Lea Hollandt

Thursday 23.03.2017

Hey Guys
Today we heared a presentation about ,,Lecture of food activites" I don`t understand so much, because the prensetator speech very fast. I think that is because that was her first presentation before a class.

After that we could work for our meals but not so long.

We ate luch and than we went to the jumpcity.
The most time we are in the pool with balls off cellular material. It was really funny but also arduos.
So everybody was hungry again and we went to a vegan restaurant named ,,Avocado"
There we ate Spagettie with tamato sauce and cheese (all vegan) I liked it really much. After that we could try smoothies one with spinat, avocado and pear and the other with banana,chia seeds and spinat. The most people didn`t like it but I thik it was good. I will do it at home a second time.

As we are at school back we played our sketch. I was a little bit nervous but i could my text.

Than school was end and Lisann, Julia, Natalia and I drived to sopot that is a city on the sea there we maked a walk and ate waffels : )

That when it was dark we watched the city it was so beautyful.

Goodbye, Lea

Wednesday 22.03.2017

Hey Guys
Today we are at 8:30 at school. We drove at Lubian there we watched a manufacture for porcelain. It was very interesting but it wasen´t allowed to make photos.
In the end we could buy something And I did that.
I bought two thing:
A cup with a pretty pattern

and a cup with the periodic table for my grandpa because he help us in math, phisic and chemie so that was a really good present.

The next station was a cooking workshop, but I think it was not so good
because the cooks make everything and we coud look but okay...

At last point was a etnographic museum there was old houses and it aws pretty interesting because there was for example a school or a church copied
After that we ate the meal we (or the cooks) made in the workshop. After the meal that was really tasty we
wnt to a viewing point and at last we drive with a horse-drawn carriage back to the bus station

When we was back Julia and I only eat dinner and go to bed

Goodbye, Lea

Tuesday 21.03.2017

Hey Guys
Today we maked a city ralley therewe watched into two musees. Also we weent in a sweet schop there was everything on sweets you can imagine...
I bought sweet drops with a cow on it for my brother because his girlfriend loves cows.

In the end of the ralley we ate in a restaurant. The meal we becomes we could choos on the last day.
I took ,,Pierogi Ruskie" ( I hink thats the name I had to google it...)
And it give a pink drink but I don`t know what it was. It was really sweet.

After that we went back to school and we schould go in groups with three people.
My group was with Julia and Natalia.There we choose three meals and write the recips down.
The meal had tp be healthy and it must be an appetizer a main dish and a dessert. on the next day we will cook it.

Than we can wrote our blogs. And the student of poland become there blogs,
After school Julia, Natalia, Lisann and I go to a shopping center that was pretty funny : )
In the evening we drive to a viewing point and because it was dark it was so beautiful,

Goodbye, Lea

20.03.2017 Monday

Hey Guys

Today we got up very early ,because we had to be at 7:30 in school.
First we heared a presentation by the Poles. And they showed a sketch about food in different time.

Than the showed us the school it is very different than the german schools.
- you can use your cellphone in school
- they have a school doctor
- the classrooms hadn´t so many equipment
- many events in school like filmnight
It is more than an aerican high school (I don´t know if it is in america really so but so is it in movies)

Than we should go in two groups.
In my group we went first into an art room, there we were supposed to make a Lapbook with a partner (thats like a poster in small) about a vegetable or a fruit.
I make it with Natalia and we make it about a happy apple ; )
That was very funnythan the groups change and we go in a classroom, were we play games.

At one o´clock everybody went to abowling alley. First i was really bad but it was really funny.

some time after we ate pizza there we had also garlic sauce i never ate that before but it was soooo yummy.

After that the schooltime was ended and we could go so we (Julia, Natalia, Lisann and I) drive to a forest and hiked to a viewing point.
There we could see the hole city. It was so pretty.
At the evening Julia and I went at Natalias and watch the hungergames in english.
There we ate selfmade cookies and the best applejuice I´ve ever drink

Goodbye, Lea

19.03.2017 Sunday

Hey Guys

Today we flew to Danzig!!! I was (and am) so excited. At 2 o`clock there was our fly and one hour later we landed. The fly was really funny because I listen with Lisann the hole fly music and we had to say what is the name of the Song and we make a challenge were we had to paint things... ( :

When we go outside there stand our host familys and we meetus the first time.
My exchange studens name is Julia she is very funny and nice. And here best friend is Natalia who is the exchange student by Lisann and thats really cool.
She has a little brother and she lives in a flat.
But back to the theme...

The studens and their familys waited for us with ballons and flowers and somebody with sweets.
After that Julia, her brother and her father go to KFC and ate Pizza.
Than we drive to there home and I dressed something other and we go with Natalia and Lisan to the beach there we talked and drank a hot chocolat. And cause it was too late to go home Julias mom bring us home.

That was a long and wonderfull day

Goodbye, Lea

15.03.2017 Wednesday

Hey Guys

On this meeting (which is the last meeting we will fly at Danzig : )) we could write our blogs.

After that we should go to Penny and look what is in the food something like carbohydrate or vitamins.
But we (all people who will fly at Danzig next Sunday) should stay and we should showed our teachers the sketch. Than it was to late to go to a supermarket and everybody could go.
Goodbye, Lea

01.03.2017 Wednesday

Hey Guys

Today is a new meeting.
We talked about the results by our groups even...

- who eat in the cafeteria (the younger studens not the studens who makes their abitur in the next years)
- the poster that promoted for our Cafeteria there that something like good, better, our Mensa or Everybody knows Mr- Petersen (our principal), but who is Mrs. Gerischer (our Mensa cook)
- Say Mrs. Gerischer what she can make better for example more salt in the meals and the other things we discussed in our last meeting
- the letter for the politicers and the answers
- and last the idea for our sketch

Goodbye Lea

15.02.17 Wednesday

Hey Guys

Today is a new meeting for Erasmus.
Today we meet us a little bit longer I think 1 1/2 hours.
It was so long because we had to talk about very much and to this meeting we had the homework to wride down our table manners.
About that we talk the most time. In the end of that we had a big Mind map.

At last we should build groups. Because I`m in the next Poland group we doesn`t can say in witch group we want. A People of the next exchange were one group and we should make a sketch about Table manners.

That was it for the day
Goodbye, Lea

01.02.2017 Wednesday

Hey Guys

On this meeting we talked abou our cafeteria

And that`s our result:

- We have good and helthy food in our cafeteria
- It`s very good that we he to every meal we order we can take a salad and sometimes a dessert
- We can write down what we want to eat
- A little bit more food
- The Salad is a bit to small
- Sometimes fruit as dessert
- The meal can be have more salt

Goodbye Lea

18.01.2017 Wednesday

Hey Guys

Today we had the hole day an Erasmus meeting.
The people who are in Finnland make presentation, they talked about the school and their freetime
and they showed very many photos. It was very interesting

Than we learn how to ride this Blog and we have time to ride it. : )

Goodbye Lea

What we do before...

Hey Guys

- My name is Lea (Marie) Hollandt
- I`m 14 years old
- I have an older sister and brother
- I love read books and watch films (fantasy) and listen to music
- I play piano and recorder

And now to Erasmus:

On the first meeting the polish and finish people are there and talk about their schools
after that we became a paper with the programm and could say in which country we would
Than the first day was ended.

On the next meeting we had find out in which country we will fly
First I want to fly to Finland but there isn`t space
so I´min the first Poland group and I´m happy with it. In my group are Lisa Fechner, Anne-Merle, Maibrit, Mara and Lisann.

We had become many exesices even...

- make a dictionary
- make a pyramide for helthy meal
- make a logo
-write down a typical german Meal

I hope the time will be nice
Goodbye, Lea

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