2017

Hey guys!

Today we woke up at 6 a.m and put on our things and had breakfast. Then we went to the bus station and talked while we were waiting for the bus. When we drove in the city I showed Mimosa some things but soon we arrived at school.
We met in room 6 and everybody talked in their own language so it was pretty weird if you heard the others talking. After it rang (at 8 o'clock) Mrs. Schütt welcomed us and even our headteacher came to welcome the exchange students and he wished us a nice week and a lot of great experience. Then we started a little ralley through the school and it took shorter than the teachers planned. So we had to wait until we had breakfast in our mensa. But then the time had come and everybody got a healthy delicious breakfast.

I ate much more but that was my first plate.
We had a lot of time for eating and talking but then some of our german students kept a short presentation about our mensa. I presented some things about the "mensa-aim-group" with Finja.

Here's a picture of the "wall" we created a few days ago for this little presentation
After that the time for the rallye through the city of Lübeck had come. The group I was in left last so one hour later than the first group. When we had done 13 of 17 exercises it was 13:20 and we thought that we'll eat at 13:30 so we went back to school. There the teachers told us that it's basically from 13:30 but we didn't want to go on. We took our meal: fish, potato balls and cooked kohlrabi.

After the lunch we drove home and I played the piano a little. I also tried to teach Mimosa playing the piano a bit. She can't read notes but she did a really good job anyway!

This is my piano or rather keyboard on which I play the piano
Then we went to riding lesson and I think it was a bit boring for her but in the end she could stroke and brush the horse a little.

When we were at home again we had supper (goulash soup). Afterwards we opened Google Maps and Mimosa showed us where she comes from. We could see her house like we were there. That was really strange! The rest of the evening we watched 'Pitch Perfect 2' (in english of course (3 ).

At the end of the day we were pretty tired but nevertheless I wrote this blog entry before I forget d:

See you,

Brüggen & Citti Park- germany exchange day 3; tuesday, 9th May 2017

Hey guys!

Today is already the third day. Unbelievable! The time passed so fast. Well, we woke up at 6 o'clock and got ready. Then we had breakfast which was crispbread with cheese. In next to no time we had to go to the bus station. We arrived in school at 7:30 so we had to wait for 10 minutes. (The school "opens" at 7:40)
When we went in I didn't know where the exchange students are going to meet for the trip to Brüggen. So I asked Mrs Schütt who told me that they will meet in the foyer. During the exchange students could "enjoy" at Brüggen we german students had lesson :(
The exchange students received a bag and two packs cornflakes from Brüggen:

We met after the fourth lesson in our mensa where we had lunch. We had rice with currysauce which contained chicken and some vegetables like paprika and onions. It was very delicious!
After the lunch we met in room 9 where we made a questionaire about the Brüggen trip. We were split off into groups with two (or three) german students, one polish student and one finnish student. The questionaire was written in german so we had to translate it first. Then we could ask them about the trip. This was the questionaire:

So because you can't see a lot I will write the questions down again:

What have you seen when you walked through the company?

Was there something amazing?

Name seven facts about the company.

What have you learned about the breakfast habits of the germans?

What have you learned about healthy food?

When we had finished the questionaire we walked to the the computer room for writing on our blogs. At first some of us couldn't log in so the computers had to be restarted. But then it worked so I was able to write what happened in the morning. After I wrote that it was Mimosa's turn to write about the days. But there were only some minutes left so she decided to write the rest at (my) home. We went back to room 9, grabbed our bags and drove home.

At home we took a little break before we drove to the Citti Park with my parents. When we arrived there Mimosa and I decided to go on our own. First we went to 'Futterhaus' a shop where you can buy pet equipment. Then we wanted to go to the cash desk but suddenly we saw some other finnish exchange students. I knew that we could met them because I heard that some other students want to go to the Citti Park. First I went with them but I looked around if I can find the other german students. We went to 'Inter Sport' and looked around. Then I saw the other german girls. I spoke with them and asked them if I could go with them. Unfortunalety, they had been there since one hour and liked to eat something. So I joined the finnish students again. When they went to 'Deichmann' (a shop where you can buy shoes) they decided to go to Burger King after that. Mimosa liked to go with them so I went on alone to DM (drugstore) and Depot (a decoration shop).

Here's a picture of the Citti Park...

... and these are the things I bought.
We met Mimosa (like the other students) at some sofas again. When she was back we went to an ice cream shop whose owner is very popular so there were many different varieties. I chose chocolate and pistachio, Mimosa took a kind of blackberry. It was so yummy!
After saying goodbye to the others we drove home. We were really tired of that exhausting day and not really hungry anymore so we had no supper. We only went upstairs to my room and started writing our blogs again. After that we went to bed because we were sooo tired. xD

See you,

Cooking workshop- germany exchange day 4; wednesday, 10th May 2017

Hey guys!

We got up at the same time like yesterday. After we got ready we had breakfast and following that we went to the bus station. We arrived at 7:30 again so we had to wait. Today the exchange students attended a lesson for two hours. Then Mrs Schütt told me to say the others that the exchange students only can be in the "Nawi" lesson. The exchange students of the ones who have got Spanish were split off in those two "Nawi" groups. I felt a tiny bit angry like the other german students which have spanish lesson because we would like to have our exchange students in that class too. But they said we're too many students... Well, at least they have been in my class in the second lesson. So they had WiPo (economy and politics) but they didn't unterstand much.
After that the exchange students visited the Niederegger (marzipan producer) in the pedestrian zone of Lübeck. I'd really liked to go with them because I like marzipan a lot ;) During they've been at Niederegger's, I had English. English is my favorite subject so it was more or less okay for me. Usually we would have German after that but today we hadn't because the teacher was ill. So the lesson was cancelled and I went with Finja, Patricia and one of our classmates in the city for a little "shopping tour". On our way back to school we saw the exchange students and went with them back to school.
When we arrived there everything was a bit confusing because the finnish teachers thought that we would eat in the mensa. We german students weren't sure because in the plan it didn't say so. But that was an "old" plan because first we should cook in Dassow but there the was only a small kitchen and the german teachers decided to take another kitchen which is closer and bigger. We already knew about that but our teachers didn't tell us if we would eat there. When they arrived we asked them and then they told us that we would eat there and that we would have free time after that too. Complicated stuff... :p
So first we ate. And I have to say: It's really good that we could eat there because today she offered...

...pancakes! One of my favorite dishes.
After eating Finja, her exchange student Jana and I decided to go into the city again and go on shopping because there wasn't enough time left in that cancelled lesson. Soon we had to go back again but I think we were almost in every shop we wanted to go. We met in the foyer again at 14 o'clock (that's when we wanted to go to the bus station) but we couldn't because a german teacher was missing. Well, a few minutes later we started. We had to walk through the whole pedestrian zone and then after 8 minutes we were there. We only had to wait 5 minutes until line 6 the bus which brings us to the workshop, arrived. We all got in but it was very, very full so most of us had to stand.

We took the bus to its last bus stop which is pretty close to my horse I usually go exact this time. That was a bit mean... But we walked on straightaway a way besides a street without a sidewalk.

It looked like that. Behind those trees is a little lake so the area is very natural.

You can recognize it by the yellow signs with a owl and the word "Naturschutzgebiet" what means nature reserve. We also saw some sheep:

But soon we arrived at Euroimmun where the cooking workshop took place. So first we went in and got knewn the cooks who seemed very nice. After that we went in kind of a hall with many tables and chairs.
On the wall was a huge Lübeck painting.

So here it looks tiny compared to its real size (all over the wall) and it's only a little part of the whole.
First we had time to talk and to get something to drink. We laughed a lot but then the cooks wanted to tell us what we can make. We should be divided in four groups with at least one german, one finnish and one polish student. But although the kitchen was bigger than the other we should cook we could not be all in the kitchen (only one or two groups maximum). So we were shown where we could be when we aren't cooking. There was a billiard table, a music room and something else.

I went to the billiard table first like Finja & Jana, Lisann, Josi and Lea. We put out the equipment which were in a cupboard next to the table and devided us into two teams. Then there was:
Finja, Jana and me - Lisann, Josi and Lea

It's like every sport you've seen on the TV and try more or less the first time. On TV it seems very easy but if you act it...
So it got really funny.

After we've played a long time we split up and Finja and I went downstairs where the music room and a game table was. I went to the music room and listened the others playing the piano. They can play much better than me! Suddenly our teacher came and told us that the meals are already cooked. She said that she forgot us and asked if we'd like to go to the kitchen now and help with the last tasks so we went to the kitchen. The only things we could do were stiring the soups, sort the asparagus and put the vegetarian meatballs in the oiled pan so not a kind of special things. It's very annoying because they said that they will send us to the kitchen when we can cook and they didn't do that. So we were not able to take really part in the cooking workshop but we really would have liked to. Well, after helping a little in the kitchen we could sit again in the hall and talked a little while we were waiting for the meals. Then everything was finished and we started:

So our first dish was vegetarian spaghetti
bolognese. At first the portion looked very
tiny but it was much more than it seemed.

The next dish was a piece of pork and
a vegetable meatball with asparagus
and a bit sauce. It was my first time I
ate asparagus and I don't really like it.
What I didn't like too was the meatball
but the others at my table liked it a lot
so I changed the veggie meatball for the
piece pork. To me the pork was very
delicious so it was a good deal.
What we all didn't like neither was the
sauce. It was a kind of curry sauce but
to me it wasn't that delicious.

The last dish was semolina with
strawberries. I couldn't eat much
because I had to ask if my mum
can pick us from the workshop
because that would be easier and
quicker. The teachers said it's okay
and asked me to take photos of
them in the kitchen. It all took very
long and I could only taste a little
bit and it was okay so not a dish I
love but also not a dish I hate.

We soon left the workshop because they wanted to get the next bus which came in 10 minutes so we had to hurry. When we almost were there I saw my mum and Mimosa and I said the others goodbye and then we drove home. I was glad that we didn't have to take the bus because I was pretty tired. We wrote our blogs a little and went to bed.


Biology farm- germany exchange day 5; thursday, 11th May 2017

Hey guys!

Today we got up at 7 o'clock. We got ready and took the bus at 8:08. Then we changed and waited for the line 16 with the others. We got in and drove to "Krumesser Baum" where we started our 3,5km hike. It was a tiny bit exhausting and the two boys who knew the way went 200 meters in front of us so sometimes we couldn't see them anymore. To me the hike was more or less okay because on our class trip to Schwerin we walked about 18km! That was really hard.
I took some pictures of the hike to the farm:

Well, we arrived soon and went on meadow with a playground. There we've come down before we started a little tour:

At first there was this
little cute calf

After that we were
shown where they
melk their cows.

Then we were split off into two different groups. One group had all the polish people and their german exchange students. The other the finnish people and their german exchange students (so that was my group). My group was told what a crop rotation is, what's grown on the fields of this farm and some other things. Here's a picture of the field:

After that we went to the hens and saw how they live.

In small groups we went in there and we got the possibility to hold a hen in your arms.

 Sometimes there were a lot of hens on one tiny 
 place so you had to be careful. They had 5 cocks
 and one was a bit agressive xD 

After that we all met where we started our tour. There we made some butter by shaking it.
After shaking for around 15 minutes it was finished.

Then we got something to eat:
 There was a big buffet which offered
 really delicious things. 

We stayed there for about one hour and had the opportunity to visit the farm's shop or
go on the little playground around our buffet. I went to the shop with Finja and we bought
some snacks:

 That's what I bought:
 Some banana chips and choco cookies

And here's a picture of the shop:

Soon, we had to leave and walk the 3.5 kilometers again...
But then we took the bus and Mimosa and I left again at Krankenhaus Süd
for getting home again. 

In the afternoon we went to the stable with my friend because I have a pony what I care about once a week.
We had a very nice day and my mother picked us up at 18 o'clock. At home we had dinner and after that we
talked a bit and wrote our blogs a little. Then we went to sleep.

See you,

Last evening buffet- germany exchange day 6; friday, 12th May 2017

Hey guys!

Today we got up at 6 o'clock like Wednesday. We got ready, had breakfast and went to the bus station. Because we took the bus at 8:08 yesterday I thought that we would have time until 7:08 but when we left the house at 7:00 I relized that we wouldn't take this bus but the bus at 7:03 like the other times. So we hurried a little and luckily we got this bus... so we arrived at 7:30 and entered the school at 7:40 like usual. In the first lesson we had history and the exchange students were with us. The lesson was in german so they didn't understand anything. Then our class had french and today we had to talk to some other, older exchange students from Sion in french. It was difficult because Finja and I made a little group and the others had prepared some questions we didn't have so we had to improvise on french after we talked english... that was not easy! Well, but our exchange students had been in another class that lesson because our french teacher meant it would be too full. But after that, we saw them again because we made again some things for the project.
For the next 2 1/2 hours we worked out the presentation for the evening when we will tell our parents what we have seen. The three points were the biological farm Rotenhausen, the trip to Brüggen and the cooking workshop. I decided to go to the Rotenhausen group. In our group we decided to split off the group again, so one team worked on the basic information and the first basic guiding tour. Another worked on the experience of the tour the polish and their exchange students made, and the last team of course what the finnish and their exchange students saw.

I was in the last team and with me Mimosa, Finja and Jana and Linda. We collected our pictures and we chosed some we want to print for the poster. When we had all together I went to print them out which was really complicated. The pictures were not very sharp but better than nothing. When we had finish the poster all the exchange students had to go to the Hansemuseum and we german students could work on.
So Finja and I had to work out the texts and went in the computer room. So, we didn't recognize that the others are just practising for the presentation so we missed it. Doesn't matter!

Then we had to look for our exchange students who should have been back right then. Suddenly there was a rumor that the finnish want to go eating at a restaurant so everybody got nervous. Mrs. Schütt talked to the finnish teachers and finally we could go home. When we were home again I felt not so good because I ate (too many of the) sweets I found in my bag. But it was my fault so... Well, we had some lunch and of course I didn't eat much. After that we wrote our blogs a little and talked. We also had to write our text on an index card. There wasn't much time and we had to go right after we had written our index cards. My parents, Mimosa and I went by car and arrived in time at school.

That's how it looked when we arrived.
(These were the tables and chairs for
the buffet)

We all talked for a long time before the presentations began.

We all were a bit nervous but we made it. When we had presented it a few times everybody had heard it and the buffet was opened.

In next to no time the things got more and more empty! So these are the things I caught for eating:

I had two pieces of bread, some vegetables, a bread with salami and cheese and a piece of Finja's pretzel.
It was delicious and for dessert I tasted my mousse au chocolat...
...I love mousse au chocolat and it was soooo tasty!

When everybody was finished with eating we went into room 9 where the results of our city rallye were presented.

I was in group 6 and our whole group
was glad that we weren't the last. By the
way: The photos were shown to our parents
and they had to decide which photo they
liked the most. The points of the questions
were added to this points and that was the
result. The winner team got some cups
with the Ernestinenschulen logo.

After this the evening in school was more or less over and we left the school. When we were on the way to our car we decided to go to the Bar Celona (how the name says a bar) for a very nice last evening. It's relative close to the school and it was 20:30 when we went in. We sat at a table upstairs and talked a lot and of course we also drank Cocktails (3

The left one was Mimosa's and the right one was mine. We tried both and both were very delicious I think. My cocktail was sweeter than Mimosa's because there was lime in there but nevertheless it tasted sweet too. We also shared a cup with liquid chocolate and a third cocktail but it was the last evening and namely a damned great one! I only enjoyed this evening without thinking that she'll leave tomorrow :(

This is shining bracelet we
got from the Bar Celona.
I gave it to Mimosa :)

When it was about 21:35 we decided to drive home. When we were at home we basically went upstairs and got ready for sleeping. Yes, this was a very nice evening and I think I'll miss Mimosa for the next days.

See you,

Departure of the exchange students- germany exchange day 7; Saturday, 13th May 2017

Hey guys!

This night Mimosa slept in my room because it was the last night. Well, we got up at 8 o'clock and had our last breakfast together. We talked a lot and we wished that the exchange would take a few days longer. In next to no time it was 9:30 and we had to drive to the train station. At first there were only we and 2 other exchange pairs but the others followed in time. Soon it was 9:57 and we all went to the platform where the train to Hamburg would leave. We all talked a little and made a group photo for memory.

I guess I was not the only one who felt sad when the train arrived and the exchange students got on the train.

Then we stood there and my mum and Finja's mum talked to our teacher. In a flash it was 10:08 and the train left. I almost felt like I'm crying but I still had no tears in my eyes :-/ Then Finja said to me: "Now they're away". I smiled although I felt sad and just answered: "yes, now they're away". We felt pretty strange because we had such a great time and now it was just over.

Yes, that was a really funny, amazing exchange. It was exhausting too but it was really nice and we got a lot of new experients. By the way it was my first exchange and I had a really nice exchange partner ;-)

~Don't be sad because it's over! Smile, because it was great!~
(a german motto)

I hope I see you soon,

My own chocolate bar!

Hey guys!

At the moment we have Whitsun vacation (1 week) and I've been to Berlin (Germany's capital city) for about 4 days with my parents. Maybe you know the german chocolate company called Ritter Sport - Well, in Berlin is a big shop where you can basically create your own Ritter Sport chocolate bar. I've done that two or three times before. But now they offer a big bar too and I chose that one. It was really expensive: That 250g bar costed 7,90€ ! But well, that's what vacation is like and it tastes good so it was fine with me. Now some pictures of my bar:

That's how the front looks like. There are 25 pieces (5x5 rows) and each has the Ritter Sport sign on.
Usually the bars have 4x4 rows and weigh 100g.
They also have those bars in the back of the shop (I think they have every variety which they have ever released) and I bought two of them too. I chose Brownie and Cornflakes.

And that's the back. I could choose three things that should be in my chocolate bar and I chose butter cookie, smarties and streusel. You have a great choice of what you want in there. It took about 45 minutes until it was finish.

When we were back to the apartment we stayed for those days I tried a piece and it was really good (3
Lucky for me that there are 23 pieces left. ;)

We also ate an ice at an old ice shop which my dad remembered from his childhood. The special thing about that shop is that they use spatulas to put the ice in the ice cream tub. So you pay not for each scoop but for each tub. Actually it's pretty cool and I wish there was one in Lübeck too :( The ice cream is sooooo delicious. Here are some pictures:

So, there are three of those shops in Berlin and we ate twice at two different shops. First I had just one tub with chocolate and streusel and my second time I had chocolate and cookie (which you can see on the picture) with streusel but cookie does not really look like cookie I think d:

We also ate at an italian restaurant and I ordered pizza margherita:

It was pretty big but I ate the hole (tasty) pizza.
I hope you enjoyed reading this blog entry!

Keep cool,

meeting; monday, 4th September 2017

Hey guys!
Today we had our first day in school after six nice weeks, so after our summer holidays.
And the students who'll travel to Poland in less than 3 weeks met in the break. We talked about the trip and now we have to fill out a profile for finding a good exchange student who's interested in similar things. So let's hope for the best.


meeting; monday, 18th September 2017

Hey guys!
Today we (the students who'll travel to Poland) met in the third lesson. We spoke about the important things for our trip (e.g. time of arrival, what we're going to do,...). After that we talked about our flyers which we had to make during our summer holiday. We told each other a little about our topic. When we had finished the third lesson was almost over.
The programm seems not very exciting but I'm looking forward my trip anyway :)

See you soon,

Arrival in Gdansk- poland exchange day 1; sunday, 24th September 2017

Hey guys!
Today was the big day! I woke up at 6:20 and got ready. At 7:20 my parents drove me to the train station. At 8:09 the train left in Lübeck and we drove about one hour to the train station in Hamburg. There we had to take the underground line to the airport. We got off at the station which was so to say under the airport.
At the airport we had a lot of free time so we could go to the shops or on the observatory platform and watch some planes.

My friend Finja and I went there too because for Finja it was the first flight and she also had birthday. So it was a very special day for her. Well, after some hours we could check in and go to through the safety check. After that we had to wait again. While we were waiting the gate was changed so we had to move to another gate. The boarding started very late and till we had finished the safety instructions it was 14:20 so we started half an hour too late.

It was a good flight but I was a bit tired after that 8-hour trip. We left the airplane and got our luggage. When we left that area we walked straight to the exchange students whose welcomed us very friendly. I went home with Mary (my exchange student/host) or rather we were carried home by the father of Ula (Melissas exchange student/host). When we arrived at the flat I met Mary's mother, her sister and also her dog Psotka and her bird Gucio. They live in a little block flat, not far from school. Marys little family is really friendly and nice so I'm glad to be here.
After arriving we ate something. It was chicken with potato and it was very yummy! After that Mary called her friends Ula and Marta and some minutes later they came with Patricia and Melissa. I was glad to speak with "german people" again :)

We went through a park to the beach and we also took Psotka with us. At the beach we relaxed for a while.

Then we walked back but we stopped for eating an ice. It was tasty but it started to melt so my hand was full with ice cream. It's just because the waffle was too small for that big ice.

Well, after eating ice we all went to Mary and played UNO. It was a pretty funny evening and when I went to bed later I was veeerrrryy tired.

So, see you tomorrow d;


First day at school- poland exchange day 2; monday, 25th September 2017

Hey guys!
Today I woke up at 7 o'clock and got ready. Then we ate breakfast (bread) and after that we had some more time before we had to go to the bus. The bus trip was about 5 minutes and we just had to walk a little. We entered the school through a little door and we passed a small way along some "jacket cages". They all hang their jackets in those big cages and we did the same.
Then we went upstairs and met some other students. We all waited until a polish teacher brought us to a room. There we were welcomed and we were explained some things. Also the finnish teacher of this page was there and answered questions to peda.net or rather helped the students with their problems on peda.net .
We also made groups for a drama, a cartoon made with a computer and a cartoon made by hand. Then we played some games with the educational psychologist of the school (like remember names, fruit salad & dentist). I think we had a lot of fun.
Afterwards we had a little break and time to eat our breakfast we got from our host family. When the break was over we went in our groups so I went with the drama group. We decided who will be in the role play, who will write it and who will make the scene. We german students had to work at the scene. We had to draw it so I was more or less unhappy because I went in that group just because I didn 't want to draw...
But well... After we worked for 1 1/2 hours on that we went bowling. We had a lot of fun but later I felt very hungry and I didn't feel good anymore. When we got pizza later and I ate a few pieces of pizza I felt sooo much better :)
After bowling I went with Mary, Ula, Marta, Patricia and Melissa back to the school because there was another project for some polish in school. Of course it was a bit boring for us german because we didn't understand anything. At least, after that we went to a shopping center near the school. It's named Galery Przymorze. There we bought some (or better lots of) typical polish sweets. Although I bought many myself Mary bought a few more for me. (Thank you very much for that!)
In that galery was also a fruit bar. We bought some smoothies and they were very delicious because they pressed all the fruits right there. When we had drunk our smoothies we went on shopping. We also met Weronika, Finja, Lisa and Kamila and we all went with our friends. We all met at 19 o'clock again and went home. There we ate dinner and after that I had a shower. Then we just talked the whole evening and at 10pm I went to bed.

See you,

City of Gdansk- poland exchange day 3; tuesday, 26th September 2017

Hey guys!

Today I woke up at 7 o'clock and got ready. After we had our breakfast we wanted to go to the bus station. Suddenly I realized that I forgot my mobile and we went back to pick it. Then we went again in the direction of the bus stop. Mary thought we wouldn't get the bus anymore but then we saw it at the crossroad and hurried so we got it :)
We met in front of the school and we were devided in 5 different groups. Afterwards we walked about 30 minutes to a city bus ehich drove to the city first. On the way we saw lots of shopping galeries.
When we were in the city they opened the roof and a tour guide came to us. He told us about the buildings we passed and some things about the history of Gdansk. We stopped at one building and the guide told us that there's a platform which we're going to go on. We had a good view over the harbour which is actually a really area. After a few minutes we went down again and went back to the bus. The tour went on and it ended nearby a church (that was also our start point). The special thing about the church is that you can go onto a tower of the church. And you don't go up with an elevator you actually walk up. There were 409 steps! It was really exhausting but I made it and I was the first on the top of the church d:

After that we went in a pedestrian zone where we started

School day and Escape Room- poland exchange day 4; wednesday, 27th September 2017

Hey guys!
Today I woke up at 7:30 and got ready. We went to the bus stop after we had our breakfast and took the bus.
At school we had to make a poster from the city tour yesterday. We didn't finish because we just had one hour.
After that there was a woman who knows about the gastrointestinal tract. We spoke about the youth from today and their problems and also about a healthy and good life style. In fact the most important thing is that you feel good and healthy so that you are content with your body and your way of life.
Then we had time to eat our things and afterwards we worked on our drama/cartoon. In time I began to feel ill and I wanted to go home to Mary. We tried to find our teacher and when we found her after some minutes and told her about that.
After everything was resolved we went home. I felt a bit bad because now Mary couldn't go to Escape Room anymore. I spent the day in the bed and wrote my blog a little. In the evening I felt much better. That's really important for me because I'll change the host tomorrow (unfortunately!). Mary and her mother will drive to a southern part of Poland tomorrow that's why I have to change. So, I packed my things and after that we talked a lot before we went to bed.

Because of my little illness I can't tell you more but I hope you like it anyway!


pottery and open-air exhibition- poland exchange day 5; thursday, 28th September 2017

Hey guys!

Today I got up at 7 o'clock and got ready before I had breakfast. At 7:30 the grandpa of Mary drove us to the school or rather to a church near of the school. There Ania waited and her mother took my luggage to her home. Then it was time to say goodbye. I was really sad that I couldn't stay there because she and her family was very nice. Well, then we had to wait again until there were the bus which took us to Szymbark.

On the way we stopped at a very nice lake. But we did not stop for just see the lake. Close to there was a tiny pottery museum. We were shown how to make it and we were able to make our own. Then they showed us how they make the pottery and then we could also buy something

Last day at school- poland exchange day 6; friday, 29th September 2017

Hey guys!

Today I got up at 7:20 and got ready. After that we had breakfast and at 8:15 Ania's mother drove us to school. There we worked on our blogs for around one hour. After that we worked the last time on our drama / cartoon. In the drama group we just practised the role play.

A day in the families- poland exchange day 7; saturday, 30th September 2017

Hey guys!

This day was the best and most relaxed day of the exchange. We got up at 9 o'clock and got ready. After we had breakfast we just relaxed a bit on our own. Around 10 o'clock we went to a very, very nice park. It was so beautiful there and the atmosphere was really great.

We walked through this park and talked a lot. We also saw a squirrel and walked along a lake.

Then we went to a cathedral and when I went in there I was really impressed.

After that we walked through a part where were lots of beautiful flowers


Bye Poland- poland exchange day 8; sunday, 1st October 2017

Hey guys!

Today was the final day. I got up at 8:30 and at 9:00 we had breakfast. When it was 9:30 we drove to the airport. Then we checked in and it was time to say good bye. We went through the safety check and then we had to wait at the gate. At this time my intolerance appeared but when our airplane started it was better :) We had a great flight but after landing we had to hurry a little to get the underground and our train back to Lübeck . At least everything worked and when we arrived at 15:20 I was really glad to see my mum and to be home again (although my host families were really nice). All together it was a great week.

I hope I see you soon!

Yours, Justine

docu week- Day 1; friday, 29th December 2017

Hey guys!

Today I started the docu week about our topic "food waste". I decided to start it after the purchase until the next purchase. At first I made a photo of our things after the purchase. 

That's our fridge after the 

...and that's our cupboard!

Here we have our "plate with fruits"

and of course the food 
for our cats (3

So today we just did our shopping.
There was nothing what we threw away.

Bye and until tomorrow,

docu week- Day 3; sunday, 31st December 2017

Hey guys!

Today is New Year's Eve! In Germany we call it "Silvester". For celebrate it we'll have raclette.
If you don't know what that is here a little subscribtion:
You have something like a tiny barbecue which you put on the table. Usually you have some really little pans on which you can put some things like sausages, corn or rather maize, paprika, ham or something like that. Then you can put a slice of cheese on that but you can also make it without the cheese if you don't like it. Then you put it in the raclette barbecue and wait. On the most raclette barbecues you have also the option to put something on the top like bacon, a little pork steak,... I think it tastes really good and I always look forward doing it. 

That's how it looks like. There are different types of 
raclette barbecues but we have one which looks
more or less like this. 

I hope you had a great year. My 2017 was a very good one. 
See you in 2018!

Justine :)

docu week- Day 4; monday, 1st January 2018

Hey guys!

Happy new year at all! I hope you had a great night yesterday and a good start in this year!

Today we started our barbecue season although the weather was not that good...
But well... today I ate some of the sausages which were still left of yesterday. 
We had put them in a glass box into the fridge 

 (That picture looks a bit strange because of the flash, sorry!)

After we had had our barbecue, there were some 
pieces of turkey left, so we cut of the salt and
pepper and gave it to our cats.

 By the way: Yesterday there were also some 
 slices of cheese and bacon left. We have put 
 them in our chest freezer, so if we need that 
 it still will be good.

That was everything. 

See you,

docu week- Day 5; tuesday, 2nd January 2018

Hey guys!

Today I'll spend a night at Finja's, so I won't document what we waste at home. 
Finja and I made some mousse as dessert for the evening. We had mousse au citron 
and also mousse au chocolate. 

 Finja and I made some "mousses" as dessert for the evening.
 We had "mousse au citron " and "mousse au chocolat".
 I prefer mousse au chocolat with some streusels. 
So, here's a picture!

Tomorrow, we are going to make pizza and make a cake for the afternoon.

Until tomorrow,

docu week- Day 6; wednesday, 3rd January 2018

Hey guys!

Today Finja and I prepared the lunch: pizza! Yesterday we bought all the things that we'd need.
First, we rolled out the pizza dough and made the tomato sauce on it. Then we put some things
like salami, paprika, tomatos, corn or rather maize on it (everyone like she liked). And on the
top of course lots of cheese. Unfortunality, I forgot to take a photo...
After lunch we made the cake. We had a lot of fun and that are the results:

 It's a chocolate cake decorated with Oreos,
 mini marshmallows and streusel. It was very
 sweet and I don't want to know how many 
 calories that one had... xD
 But it tasted awesome!

At Finja's we didn't throw anything away.

See you, 

docu week- Day 7; thursday, 4th January 2018

Hey guys!

Today we didn't "waste" anything. It was a bit difficult to document everything because I didn't
want to watch my parents all the time so I'm not sure at all if that was all we threw away. But I
think it was almost everything. The most food things we waste were something like peels of fruits
or vegetables. In my opinion that isn't food waste so I didn't document this ;) 
Tomorrow we will do our purchase for the next week so that was the last day of my little documentation.

Keep cool and see you,

Exchange students arrival- germany exchange 2 day 1; sunday, 18th March 2018

Hey guys!

Today my polish exchange student, Mary, came. They arrived at around 15 o'clock and my parents and I picked her up and drove home. When she had unpacked her things we had teatime and also ate some cake and cookies. Then we just talked together and were in our rooms. Later, we went with a neighbour dog outside and I showed her the environment; first the park close to where I live, then a farm called Ringstedtenhof. After that we went back home and had dinner. Because Mary was tired she went to bed at about 19 p.m, so I watched TV with my mum (The Voice Kids :) ) but I also went to bed soon.

See you,

(By the way, I will also travel to Finland in May)

City rallye and bowling- germany exchange 2 day 2; monday, 19th March 2018

Hey guys!

Today we got up at 6 o'clock and got ready. At 6:55 we went to the bus stop after we had breakfast. When we arrived at school we were early so we had to wait a little. Then we all met and got known each other. After that we formed groups for the city rallye and got prepared quickly although there were some organizing problems.
We hurried through the rallye and through the city but then we had a lot of free time which we spent in the city and at Double Coffee. At 13:30 we all went back to school for having lunch. I had fish with potato and cauliflower and as little dessert an apple. I thought we can go then because there was nothing else on the plan and we wanted to go to blacklight minigolf. For being sure I asked my teacher if we can go because we wanted to do something and she said yes. So I went with Mary and Finja with Weronika to the bus. But when we were in the bus and we were on the half of the way we were called and told that it was misunderstanding because she thought it would be an appointment. So we had to come back to school for evaluation of the rallye.
When we could leave again it was 16 o'clock and we all thought it would be something like 14 o'clock so we had reserved for blacklight minigolf at 16 o'clock. But when we arrived it was 16:45 and there was another exchange with spanish exchange students from our school too, so we couldn't do this anymore. Luckily, there's bowling in the same building and it wasn't really more expensive so we decided to go bowling for 2 hours. I think it was fun!
But when we were finished it was already 19 o'clock and the bus ride to my home took 1 hour because it's basically on the other side of Lübeck and the bus doesn't drive the straight way. So we were home at 20 o'clock and we were pretty tired because it had become such a long day !!!
We ate dinner and then Mary had a shower and went to bed while I wrote my blog.


Cooking and Citti Park- germany exchange 2 day 3; tuesday, 20th March 2018

Hey guys!

We got up at 7 o'clock because we had to take the bus at 8:08 and drive to the street "Karavellenstraße". We met there at 9 o'clock to cook at another school's kitchen (our school hasn't really one). 
When we all arrived at school we just started and made groups. I was in the group which prepared one of the main dishes: chicken strips in a cream sauce with vegetables and noodles. The other groups prepared bread, salad with dips and potato soup as starter; noodles and broccoli with cheese on the top (vegeterian) as main dish and as dessert we had a russian chocolate cheesecake, marble cake and vanillia pudding. The preparation took some time (especially for the main dishes) but we could start like the plan said at 12 o'clock:


I think it was really delicious and I liked the cake best (maybe just because I love sweet things...)
I'm so satisfied with the results of our work and I think it was good organized and for me it was a lot of fun!
We also ended in time although we had to clean the whole kitchen and wash the dishes and so on. When we left it was 14:00 and we drove to the Citti Park (a shopping center) because it was pretty close to the school where we cooked. We fixed a place and time and then everybody went with whoever he/she wanted. I went with Finja and I think we enjoyed the great time. 
At 17:00 we met again and took the next bus, maybe a little fault from my side because it took a very long way round, so basically the opposite of the straight way. So it was difficult to find a next bus to my home without waiting long. Luckily, we got one bus which drove in the direction and I could call my mum to take us from a station which was much near to my home than the others. Everything would have been much easier if we had taken the bus 2 minutes after the first bus at Citti Park...
But finally we arrived more or less quickly at home and that was in my mind good because my feet still hurt from the city rallye and walking yesterday and we both were also very, very tired. So I ate dinner (Mary not because she had already eaten something) and she got to bed while I wrote my blog.

Keep cool,

Workshop in school- germany exchange 2 day 4; wednesday, 21st March 2018

Hey guys!

Today the day started like a usual school day for me because we had to get up at 6 o'clock. After we ate breakfast and got the bus at 7:04 we arrived in school at 7:30. We went to our room where we would stay the whole day and put the chairs in a circle. When all the teachers were there we started with our topics: food waste and dumpster diving.
We brainstormed ideas and wrote down all the things we know about these topics.
Then we had a little break and after the break we went to another room to watch a few little clips about dumpster divers. It was kind of terrible to see what people and especially supermarkets waste... But I think in the USA it was worst; there it was like rubbish bag by rubbish bag. But in these plastic bags was still good food so it was edible. We got to know how many tons of (edible!) food is wasted every year, horrible!
After that we went to another room and made a mindmap about dumpster diving with lots of information from the clips. But we also had to draw a little. That's how the one of my group looked like:

(pic follows)

Because all finished earlier we had freetime until we had lunch. Mary wanted to go to Double Coffee with the other polish exchange students and it was fine with me. Finja and I went to the shopping zone to get some things. At 13:30 we had lunch including a little other break in school. Then our workshop went on with a dumpster diving expert. She does dumpster diving and told us about how she started, what it is like and lots of other things. We could ask her all our questions and it was a nice experience. We also presented our mindmaps.
I think dumpster diving is a good thing so I think it's a pity that it's actually forbidden... Why shouldn't people take the "rubbish" from the supermarkets when it will otherwise gets waste?! Would be a good way to reduce food waste and maybe even famine (Hungersnot for all germans ;) )
We finished a bit earlier because it was a long day and on Monday we ended much later than planned. So we left the school at 16 o'clock instead of 16:30 what was actually really good because Finja and I wanted to go to the ASJ (a youth group of the ASB what is a kind of an association of paramedics). We usually do something like playing games or something like that and today we should go climbing but that didn't work. There was no free place at the climbing hall so we played games: Viking chess and also table tennis. I think it was fun!
My mum picked us after that and we drove home quickly. We were pretty tired and had dinner. Then Mary went to bed (I can understand her because the days are really exhausting). I stayed with my mum and watched TV a little.

It was a long but great day!

See you,

School instead of Hamburg- germany exchange 2 day 5; thursday, 22nd March 2018

Hey guys!

We got up and to school at the same time like yesterday. Today the exchage students made a trip to Hamburg but we german students had lesson because we're not allowed to miss the whole week... I think it's a pity because it sounded really interesting. I'd have also liked to visit the chocolate museum, the Elbphilharmonie (a famous building in Hamburg) and have freetime there anyway. But maybe it was not that bad to feel a bit more like usual because an exchange also means stress although it's a great experience and good time. In addition you don't miss the whole school stuff but can get in there again (a little at least). Sometimes it was a bit strange because it felt like I went the whole week to school and I also couldn't really imagine that Mary will be back again at the evening. It felt a bit like some time ago... but luckily it wasn't that like :)
So when the school was over I went home and had to learn for geography because there'll be a test for me tomorrow :/
It's really unfair to write something like that during an exchange because you have to do something with your exchange student. That's the problem when you do an "inofficial" exchange so where you don't go with whole class.
So, at 18:04 the train from Hamburg brought the exchange students back and we picked Mary up and drove home again. We had dinner and then Mary went to bed. I had to learn for Geography again. I hope it will work...


Last day in school- germany exchange 2 day 6; friday, 23rd March 2018

Hey guys!

Today we had to get up as early as the other days. We drove to school by bus and the exchange students participated in the 1st lesson which was french for me. In this lesson there were also some other people from french-speaking Switzerland. So this lesson was really international: We had 3 polish students, 2 finnish, the people from Switzerland. 
It was also a bit difficult because we spoke English all the time and German of course. But now we also had to speak french... It was a very interesting lesson! 
Then the exchange students went to Niederegger to visit the marzipan museum. I'd have liked to join them because I also like marzipan but instead of that I had to write a geography test... I think it was not very good. I tried my best but during an exchange it's difficult to focus on learning. The rest of the lesson we had maths.
Then I also had Spanish lesson and after that my head was completly messed up dx
After that we had a bit WiPo (economics and politics) but we had to leave soon because we met in a restaurant called Affenbrot to have a last vegeterian meal together. It was really nice and I had pancakes with cinnamon and sugar. We talked a bit and I think we had a great time.

 The "Affenbrot" from inside

Pancakes with cinnamon and
sugar. Very delicious!

When we all had eaten we could leave. Some of us wanted to go to Travemünde (a part of northern Lübeck) like Finja and me. We went to the bus stop and when we had to decide to which bus stop we would go we saw the bus so we ran to the second bus stop. Luckily, we got the bus otherwise we would have had to wait 30 minutes. The bus trip took also something like 30 or 40 minutes. When we arrived we first went to the beach. Then we wanted to go to the toilet and went to Junge (a bakery) because I wanted to buy some rolls for the evening too. After that we went to the beach again and went along the water to the shopping zone. There we had some ice cream and we also went to DM (drugstore) and ARKO (candy store).
We walked to the next bus stop where it said that the bus will come in 9 minutes. While we were waiting we decided to drive to Finja and stay there for 1 or 2 hours because Weronika and Mary liked to do something together. It's also on the way and much closer to Travemünde. When we entered the bus we met the others who were there too.
When we were at Finja's we talked a lot or rather Weronika and Mary talked and Finja and I talked together (3 It was really nice. At 18:35 we took the bus back home. In time I relized that I forgot my mobile at Finja's but I will get it tomorrow back...
At home we had the rolls we bought as dinner and then Mary and I spent some time together, talked and looked for some difficult german words. Then we both went to sleep.

See you,

Nice last day together- germany exchange 2 day 7; saturday, 24th March 2018

Hey guys!

Today we slept longer than the others. We had breakfast with my parents at 8:30. We talked a lot and especially about school in Poland (so about the differences to Germany) what was really interesting.
Then we drove to Finja to get my mobile (3 After that we drove to the city of Lübeck (what's not really far from there). My parents went to a shop and I went with Mary through the more or less little and old streets of Lübeck. First we went on the east side and then along the Trave, a river around the city island of Lübeck, and went on the west side.

I also got to know the streets of Lübeck better because I've never walked in all of these more tiny streets. On the west side we also found the very small and tiny alleys. It was quite interesting and kind of exciting to walk through little streets where I usually don't go along. I just took some streets which looked like they could be typical for old Lübeck. In the end we found a way back to the shopping zone where my parents were. We met them there again and drove home.

A picture of a nice house on the "west side"

On the way we got some kebabs as lunch. It was delicious!
Then my friend came to me because she wanted to get know Mary. We played Bingo together. Then we wanted to go outside with a neighbour dog. Mary didn't want to what is absolutly fine because she had a little cold and we walked through the city for 2 hours. But she said that we can go because she also likes to spend time on her own to calm down and enjoy a bit on her own. So, my friend and I went outside with a dog for about 40 minutes. 
When I was back home again I had 30 minutes for me and then my parents, Mary and I drove to the"Fünününü" were we played billard. I didn't know that I can play it more or less good xD It was a lot of fun and I think I will also celebrate my birthday there. 

After that, I phoned Finja because we wanted to go to the BarCelona and I asked her if they'd like to come too yesterday. She said that they are still at the beach but will come just a bit later. We drove straight to the BarCelona and took some picture of us. When Finja, Weronika, her sister and her mum arrived we ordered something to eat.

I had some chicken nuggets with bread. It was pretty good!

After eating we also ordered some cocktails or rather mocktails (cocktails without alcohol). It was really yummi!
 (The mocktail picture is from the last exchange  
because we forgot to take a photo dx)
Then the evening was almost over. We were at home at 21:00 and Mary went to bed. I also went to bed soon because we'll have to get up early tomorrow.


End of the exchange- germany exchange 2 day 8; sunday, 25th March 2018

Hey guys!

Today we got up at 6:30 so very early for a sunday morning. But we had to be at the train station at 7:50. We had just a tiny breakfast because we weren't that hungry yet. The time passed really fast and soon we had to drive to the station. The train was in time but first we took the last pictures then it was time to say good bye. When the train disappeared I was really sad because it was a really nice time!

All in all it was a great nice but also exhausting week.

Keep cool and see you,

Arrival in Finland- finland exchange day 1; saturday, 12th May 2018

Hey guys!

Today the exchange in Finland started. I got up at 7:30 and at 9:15 my parents and I drove to Lübeck Central Station. We all met there at 9:50 and our train left at 10:08. About one hour later we reached the Hamburg Central Station and had to change. We arrived at the airport at 10:30. There we went to the Check-in and brought our luggage away. After that we went straight to the security check. We were pretty good in time and went to the gate. There our teachers told us what we should have done... But actually it was boarding so we hurried. We all entered a bus which took us to our airplane. We started at 13.05 (just 5 minutes too late) and arrived at 15:50 (finnish time; german time: 14:50). I think we had a good flight.

Some impressions of the flight :)

After we got our luggage what worked very quickly we went with the driver to a small bus which took us about 2 hours to the end of the trip. We finally arrived in Kotka at 18:00 where our exchnage studends picked us. Jenni, her parents and I drove to their home what was pretty close to there and is also not far from the school.
First they showed me the place where I can sleep and the rest of the little house. Then we had something to eat what were some noodles with cheese.
After eating we drove the way to Luovi where we will go on Monday by bike. Then we drove to the stable where Jenni's horse is for saying hello. Tomorrow we will go riding there.
Afterwards we drove back home where Jenni and I talked and played some games.

 We played animal upon animal where you have to build a pyramid from the 
 animals and you have a cube to know how many you have to put.

It was fun! After that I called my mum and unpacked some things. When I had finished we drank some tea and ate something little but I just ate some pieces of cucumber because I wasn't hungry anymore.
Then the day was almost over and I went to my place and wrote my blog before I went to bed.

See you tomorrow,

A nice day- finland exchange day 2; sunday, 13th May 2018

Hey guys!

After a short night I got up at 8:15 and got ready before we had breakfast.
Then we drove with the car to the stable. We first got the pony ready and then Jenni rode first. After that it was my turn and it was so much different then on the school ponies (much better because it was really sensitive and you just had to think what you want next). When we were finished with riding we washed the pony and also Jenni's [own] pony.
Afterwards we drove back home again where we took a break and I had a shower. Then we grilled and had pork, sausages, corn, and french fries in special form from the oven.

After eating I played the piano a little and afterwards we decided to play badminton a little but we had to play with a tiny real ball because we couldn't find a right one.
We decided to buy a new set after we have been at the grand parents where we went next. They talked a while and then we had some cake. Soon we left again and went to buy a new set. We bought the same again and tried it out when we were back home.

These are the things we grilled (3

 and the badminton set  

Before Netta, Finja and Josi came to us we made a pancake, a special big one.

Later some polish joined us and we played badminton and later on we went to a football pitch. Back at home the polish went with their exchange students to their home bit Netta, Finja and Josi stayed. We wanted to eat some pizza and went to a shop. It was really good!

On the way back home we walked along the school and they showed us the way to school because we will have to go there on our own on Tuesday.
When we arrived at Jenni's house the others also went back home and we both soon went to bed.

Hope you enjoyed reading this entry!

Keep cool,

A day at Luovi- finland exchange day 3; monday, 14th May 2018

Hey guys!

Today I woke up at 6:45 and got ready. After breakfast we went to school. There we got some bikes and had to adjust the heigh of the saddle. Then we started our trip to Luovi. I had put on my long trousers because I didn't know that it's going to be that warm...
But it was nice to drive with the cold wind. About 7 kilometers futher and 30 minutes later we finally arrived. At first we took a bottle of water and then we (all the germans) went to the lake. Some of us also went in the water with the feet. It was a really nice place and I took a lot of pictures.

After that all the students went to a more or less great place and we played some games with tutor students. Then we had some freetime and later on we had some lunch. It was fish soup and a typical finnish bread called Ristiperuna (rye with rice inside). It was better than I thought!
Then we had to work out some questions for the Hippala farm and main kitchen after Finja and I presented our results of our research to the topic "Kosher". The questions including answers you will see in my next entries.
When we had almost finished a teacher came and told us that there are pancakes and we quickly went back to the room where we had lunch. There we should take first one and when everybody had one we've could take more.
Then we prepared the last questions and had some freetime again. But soon we left this beautiful place and drove back home with the bikes again.
When everybody had arrived and had put the bikes back we could went home. There Jenni and I relaxed a bit and later in the afternoon Jenni's mum drove us to a swimming hall where we stayed for one hour. It was nice there and we had a lot of fun!

 That's the swimming hall. The 3 meter tower didn't open... unfortunalety!

Then we had to walk home again and also went to a supermarket which was on the way. The prices are much higher than in Germany at least for lots of things.
Back home, Netta came to us but without Finja and Josi because they were too tired. We grilled again and talked much. When Netta went home, I soon went to bed because I'll have to be at school at 7 o'clock tomorrow.


Hippala farm and school- finland exchange day 4; tuesday, 15th May 2018

Hey guys!

This day I had to get up early (5:55) but at home I always get up that early. I had breakfast and at 6:45 Josi and Finja came and together we went to school. There we got bicycles again and today we drove to the Hippala farm which is even farther than Luovi. The trip took us about 45 minutes and was a bit exhausting because there were many hills. We arrived there and immediately smelled the farm's air. I think it smells not very good. At the farm we got some impressions of the daily life with the cows and could ask our questions. Here are some pictures of my impressions:

(pics follow)

We also saw how a calf was born or rather saved by the farmer because the calf didn't come quick enough so the cow was too weak. At first the calf didn't move and breath but the farmer helped him (so it's a boy).
Before that we had something to drink and some ice. It was really friendly of them to offer this and the only two bad things were the smell and the flies which were really irritating.
Then we drove back to school what was pretty exhausting because it was very hot for driving so much by bike. But when we arrived in school we first waited in a music room and played some instruments. Soon, we could go to the canteen and after we had washed our hands we had lunch what was noodles with cheese sauce:

(picture follows)

Then we went to a room and got some laptops to write our blogs or used our mobiles for that. After a little break we went on with preparing presentations about our food philosophy.
At 14:30 the teachers said that we can leave but some of us stayed because a few exchange students are in a band and had to practice for a big show. It was so good and they have so much talent!
After practicing we also went home and Jenni and I made some noodles with chicken flavour and little pieces of chicken as little second lunch. It was yummy but maybe a bit too spicy because there was also some hot chili...
Then we relaxed until Netta, Josi and Finja came for driving to a shopping center at the city of Kotka. We spent there 3 hours and I bought lots of things especially sweets. Then we went to another place to find the others and after that Jenni's mother picked us and one other exchange partners. 
At home we had some dinner before I went to write the rest of the day and went to sleep.

See you,

Questions and answers from the farm

The questions we prepared for the farm on Monday:

1. How many cows do you have on your farm?
A: 100 milk cows

2. How many liters of milk do you earn per day?
A: 30 liter

3. What kind of cows do you have?
A: escera (?) cows and hostein cows

4. What kind of food do your cows eat?
A: grass, grains, wheat, oat

5. How many baby cows do you have?
A: 60

6. Do you take your cows to slaughter house and how?
A: Just when they are old and with a truck

7. What other animals do you have?
A: 4 cats (and lots of flies! xD)

8. How you milk your cows?
A: everyday twice with a milking machine what takes about 5 minutes

9. How big is your farm?
A: Around 115 hectares including all the fields

10. Do you kill your cows in a kosher way?
A: We don't know because they are mainly milking cows and we just sell them

So that are our results and we got an answer on every question :)

main kitchen and school- finland exchange day 5; wednesday, 16th May 2018

Hey guys!

I woke up at 6:45 and after breakfast we went to school. At about 8:00 we left with the bikes to the main kitchen in Kotka. The trip took us something like 30 minutes like to Luovi. There we went into a room with some tables and chairs where were some overalls and hats. We were welcomed and told how to put on this things, what will be the following steps and how we have to behave when we go through the kitchen.
So, after we had formed groups (like german, finnish and polish because of translation...) and had put on our things we went to the kitchen and washed our hands, disinfect our hands and our shoes with liquid. Then we went in the kitchen and were shown and told many things (pictures are enclosed at the end). After the little tour we could answer the most question and after a manager and a woman of the production kept little presentations we could answer all. Our questions about kosher and basics you can find in the next entry.
Before the presentation we got some pizza and some tasty smoothies. It was really delicious! But after that it was time to drive back to school.
There we first had a tiny break and then we had lunch. It was something like goulash soup with vegetables.
After a little break we got time to work on our blogs and got some laptops again. Then we had to sit in the food philosophy groups and went on with preparing the (Power-Point-)presentation.
After working a while we had to seperate in other groups again where you have at least one person of each food philosophy for the debate. But it was a bit difficult because in the end the group in actually was had only german students xD So we changed a bit and then we were able to debate. In my group we first gave some information about our philosophy and then we just discussed what we think about them, so if we think that's good or not, and exchanged our mind and if we could imagine to live with the different philosophies. 
After that nice talk with some other students we got time to improve the presentation (we needed a bit longer than the others) and when finally everybody was ready we listened to the presentations. The vegetarian group also showed a clip where you could see what would happen if the whole world lived vegetarian from now on. 
After all the presentations it was already 16:20 and we were allowed to go home. 
There we first got some grilled sausages and corn before we went to the stable. At the stable we had a lot of time before we got Jenni's pony ready for riding lesson. Because we still had time we went a bit into the nature. Soon we went back for being not late. After riding on the riding paddock we decided to go inside as outside were many flies. Then she got riding lesson and the riding teacher also could speak german because his mother tongue was swedish what is pretty close to german. It was really nice to watch Jenni and her pony riding also difficult exercises. 
When the riding lesson was over we went for little round in the nature again. Then we gave him some grass we prepared before the lesson. We left the stable quite late (about 21:30) but it was really nice there. 
At home we had some of the noodles with chicken again but this time with out chili (3 It was much better and tasted good. Then I went to bed.

It was a long but nice day!


questions and answers from the main kitchen

So here's the second part of the "Q&A"! This time from Kotka main kitchen.

1. Do you prepare kosher food?
A: At the moment no one wants but theoreticaly it would be able

2. Do you have a conection to kosher shops?
A: Not yet because no one wants kosher food but there are 2 kosher kitchens in Finland

3. What do you think about kosher life style?
A: / (didn't ask that question)

4. How much food do you waste per month?
A: (Depends -look question 5)

5. What do you do with the rest of the food?
A: It's different. Sometimes we sell it for a very cheap price.
Hospitals: Often to biogas factories
Schools: Depends on school (here

6. From who do you buy the food?
A: At big shops (at the wholesaler's)

7. How much food is there per week?
A: 70000 kg / month (everyday at 5 am)

8. How often do you go for buying food?
A: food comes everyday; for schools mostly already cooked

9. For how many schools do you deliver food?
A: 24

10. How do you transport your food to school?
A: In cold trolleys in a truck

That are our results from the main kitchen. Hope you like it :)

hiking and beach- finland exchange day 6; thursday, 17th May 2018

Hey guys!

Today I woke up at 7 o'clock because we had to be at school at 8 o'clock. From there a bus took us to a national park which was about 1 hour away. When we arrived we had the last chance for going to the toilet which was an earth closet.
Then we started our hike and it was quite different than I thought. We went much more up and down (almost the whole time) and there were many roots so you had to be careful where you stepped. In addition to that there were some obstacles or rather special things:

Pictures & caption

So the 5km hike was more "interesting" and more fun. At the end we had to cross the suspension bridge again... but then we had some bread and sausages made over an open fire. It was so delicious although my sausage was a bit cold on one side d:
After eating we had something like a little plant lesson and then we went over the suspension bridge back to the bus and drove to school. Back home we had some ham and potato slices what was very tasty.
Then we chilled until we drove to Äijäkkä beach. There many others joined us and also Finja came. We both had our swimsuits with us so we could go into the water to swim. The temperature was okay at least not very cold. Later on we had some open fire with marshmallows and heard music. It was really cool and fun because there were no teachers who told us what we may do and what not. I think it was one of the best moments in this exchange. At 21 o'clock we were picked up and at home we had a little evening snack. Then we had a sauna and it was I think my third or fourth time using a sauna. But it was of course not like I had last times. It was much hotter (more than 85 degrees) so I went in there and stayed for just 3 or 4 minutes.Then I had a shower and went to bed.

Keep cool,

Last day with picnic and stable- finland exchange day 7; friday, 18th May 2018

Hey guys!

Today I woke up at 7 o'clock because we had to be at school at 8:15. There we got some lesson called home economics where we just made some different pizzas and salads. We had pizza with mince, ham and tuna fish and one strawberry salad and one normal salad. I prepared the dough of the minced pizza with Finja. When everything was prepared and packed a bus took us to Katariina park. But then it rained and we students looked for something where we could stay and ound a little pavilion. When some time was over we went back to have something to eat. It was also quite cold so we all stand around an open fire while eating pizza and salad. We also grilled some sausages from yesterday and it was good but it still rained and felt cold.
As the bus wouldn't come in less than 1 hour we went to a museum; about 45 minutes through the rain and as good as possible close to each other to keep warm. When we arrived we were wet and just had about half an hour. I think most just spent it on looking at the museum's shop or sitting in the warm building. Then the bus picked us again for driving back to school.
We arrived at school at around 14 o'clock and there Jenni's band practised again what sounded pretty good. Afterwards we went home and for lunch we had chicken and rice. The rice with the sauce reminded me to some warm food glasses for little children and it was really good d:.
After relaxing a bit we drove to the stable and today I rode again too and also Jenni on her pony. But this time it was a big horse and not just a pony... It was much more difficult for me because it had a hard swinging movement and it was difficult to stop her especially from gallop. Anyway it was a new experience for me.
At home we had some last great dinner together and I was sad when I remembered that I will leave tomorrow. But the time passed and I had to go to bed because we will have to get up early tomorrow.


Helsinki and back home- finland exchange day 8; saturday, 19th May 2018

Hey guys!

Today it was time the depature :( The time passed really quickly and I would have liked to stay longer. But now I'll tell you about the day. The day started really early because I got up at 6 o'clock to pack my last things. When I had packed everything I had my last breakfast with my host family. It was really nice there because they were soo friendly.
At 7:00 we drove to the bus station where we arrived one week ago. At 7:30 the bus left to Helsinki City. There we made a little rallye (in groups of 3) after we brought our luggage to some lockers at the main station in Helsinki. When we had done everything of the rallye we had freetime which my group (Finja, Lisann and me) spent at some shopping malls and the market. I think Helsinki is a really nice city and the shopping malls were quite big. Here are some the impressions of the city:

At 15 o'clock we met at the train station got our luggage and drove with a train to the airport. There we checked in and went through the safety check what went quickly.
After waiting a while we could enter the airplane. On the flight I wrote some texts for my blog but the flight passed really quickly. When we had landed we got our luggage and then our teachers told us that we won't go home by train but by taxi bus. It took a bit less than 1 1/2 hours and we arrived at Lübeck central station. I was glad to be back again and to see my parents and later my cats again. But I also think it would have been nice to stay a little longer...

It was a really nice week and Jenni and her parents were very friendly!
I hope you enjoyed reading my blog entries of that week!

Keep cool and see you,

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