Lisann Prüss

Wednesday, 16.05.18


Today we drove the bikes again, but just about 5 km to Kotkas mainkitchen.

There we got a lot of information. 
Firstly a man from the concern made a little presentation and told us something about the rules of visiting the workingplaces. 
Following from this we had to wear special 'safeclothes' ( a kind of a hat and a jacket) and wash our shoes in liquid, before we could walk trogh the different rooms. 

We saw the place, they are finishing the food for hospitals and school, but also where the food for allergic people is prepared. 
I recognized the temperature difference in the rooms and they told us, that every food has to be prepared different.
Like, for example the school food: it had come already cooked to the mainkitchen and they make it ready, but it just has to be 4 degrees. 
(In the schools it is warmed up again)

While the tour we were told many interesting facts:
In the mainkitchen 14.500 meals are prepared per day! 
From them 570 are transportatet to hospitals and 8.500 are brought to the school also for kindergardens, caterings or homes for eldery people, for up to 30 km away.
For that he concern needs 150 employees. 

To demonstrate the mass of food: 
They need 486 kg soße per day!

After some snacks and Q and A we drove back to school and ate lunch. Then we met again in groups to write our blogs and prepare the presentation. 

Tuesday, 15.05.18

Hello again, 

Today we met at school already at 6 am and rode the bikes again, but for 10 km. 

After ca. 45 minutes we arrived at Hippala farm.

Like the farmer told us, that the farm was family property for around 250 years! 

They have 86 cows which are milked at 6 am and 4 pm. 
Exept that, they have "freetime" and sleep, eat and meet. 

After this little "speech" from the farmer, we went into the cowshed 
and could see how the cows were milked. 
Every cow spend around 30 liter milk! And this process takes about 5 minutes.

After that we went on and saw the calfes, which were sooo cute! 

Then we asked the questions we had prepared yesterday and got these answers: 

The cows eat mixed food with grass, grains and oat, and if they are ill they get antibiotica, so it is not Halal.
When they are old, the farmer sell them to the slaugherty.

Then we had freetime and drunk some juice and got icecream. 
And we also got the chance to see a birth of a babycow and then how it tried to stand up! 

At 10:30 o'clock we arrived back at school and waited in the musikroom for lunch.

After eating, we went into another room and got time to write our blogs and prepare the presentations of the eating philosophies. 

After the official program Noora and I drove to Kotka city, to the shoppingcenter. 

Back at home, we had a barbecue, which was very delicious. 

 See you, Lisann : )

Monday, 14.05.18

Hey !

Today is monday, so the oficial projekt week started and we all met at 8 o'clock at the finnish school.

There we get bikes and drove them for ca. 7.5 km trough the landscape, wich was btw very nice!

But we had always between 20 and 30 degrees and it was very exhausting...

When we arrived at a house near the water and got some freetime and then played some games with the tutor students.

After the lunch, fishsoup, we had to share into groups to find some questions for the farm and the main kitchen we will visit the next days.

We also taked about the different eating philosophies and I was, like I already wrote in the halal-group.
Before we rode back we had also some freetime to play Volleyball or something else.

Back at home we ate lunch and rest a bit before we drove by car to a friend of Noora and met many other students of the project.

Bye, Lisann

Sunday, 13.05.18

Hello again!

Today I spend the whole day with my hostfamily.
At noon we drove to go to a restaurant in Hamina because of mothers day, and though we had to wait for a long time it was worthit, because the food was very delicious.

I really liked the city because there were many little, coloured houses, which looked so beautiful.

And the park was also very beautiful.

After that we drove to a very nice park in Kotka and went there for a walk:

Then we ate cake in a café at the harbour, and after we met some finnish and polish students, we went around there and saw very pretty things like a waterfall.

Back home we watched icehockey and it was very funny because it was a game between Finland and Germany!

That was it for today,

bye, Lisann

Saturady, 12.05.18

Hey guys!

Finally, a new project week has started!
Today, it took us a long time traveling to Finland.
We met at 9:50 at the train station in Lübeck and drove to Hamburg,
from where we flew to Finland.

After two hours we arrived in Helsinki and took the bus to Kotka, again for two hours.
Eventually there, we met our hostfamiliys and I drove to Noora and her family, which took us just 5 minutes.
Then we had a BBQ in the garden and spoke for a long time.
After taking a walk around the block, we watched the Eurovision song contest.

That was a nice first day, and I am really happy about my host family!

Till tomorrow, Lisann ; )

Friday, 11.05.18

Hello again after all this time!

Tomorrow another exchange-week will start and I really look forward it! We will flight to Kotka, Finnland.
And of course we have to prepare many things.
One is to research something about different eating philosophies and to post the found information of one of it in this blog.
So here it is:

Mabye you've already seen this symbol. 
It's arabic and means allowed or permitted. 
Halal is an islamic eating philosophie
and includes special manners of cattle owing especially the way how it has to be slaughtered.

There are some conditions for the food to be Halal: 

1. The animals have to eat a natural diet. 

2. They have to be slaughtered seperately from the other animals, to avoid the appearance of stress for them. 

3. They have to be slaughtered by cutting their throat with a very sharp knife, and mostly without narcotic.

4. After that the animals must be hung upside down and all the blood must be arained.

5. That all must be done by a muslim.

But why are the muslims doing that? 

First I have to say, that I just researched that on the internet so I can not guarantee for it, but that's what I found out: 

You are what you eat.

An important statement.
Because if you believe it, you don't always want to become what you eat. 
And if you think, that the attributes of the animals become a part of your soul you don't want to become the 'harmful spiritual effects' of pork.

That leads to another point: Haram

That is the opposite of Halal and means not allowed and not permittet.
The two important things wich are Haram are pork and alcohol. 

So, that's what I found out, and of course it is just a little part of this big theme. 

Bye then, Lisann :)

Tuesday, 26.12.17

Hello again, 

Today we ate the same breakfast like yeaterday and this was our lunch:

The rest we took with us for a visit at familymembers so we ate it there together for dinner, and it was so dilicious, that we ate it all and hadn't to throw something into the bin.

To conclude I can say, that my family and I throw nearly nothing into the bin, so there wasn't any foodwaste. 
I am very happy with it, and so the project week is over. 

Bye, Lisann

Monday, 25.12.17


Today my family and I flew to Iran and 
had our breakfast there, wich is quite different then german breakfast.
But that was the best bread I have ever tried. 
Here a picture: 

If you're wondering about the blanket, iranian are nearly always eating on the floor.

A couple hours later, we ate lunch: 

The thing on the yellow plate is rice.

We ate the same dish at dinner and it's a big family, so we hadn't to throw anything into the bin.

Bye, Lisann

Sunday, 24.12.17


yeah, I skipped again one day, but like on Wednesday, nothing relevant happend at Saturday. 
Today is Christmas, and I can show you  
what's happend with the ingrediens, we bought at Thursday:

baked apple

An Irainian dish (My Stepfather comes from Iran)

And the dessert, risepudding with nuts, rosewater and safran.

We left the rest at my grandparents and they will eat it the next days, so I think nothing of it will end in the rubbish bin.

Merry Christmas! 
Lisann : )

Friday, 22.12.17


Today we went to the shopping center 
again, to buy ingredients for the dinner, duck. 
Here the receipt:

Today we threw nothing into the bin either. 

Bye, Lisann

Thursday, 21.12.17


I know I skipped Wednesday, but there wasn't any interesting information.
We bought nothing new and we didn't throw anything into the bin.
We often make one dish for two days, so we eat nearly everytime the whole dish.

So, but now about today, the 21th of December:

Today we bought the equipment for the Christmas dish and it was very much, because we always celebrate at my Grandparents'.

Here the receipt:

Today we threw nothing into the bin.

Bye, Lisann

Tuesday, 19.12.17


Today we went to the supermarket 
and bought some things, here is the 

I know it's in german, but that's not quite important, because we didn't throw anything of the list into the bin anyway. 

Bye, Lisann

Monday, 18.12.17

Hello again, after such a long time!

At the last meeting, a few days ago, we were given a new task for the Ersamusproject.
We have to watch for one week, how much of the food we bought and ate ends in the rubbish bin.
And of course we have to blog it.
So I am going to start with Monday, the 18th of December:

Today I threw in the bin:

Some old lettuce leaves
• An old bun from Saturday
• A piece of clementine from my breakfast in school

Okay, that's it!

Till tomorrow, Lisann

Sunday, 14.05.17


Today was the last day of our exange.
We drived to the train station and said goodby.
It was very sadly, more than the last time, because there we had known, that we would see us in a month again, today not.

After the last hugs and waving to our exchange partners, the train and with it the wonderful week drove past us...
: (

But how I wrote in nearly every entry, 
I really enjoyed this week!


Saturday, 13.05.17

Hello again!

Today my familiy, Natalia and me made a trip to Hamburg.
We left home very early, so we had the whole day we could spent in Hamburg.
We visited :

The harbor

The Elbphilharmonie

Some nice parks

A shopping mall

And of course many other places.

That was really cool, and it was very late, when we arrived home again.
We saw a lot, and I enjoyed the day with Natalia and my familiy.
I think it was a nice completion of this wonderful week. 

The last day starts tomorrow, 

see you! 

Friday, 12.05.17

Hi : )

Today we had had to take part of two school lessons before we met in groups to prepare the presentations for our parents, who would come in the evening.
They were for example about Rotenhausen, Brüggenfactory, the cooking workshop im Dassow.

I was in the Brüggen-group and we made a big poster and printed the fotos from this day.

After that, the finnish and polish students visited the Hansemuseum.

Then I met Natalia and we drove to my house.
There we baked a cake for the buffet in the evening.

At 18:00 the event started.

We gathered in a computerroom, and we were showed all the pictures we had made on Monday, while the city-rallye.The parents could chose each
funniest picture, and finally we count the points of each group.
The winner got cups on which the schoollogo was printed.
Watching the pictures was very
funny : )

After that, we ate our buffet and everyone could go to each groups in different rooms and listen to their presentations.

It was a very nice day, I really enjoyed it!


Bye than, Lisann ; )

Thursday, 11.05.17

Hey guys!

Today we met at 8:16 at the busstation.
20 minutes later we arrived and hiked for an hour trough a very nice landscape

till we saw the first animals: We were at the biology farm Rotenhausen.

First we shared into two groups.
After that we were shown the whole farm:

The cowshed

The cow meadow

The greenhouse

The field

( We could drive the tractor! )

Then we made our own butter.
We just had to shake the cream we were given.
Here the result:

And of course we had to try it.
The bread, coldcut, vegetables,...
we got from the farm :

So we had a picnic on the grass, wich was very delicious !

Then we had some freetime and went to the busstation.
Back in Lübeck Natalia, some friends and I drived with another bus to Lübecks biggest shopping mall and spent our time there till the evening.

At this day, I learned a lot about agriculture and I really enoyed the visit at Rotenhausen.
It was a great day!

Till tomorrow,

Lisann : )

Wednesday, 10.05.17

Hello again,

Today the german students had to be in school for the first three hours.
After that, at 13:00, we drove to Dassow .
There we should be a part of a cooking workshop.
But because of the insufficient organization some of us, including me, could not cook, and that was very unfortunate.
Tough, it was very delicious.
It took to 20:30 and after that, we just had watched TV and slept.

read you, Lisann : )

Tuesday, 09.05.17

Hi !
Today we had the first four hours school, while the students from Poland and Finnland were at Brüggen. (a cornflakes and müsli factory)
Then we met us in our canteen to eat lunch.
After that, we went into the computerroom to work on our blog, make questionaire about Brüggen
and talk about our self experiment.

At the afternoon, Lea, Julia, Natalia and I went to the Wakenitz and made a boat tour.

That was really cool : )

Then we went for a walk at the water and trough the schoolgarden (a garden with many flowers and trees.)
In the evening we watched a film at my home.

That was a cool day!

Bye, Lisann : )

Monday, 08.04.17

Hello again!

Today we did a lot of things.
In the morning Natalia, Julia, Lea and I drove to school by bike and met the other students.
Our teacher welcomes the exange students and then some of the german student showed them our school.
After that, we met us in our cafeteria and some of the german student made a presantation about the "mensa campaign"
Then we ate a healthy breakfast, wich was very delicious.
After a few time, we began a city rallye.

We shared us into six international groups and we started as the first group.

We went trough whole Lübeck and met many sights.
Our exercise was to make the funniest photos.

After the programm, Natalia and I were at my Viola-lesson
and met us with Lea and Julia to go for a walk in the city and eat an ice cream.

Bye, Lisann

Sunday, 07.05.17


today the polish and finnish exange students did come!
I were at Melissa`s konfirmation, so Mara and I drove by car to the train station to welcome them.

After that, Natalia, Julia and I went to Melissa`s party again, wich was in their garden.
I picked up Julia too, because Lea was in Berlin at her grandpa's birthday.
The weather was very warm and sunny and it gave cake, so it was a great party.

At six o`clock we went back to my home at the Wakenitz and the Drägerpark.
I think it was very wonderful.
At home we ate pizza and watched the film "Dark shadows" in english and it was very difficult to understand.

Then Julia was picked up and Natalia and I went to bed.

Till tomorrow, Lisann : )

Sunday, 30.04.17

Hello !

Today I were at Finjas konfirmation, a religios Party, when you take a part of the church.
And we drove to the beach.
They just had fish or Roastbeef to eat, so I didn't ate vegan.
It was a very nice party.

Seventh day : not passed : (

So I just ate five days vegan, but I think I learned enough about it, and the schooltime is the difficultest time to eat vegan.
I didn't passed all the time, but I didn't want to be a problem for my grandpa and Finja, and they were important partys too.

So, next week the polish and finnish students will come to germany and I really
look forward to meet them!

Bye, Lisann : )

Saturday, 29.04.17


today It was my Grandpa's birthday, so I didn't want to eat vegan.
Because it would made problems for my grandparents,
I would been the only vegan person.

Sixth day: not passed : (

Till tomorrow, Lisann : )

Friday, 28.04.17


Today I ate the same like the days before.
In this week I recognized, that vegan is not so healthy I thought.
Because when you can't eat meat and milkproducts, you have to eat more of the other things like rice, Spahetti (without egg), potatoes, wich aren't sooo healthy too.
But of course if you eat more vegetables then, it's good.
Also it is difficult to find food even there is just 2% milkpowder -.-
And for sweets I just can eat vegan Katjes or dark chocolate.

For dinner, I'll have rice with mushrooms and beans.

Fifth day: passed.

Till tomorrow, Lisann

Thursday, 27.04.17

Hi !

Today we had the girls day or 'future day'
And I was at the police as an electronic egineer.
We soldered and that was very cool.
There were many other girls and three of my friends too, and all had so yummy food...
and Lea and I had to eat our vegetables.
It isn't ugly- I like it but I wanted to eat waffels : )

In the evening I ate the same like yesterday.

Fourth day: passed.

Till tomorrow, Lisann : )

Wednesday, 26.04.17

Hello again,

Today I was hungry in school too, and so I went with Lea ( she chose vegan too )
to our canteen and searched for something to eat.

It was a bit later, so there weren't many things:

Pizza: with meat and cheese
chocolate: with milk
muffin : with milk, butter
croissant : with butter

So our last hope was a bread with salat and meat, we could eat the bread with salat, and so we asked.
But every bread was with creamcheese -.-

There is nothing veagan in our school canteen!
Maybe sometimes, but not in this 'hungry moment'.

Back at home I attacted the cornflakes and the oat-milk.

In the evening I ate Rice with sweet potatoes, which was very yummy.

Third day: passed.

Till tomorrow, Lisann : )

Tuesday, 25.04.17


Today was my long day in school so till half past three.
And so it was very hard.
I had food with me, but I was still hungry after eating and so I ate a lot at home.
It was difficult for me to find food in the fridge : There were just milk, butter, cheese...
And normaly I eat meat or cheese with bread, but I am not allowed to eat both.
So I just ate Hummus with bread and fruits.
In the evening I ate Ratatouille again.

Second day : Passed.

Till tomorrow, Lisann : )

Monday, 24.04.17

Hey guys!

We all have to make a challenge for one week.
We could choose the theme: jogging everyday, eat vegetarian or without sweets.
I chose to eat vegan.

So today was the first day of this challenge-week,
but I forgot it till the morning ; )
I was shoked, but had eaten just a free with banana, oatmeel and fruits.
So I got another breakfast to school, not bread with cheese, I had wanted before.
That was Ok and after school ( we had swimming, so I was very hungry )
I went with Mara ( she chose to eat vegan too )
to a shop, to buy food, but everywhere were a bit milk or honey.
Yes, honey isn't vegan :(
After I finally found something, I went back home.
I ate nuts and bread with Hummus, and for dinner I'll eat Ratatouille.

First day: passed : )

Till tomorrow, Lisann

Sunday, 26.03.17


Today, after we had eaten breakfast, we drove to the airport.
We all said goodbye and took the last fotos together.
It was very sad to leave them : (
But I think it was a wonderful week with a lot of new and nice people and a nice city.
I realy enjoyed it and I will miss my host family and the students I met : (

An hour later we were back in Lübeck, (the circle)

and it was the end of this exange.

Bye, Lisann

Saturday, 25.03.17

Hey guys,

Today I spent the whole day with Natalia and her family.
First we drove to the most famous restaurant in Danzig, wich sells typical polish food.

But we had to wait for an hour, so I went for a walk with Natalia and her mother.

After that, we ate very delicious 'Peroggies' (I don't know how to write)

Then we drove to Gdynia and Sopot to long piers, wich were very nice and we had a wonderful view.

For the last, we ate a bread, filled with marmelade, a kind of 'Berliner' in german.
They were very yummy too.
I realy like the food in Danzig!

After that, Natalia and I went to 'biedronka' (Ladybird in english) and I bought polish sweets for me and my friends in germany.

I realy und enjoyed this day and the whole week with Natalia and her family and the time went by so fast :(

Bye, Lisann

Friday, 24.03.17

Hello again!

Today was a very long day.
Program till 6 am at the next morning ; )

But let's start at the beginning :

At half past nine we went to a very big shopping centre to buy the ingrediens for our healthy menu.
So Maja, Emma and I looked for a lot of fruits, pancake ingrediens, salmon and the rest we needed.

After a long time we were finish and our food was driven to school by car, during we went.
There we worked again at our lapbocks and finished them.

Then we went, yes, we went a lot ; ) , to the ' School of Hotel and Catering Industry in Gdańsk (-->Danzig)
We learned wrinkles napkins to cool forms.

After that we went to the kitchen.
In the room I was, were five places to cook and we did it.

We had to cut a lot of fruits, so we were the last group, wich was finish.

So we servered the food:

A fruit salat,
pancakes with salmon, peppers and creamchees and
frozen raspberry-joghurt.

Then the teacher went to the groups and tasted a bit of everything.
At four o'clock we had freetime and I spent time with Natalia and we made cookies for the filmnight-buffet.

After four hours we went back to school and took sleeping bags with us, because we would 'sleep'
in school.

This night was very cool:

First the teacher chose the winners of the prettiest Lapbooks and the healthiest snack.
Natalia and Lea were the winners of the Lapbooks and Julia and I were the second place : )

Also Maja, Emma and I made the healthiest snack and won cups.

Then we saw the pictures we had made during the really on Tuesday, wich were very funny.

After that, we finally started the filmnight.
We watched Ratatouille, cloudy with the chance of meatballs (I don't know if it is the real titel)
and two more films, but in the last I slept.
Between every film we went into another room were was a big buffet with the healthy snacks we cooked before.

At six o'clock am the filmnight was finish and we had to go home.
And because I was so tired, ( I slept just two ours, because the film was so noisy and we slept in the same room were the other watched the films) I slept at Natalia's for three hours.

Saturday in the next blog,
bye, Lisann ; )

Thursday, 23.03.17


today at first we heard a presentation: 'Lecture of food additives'
We learned something about food additives and after one and a half hour, we worked again on our healthy snack menu.
After we had finished that, we had lunch and went to the jump city.
That was really cool !
We got socks for our one and learned to jump by a 'jump-teacher'.
There were many trampolines, but the best was a big pool.
It wasn't filled with water, but with big and soft blocks.
And it was so funny to jump into the pool ; )
But I think, I've never made a so exhausting thing like this.

After that, we were hungry again, so we went to a vegan restaurant: 'Avokado'
There we ate vagan Spaghetti and the chief of the reataurant shows us how to make a healthy smoothie.

It was with spinach, avokado and pear.
I think it was Okay, but not my favourite drink.

Then we went back to the school, were we shew our prepared rollplays about table manners.
After our rollplay, wich was good, I think, the finnish students show us how to eat dinner with the family.
It was short, but I recognized, that it is nearly the polish and german manners.
The polish students also shew us a rollplay and they also had cooked typical polish food.
it was a bit quiet but funny.
And they had prepared a booklet with table manners in polish and english for us, wich is very cool.

That was the end of the program of this day and so, Natalia, Julia, Lea and I were driven to Sopot, a city at the sea, wich reminds me on Travemünde here in germany.
We went on a long pier and made a lot of fotos.

Then we ate a waffel : )
With a full stomach, we went into the city and saw a pretty, old church and a funny house, wich looks like a wave ~.

That was very nice.

Best wishes, Lisann : )

Wednesday, 22.03.17

Hi !

Today we did a lot of things.
We met us at half past eight at a bus next to the school and then we drove to Lubiana.

It is a porcelain factory , which we visited.
It was a very big building and we saw a lot of machines and robots.
Everywhere we looked , was porcelain
In the last rooms were people who looked for broken porcelain, sorted it out and painted the nice ones.
After that, we went into the Lubianashop and some of us bought cups.

Then we drove to a catering trade and took a part of a cooking workshop.

While the cooks cooked the lunch finish, we visited the etnographic museum.
That was very nice and interesting.
We saw old houses , an old school and an old church.

After that we went to a viewpoint, wich was very high and wonderful.

Then we drove by a horse carriage back to the catering treade and ate the food.
An hour later, we were back at school.
It was very late, so Natalia and I just watched a film (Xman) and slept.

Bye, Lisann : )

Tuesday, 21.03.17

Hey Guys !

Today we drove to the old city in Danzig by tram and made a kind of really.
The groups of five people got some papers with exercises and a card of the city.
So we went trough Danzig and visited two museums.

The first was an example for an old home of the polish.
The second was the very nice "Musum of amber" it was cool
and I recognized, that you could saw amber everywhere ! Ambershops, Amberexhibitions,...

Also we went to a candy shop where we saw how to make a candy :-)
Near that, we saw a crowd of child from the kindergarden , who hold coulerful balons in their hand, and the polish stundents explained us, that they welcomed the spring.
I think it was so cute and I also realy like this town.

When we were finish with the exercises on the paper,
we met the other groups at the river and chilled for a few minutes.

Then we met the tachers again and went to a restaurant to get lunch.

After that , we drove back to school and went into the computerroom,
where we think of and wrote tree meals in international groups.
And we will cook it in one of the next days.
Then we had time to write our blog.

In the evening Julia, Lea , Natalia and I got icecream and were driven to another view point,
wich was very wonderful, because it was already dark.

After taking a lot of pictures, We drove to the biggest shopping centre in Danzig.

It was very cool and I enjoyed this day too.

Bye, Lisann

Monday, 20.03.17


Today we had to wake up early , bacause we had to be at school at half past 7 .
There we heard a presentation about the polish school
and saw a rollplay about eating in different ages , which was very funny.
Their school is not like our school in german.
It looks very colourful and everywhere you can see art by the students.

I think it is more like an american highschool, because they are allowed to use their mobiles
in the lessons and have a schooldoctor.
And they also have a pretty library and a reading room!
Sometimes they make filmnights or karaoke on the Valentines day
and for one time in the year every class have to prepare a song ,wich they sing for the other classes.

After that, we shared to two groups.
My group and I went to an art-room and there we built groups again,but of two stundents.
Then Julia and I made a kind of a poster about the potato,
because we all had to made a it about a fruit or a vegetable.
After that we had lunch and went to another room
where we played a Quiz and some other Games , wich the polish students prepared.
Of course , the theme was healthy food.

At, I think about 1 o'clock, we went all together to a bowling centre.
that was very funny and cool because we also ate pizza :-)

Then Julia, Lea, Natalia and I drove to a nice view point and we could see whole Danzig.

And we also went to a wonderful park and a church.

After that we watched The Hungergames at home toghether, before we slept.

Jes, it was a very long day but I enjoyed it.

Till next day, Lisann

Sunday, 19.03.17


Today I was realy exited.
We flew at two pm and arrived an our later I think.

Our host families waited at the airport and then we drove with them to their houses.
My hostfamily lives in a big block, in a flat.
They are very nice and I am happy to be here.
We talked and had dinner, I think it is interesting, because they eat dinner so early!
So Natalias friend Julia and my friend Lea walked to a big park and to the beach.

Because of the cold, we went to a cafe and drank hot choclates.
First it was a bit difficult to talk in english all the time, but when I got use it, it worked.
After that , Julias mom picked us up , and we drove home.
Then we talked a bit and now we are going to sleep, because we have to wake up early tomorrow.

Bye, Lisann

Wednesday , 15.03.17

Hey ,

Today we had time to write our blog.
So, I do this :

I and the Danzig group presented our scetch about the german table manners .
We had to get dressed for it in the lunchbreack , and it was funny to went trough
the school with a Zylinder on my head and the others with fancy dresses :-)
We looked so, because our scetch is about two businessfamilies.
Also we had to take plates and spoons from our canteen.

After that we talked about the fly next Sunday and how to drive to the Hamburg airport.

In the evening, Finja and I went to Sky and made photos of ingredients and filled a table .

Tomorrow we are going to discuss and improve the scetch with our teacher.
Especially we have to speak slower and more clear.

So, the people in Poland will see it at Thursday :-)

I realy look forward to Sunday !

Bye, Lisann

Wednesday, 01.03.17

Hi !

Today we heard the result of the 5 groups.
One group asked the students of our school, wether they eat in our canteen and why not.
It showes, that the students in the fifth and the sixth classes eat most.
Also they think , our canteen is very pretty and the food is healthy and delicious.
But the advanced level almost never eat in the canteen!

Because of this, an other group made a letter for the students and their parents to invite eating in the canteen .
Also they prepared poster with various slogans like : 'Good, better, our canteen.'
Or : ' Everyone knows Mr. Petersen, but who knows Mrs. Gerischer?' ( Our headmaster and our cook.)

An other group talked with Mrs. Gerischer to better the canteen and
about the things I wrote in an other blog. ( 01.02.17 )
One point changed : now we have juice and water , not just water to drink.

Mara, Maibrit, Lea, Anne-Merle, Lisa and I prepared and learned our scetch about the german table manners and presented our idea.

Tomorrow we will show our whole scetch, wich we will present in Danzig too.

Bye , Lisann

Wednesday, 15.02.2017

Hi !

Today we met us again for 90 minutes and talked about the german table manners.
And there were so many things !
So we made a big Mind Map on the blackboard and our homework is to order it in four groups:

Myself :

- Sit ca. 10 cm in front of the table , straight
- Don´t lay your ellbows on the table, just your hands
- Just begin to eat when everyone have got food on his table too
- Always give up the guest first
- When you click your glasses , you have to lock in the eys to your opposite person
- Eat with a close mouth
- Don´t use your Handy while you eat
- Don´t say negative comments like "That´s a horrible meal !"

How to use the utensiles :

- You have to hold your knife in the right hand and your spoon in the left hand
- The fork or the spoon have to move to your mouth and not the other way around
- the meal was delishes : lay the knife and the fork at 3 o´clock on your plate
the meal wasn´t delishes : lay the knife and the fork at 9 o´clock on your plate
- you are still hungry : cross the knife and the fork on your plate

Associate with the food :

- Don´t slup
- Don´t blow on the soupe or hot drinks
- Don´t take to much food on your plate, you could take more, if you was still hungry
- Don´t play with your food
- Don´t leave little, unpretty rests on your table

How to lay the table :

- The fork has to lay right of the plate, the knife next to the fork
- The glass or the cup have to be over them
- The napkin lays on the plate or under the knife and the fork

of course, it is difficult for every family.
For example, I am allowed to blow on the soup , when It is to hot.
And I also can lay my ellbows on the table or hold the knife in the left hand ;-)

After that we built four groups .
I am in a group with Mara, Maibrit, Anne-Merle, Lisa and Lea.
We are all going to fly to Danzig this march and prepared a rollplay with the theme:
german table manners.
We hope it will be funny !
Also we talked about Phase 6 , an app to learn the food-vocabulary.

Bye, Lisann


Hello again!

Today we talked about our canteen.
We brainstormed and wrote all ideas on the blackboard.

The result:

Our canteen is nice. The food is healthy and delicious and we can get a salat and a dessert for free.
We have the possibility to write a wish of a meal on a blackboard and then the cook is going to cook the meal in the following days. Of course, the meal is not Pancakes or spaghetti every day , but she tries to meet our wishes :-)
The room is comfortable, but sometimes It is too little space for so many students.
Espacially on our long days.

The cafeteria supplies ,wich we can get in the 20-minute-break , are delicious too.
We have a big choice of food,wich means : rolls,drinks,sweets,smoothies,...
The cost is Okay too.

Nevertheless we have some suggestions and wishes :

We wish us more salt on the food and a bigger salat.
And fruits as a dessert and more space to sit.
It also would be wonderful,if we got the food for free like in Finland or if it was cheaper.

Okay, have a nice day !

Wednesday , 18.01.17


Today we had an erasmus meeting for the whole day!
The students , who were in Finland in November ,made a presentation about their trip.
That was very interesting , because they talked about the difference between
german and finnish habits.
I wondered especially about the finnish food customs,
because they had so many meals at the day, I mean ,like the Hobbits ;-)
We ,here in germany, just eat for three times a day .
And their lunch in the canteen is for free! Why not in germany too ?!
Also they told us about their trip to Helsinki and to a church.
The pictures were very nice!
I wish I had been there , when they made a is no snow all the winter :-(

Okay ,back to the real theme of this text:

After that , we learned to use this webside and how to write a blog.
I think I is not so difficult, but the pictures are never where I want them to be.
I hope it works in the following texts.

Best Wishes , Lisann

What have done before

Hey guys!

I am a 15 year old girl, whos name is Lisann and this is the first time I write a blog.
I am happy to be a part of the erasmusprojekt ,because I am interested in other cultures, to meet new people and I want to know, wich things are include my food and wich is healthy.
Also I hope that I can cook better after the exchange :-)

On the first meeting about the erasmusproject the teachers from Danzig and Kottka told us about their city and the activities we will do if we fly there. I thought that it is more difficult to speak english,but it is Okay. First I wanted to Kottka ,but there were too many students who wanted it too,because it was the first trip. (in november)

On the second meeting the teachers told us where we will fly.
I am going to go to Danzig in March and I realy look forward to the exchange! I was already there ,but
for a long time ago.
Also we had to made four things till the next meeting:

1: An dictionary for food and kitchen utensils .
I draw two lines for german and english words and additional for polish and finnish words.

2 : And we had to prepare a foodpyramide.
The foodpyramide shows us , what we should eat more and what we should not eat so much.

3 : The third thing was the erasmus logo . That is my idea:

4 : And the fouth homework was a typical german meal, which you can find on this webside too.
I chose „Pears,beans and bacon“,because I really like it and It is a „grandma's meal“ :-)

Okay, I will tell you about the next interesting things in the next blog,
so have a nice day

Lisann:-) käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä