Lisa Fritz

~Before everything~

When we met the first time, we had choosen, whether we want to go to finland or to poland. I wanted to go to finland. We got a lot of information and could talk with the teachers from finland and poland. The next meetings we had to create an Erasmus-logo, make a dictonary and look at food pyramids. Also we had to write a recipe, what we'll need in finland for the Masterchef Competition.
Day after day I became more excited. And then it alreday was the 13.11.16.....

13.11.16 Sunday

On Sunday at 8.50 o'clock we met at Lübeck Central Station. At 10.20 o'clock the train arrived at Hamburg Central Station, then we went by the Underground to the Airport. At the airport we checked in and then we had to wait about half an hour. Finally at 12.35 o'clock our plain flew to Helsinki. At Helsinki we waited for our bus, wich drove us to Kotka. 2 hours later we arrived in Kotka, where our exchange-familys (for 1 week) waited for us. My exchange student is Aaro. He and his grandmother drove us at home. At home I met Aaros mother Mari, his father Jari, his 2 brothers Anton and Santeri and the second exchange stundent from Poland, her name is Marta.
For dinner we ate bread with cheese and drank tea. After dinner we went to Ronja. At Ronja Marta and me met a few of the other students from Finland with their exchange stundents from Poland and Germany. We talked a bit about our different languages and some other stuff. After about 2 hours we went back to Aaros home. There we ate the second dinner and then we went to bed.

14.11.16 Monday

After having breakfast, we went to the bus and drove to school. At school we played a few games to get to know us and then we went to a class room and listened how is finish school. After that we had lunch. In Finland is lunch in every school free and it was more healthy than school food in Germany. After lunch we went to a computer room there we listened how Aaro explained us the food pyramid. Then we learned how to write this blog and did a little quiz. In the afternoon we drove back at home. There we talked a bit and in the evening we met about 15 other exchange stundents to do a snowballing.
Here in Finland is so much snow. I love this.

15.11.16 Tuesday

Today Aaros grandma drove us to school. There Aaro had to write a math exam, so Marta and me went to the music lesson. Here is the music lesson very different. We just sang songs with a band and I was allowed to play the piano. After these 2 lessons we all drove with the bus around Kotka. Firts we stopped at Langinkoski:

Then at the Maritime museum Vellamo:

And finally we went to the city centre and to the shopping centre Pasaati:

there we drank coffee and hot chocolate and looked a bit around in the centre. In the afternoon Aaros Grandma picked us up and drove us at home.
After having dinner, we talked a much. About 5 hours Marta, Mari (mother), Jani (father), Aaro and me about our countries and languages and a lot ofother stuff. Mari, Aaros mother, learns german and I helped her with some exercises. After having dinner two times we went to bed, it was after 24.00 o'clock and everyone was tired. It was a very nice day.

16.11.16 Wednesday

Masterchef Competition
On Wednesday was the masterchef competition. It was a very nice experience to cook with students, who can't speak german. In my group were two students from Poland, three from Finland and me. First Mio and Konrad went shopping. We made salat, potatos, meat and blueberry pie. After cooking, wich was so funny, we presented our meal to the jury and then we could eat it. At the end the jury said who won the competition, it was the group of Antonia and Patricia. On this day I learned a lot.

In the Afternoon I was at home with Marta and Aaro and we just talked.

After the first dinner Aaros grandma drove Aaro, Marta and me to Mio, an other student from Finland. At Mio were a few other students from Poland and Finland and we talked a lot and played some games,for example:
Everybody laughed a lot this evening.

Late in the evening Aaros grandma drove us back, where we had the second dinner and then we went to bed.

17.11.16 Thursday

Today we were in a little hut near the baltic Sea.
The baltic see was frozen and it was very cold outside, but in the hut it was very cozy and we also had a good view. After playing some games, for example 'silent post' in 4 languages, we baked Karelian Pasties.

It's a kind of bread filled with a milke and rice cream.
It's very tasty. We ate it at lunch with salmon soup.
Then a finish teacher gave us paper and pens and now we could paint. It was very funny.

After doing a quiz, at wich we won chocolate, we talked a lot. And in the afternoon we were picked up by Aaros grandma. With her we drove to a christmas market. It's a very big christmas market near Kotka, but for Marta and me it was really funny. This market was very small. She is from Danzig, there is a very big market and I know the market in Hamburg, so we always laughed when Aaro and his family said 'This is a very big market' :)

On the whole it was a great day ;)

18.11.16 Friday

This Friday was our last day in Finland, so we all drove to Helsinki. I never was in Helsinki before and I was very excited. First we visited Martat, they help young people to learn cooking for their own life and so much other things, it was very interesting. After that we went to fast food restaurant, it was very funny, because first a lecture about healthy food and then pizza and ice cream. Afterwards we had a bit time for ourselves and Patricia, Antonia and me went to a Souvenirshop near the dom.

When we all bought a souvenir for our familys we met the other students and our teachers.
Now we all went to a shopping centre.
We had one hour time to look around in little groups. Patricia, Antonia, Melissa, Tom, Paul and me strolled abit in the centre but it wasn't very interesting. So Patricia looked on her phone where is the next starbucks and then we went to it. On the way we also saw the hardrock cafe Helsinki.
In the evening we drove back to Kotka with the bus. It was a very funny return journey and we talked and laughed a lot.

Late in the evening the most of us met at Mio, to have our last evening together. This was so funny. We played some games, ate and talked about our great time in Kotka.
And we all were a bit sad, that this week is already over now.

19.11.16 Saturday

And this is already our very last day...
At 10.30 we met at the school, where the bus was already waiting. Everybody said good bye and huged their familys the last time. We all were very sad, that this awesome week was already finished. When we entered the bus, everyone waved. Although we all knew, that a few of us will meet next year, we were unhappy.
After driving two hours to helsinki, we had to wait a long time (13 o'clock to 15.30 o'clock). In the mean time we 6 went to starbucks, burger king and victoria's secret. And were so bored. At about 18.00 we arrived at hamburg airport. Then we went to Hamburg central station and finally at about 8 o'clock we all were in Lübek again. I was so happy to see my parents and my best friend, but also a bit unhappy to know that I won't meet some of the finish and polish students again.

Overall it was a wonderfull week, I will never forget!!!


Today we presented to our classmates, what we did in Finland. Then we prepared posters for our school. The other students, who will go to Poland and Finland this and next year, wrote their blogs.
When our blog is very good, maybe we have a chance to visit finland or poland a second time.


Today was our second meeting after the exchange to finland. We talked about our canteen and made plans to make ourcanteen better and more popular. We were divided into 4 groups.
Group 1: Our Canteen. How it is.
Group 2: How to make our canteen better.
Group 3: Make billboards to make our canteen more popular in our school.
Group 4: Write letters to different parties about free canteen food in germany. (because in Germany it's not for free like in Finland)

I'm in group 3 and we made very great billboards.


Today we all met again and the ones who were in Poland told us what they did. It sounds that they had a very nice week in Danzig. My friend Lisa lived at Marta, I already know her, because she was also in Finland and we were at the same hostfamily.
After they presented their journey, our teachers told us that we have to do a challenge the week after the Easter Holidays. Everyone have to do something like eat vegetarian or go jogging every day. I want to eat vegetarian, I would like to be a vegetarian anyway. I did it once, but now....not. So I want to start again.


Yesterday was the last day of the easter holidays, so today was the first school day and the day I started to be a vegetarian again. Today it was very easy, because also normally I eat not many meat. But anyway I don't think that I will be very difficult. Although sometimes I like to eat slami or mince. Let's see!


The last week was okay. And I decided to do it for 1 or 2 mons more or for forever. Today here in Germany is no school and me and my family made a big barbecue with a lot guests. Now it was the first time it was a bit difficult not to eat meat, because it smells so nice. But then my fathers girlfriend made me very tasty vegetables with cheese on the grill. It was so lovely of her. We talked the whole day and I was alreday exciting of the next week, because on sunday will come the exchance students from Finland and Poland.


Today we all met again, it was the last meeting before our exchange students will come. I heard that my exchange stundent will be Karoliina from Finland, I already knew her a bit or rather I have seen her when I was in Finland. Then some students prepared a presentation about the things we did in and about our canteen. My group made a little guide arround our school, which we will do when the finnish and polish people arrived. At the end we all got a student identity card and a bus ticket for our exchange students. I'm looking forward to Sunday!!!

Sunday 07.05.17

Today my alar clock ringed at 8 o'clock. I realized that today is the day on which Karoliina and the others will arrived. At 9.25 the finnish students and their teachers arrived at Lübeck Central station. Me, my father and his girlfriend picked her up and then we drove at home. There I showed Karoliina our hou and we ate a bit. When we all talked a bit we drove with our car a bit arround Lübeck and then we did a nice trip to Scharbeutz Beach.
In Scharbeutz we walked a bit at the beach and ate ice cream. The weather was so great and when we were back home we decided to eat in the city behind the Holstentor.

After eating pizza and pasta we go back home and Karoliina and me have gone to bed, because we were so tired.

Monday 08.05.17

My alarm clock ringed at 6 o'clock in the morning, I still was so tired, but I got up. I went to Karoliina, who sleeps in the room of my brother (he is at my mother) and told her that we have breakfast in about half'n hour. I went downstairs and at 6.45 we had breakfast and talked about what we will do today. At 7.15 we leaved home and went to the bus station. When we arrived at school at about 7.45 first we met Lisa and her exchange student Maya from Poland; and then all the others.
Foremost Mrs. Schütt and Mr. Petersen welcomed us and then she told us the programm of the week. Then Josi and me showed the half of our guests our school, the guide we already prepared last week. 30 minutes later we all met in our canteen and had a second breakfast.

After having breakfast some german students present their presentation about
our canteen and then we were divided in 6 groups. The groups were built because of a city ralley we wanted to do. We had to go to 15 places in Lübeck downtown and take a photos of our group and the sights, depends on our task. Sometimes we also have to answer a question.
My group: Josi (Ger), Finja (Ger), Lea (Ger), Linda (Fin), Julia (PL).
And here some photos:

We had much fun and walked about 3 hours through Lübeck.
When we were back at school our teachers said that we are allowed to go and we will see us tomorrow. Me, Lisa, Josi, Mara, Patricia, Anne-Merle and Maibrit drove with the bus to Travemünde. There we walked along the promanade and looked into a few shops. We took a lot photos on the beach and the jetty and it
was very nice.

After that we all were hungry and went to a restaurant where we bought cocoa, coffee and waffles. We talked a lot and had a great time. I already like them all so much!

In the evening we drove back with the train to Lübeck central station. Frome there me and Karoliina went back home.

Tuesday 09.05.17

This morning we woke up the same like yesterday and at about 7.45 we were at school. There our guest students went with their and german teachers to Brüggen and we, the german students, had 4 lessons.
After having 4 lessons, we finally could go to the canteen, where our guest students already waited. In the canteen we all got a free meal and talked. At about 13.30 we went to room 9. There the polish and finish students told us a bit about their day at Brüggen and after that we all could write about the self-experience Challenge in our blog (my comment will follow in the next entry). At 15.00 we were ready and could go. Patricia, Josi, Anne-Merle and me and our guest students went to CITTI-Park a shopping
centre in Lübeck.

We drove with the bus and when we arrived Karoliina, May and Sini went shopping and Josi, Patricia, me, Anne and her guest student went to Duglas and DM and only walked and talked a bit. About 1 hour later we were hungry and go to the restaurant department. There we ate Pizza an Josi ate asian. It was very tasty.
After eating we went to IMMERGRÜN and there we all bought us smoothies.
Then it was already 18.00, the time we wanted to meet our finish guest. After meeting them we went to a very big ice cafeteria.
At last we went to DM, because we had to wait 'till some students will picked up. It was very funny, because we tasted parfume on Mays arms and so her arms smelled very much like parfume. Then the guest bought chocolate and Josi and I were waiting for them.
At 19.00 we leaved CITTI-Park and drove with the bus back to ZOB bus central station. From there Karoliina and me went home and were very tired. But it was a very funny day.

Karoliinas Challenge

Karoliinas Challenge was not to eat crispbread. For her it was not easy but definitely possible. Sometimes it was very easy and sometimes not. But I think at the end of the challenge she could be proud but also lucky that she can eat cripbread now again.
If you read that Karoliina, I think you did your Challenge very well!
For me your challenge wouldn't be diffucult, because I very rare eat crispbread, almost never ;)

Wednesday 10.05.17

When we woke like the last day we had 2 lessons with our guest students.
8.00-9.00 naturales sciences
9.10-10.10 geography
I think for the students from finnland and poland it was not very interesting, because they couldn't understand anything. After these 2 lessons our guests went to Niederegger and we had 2 other lessons.
Then we all met in our canteen and ate together.

At 14.00 we took the bus to Dassow, there we wanted to cook a menu. We went a bit from the bus station to the place we wanted to cook and then we arrived. One cook showed us the house and places we can go, when the other students are cooking. Then he told us what we are going to cook and who will make what.Lisa and me were in the last group, so we went downstairs and played airhockey.
It was very funny and we laughed a lot. Then we discovered by chance a music room with a piano and drums. We asked if we can play and one of the cooks say we are allowed to. So I played the piano and we make a bit music. Sometime some other students came downstairs and made a bit music too. Later our teacher came and told us that the meal is ready now. We were very confused because we hadn't cooked yet and nobody summoned us. Mrs Lehmann apologized, but said that she couln't do anything now. We said that it is okay and went upstairs to go eating.
First we ate Spaghetti bolognese vegetarian.

Then Asparagus with meat and sweet potatoes.

At last but not least Semolina porridge with strawberries.

Everything was very tasty!!! Too bad we couldn't cook with them.
Then we cleared the table and went outside. There we realized that our bus will come in 8 minutes, but the way to the station takes at least 10 minutes. So everybody startet to run!

When we arrived the bus station, the bus was alreday there and wanted to drive away so some of us jumped in the bus quickly. The others still stood next to the bus and had just noticed that two polish students weren't here. Were they forgotten? Then some other students arrived the bus. But not the two polish.
Then the busdriver drove with us away and the half of us, including the teachers, still stood there. We all were shocked and said to the busdriver he have to stop, but he just said that he have to comply with his timetable. So we drove away and the others have to wait for the next bus. We all hoped that they found the two polish students.
In the evening Karoliina and me were very tired like every day, so we went to bed.

Thursday 11.05.17

Today we woke up a bit later, because we will meet at 8.10 at the bus station Sandstraße. Our plans for today were visiting the farm Rotenhausen and then we wanted to go to Lisa and Maja to make cookies for Friday evening. But just as we leave home to go to the bus station Lisa wrote me a message. She said that Maja is ill, they won't come today and we can't come today evening, so she will make the cookies without us.
When we arrived with the bus at the bus station near Krumesse we still had to walk about 45min to the farm. At the farm we were divide in two groups. The two groups were shown different places on the farm. My group was told about three fields of economic and we saw the chicken.
Then the two groups met again and we all made our own butter. We had to shake a little plastic bottle until it's butter. After some time it was very exhausting. But the butter was very tasty. After making butter the farm had for us a free picnic with bread, salat and marmalade. Some of us also visiting the little shop.
On the walk back to the bus station Mara told me that she and the most of the others will drive to the LUV Centre and then to her in the evening. I said that I can come, because Maja and Lisa are ill.
Arrived at the bus station we drove to the LUV Centre to go shopping.
There we determined a meeting point and met us one hour later. Then some of us bought a hot dog at Ikea and me, Josi, Patricia and Lea bought ice cream.
Slowly we went to the bus station at Ikea/LUV. The bus drove us to Mara. When we arrived at Mara we were so many girls :). Anne-Merle, julia, Julia, Karoliina, Lea, Lisann, Josi, Maibrit, Mara, May, Natalia, Patricia, Patrycja, Sini, Zuziaa and me ( I hope I don't forget anyone). We ordered a big pizza and played a dance and sing game on the wii. It was so funny!!!We laughed a lot und it was such wonderful. I will miss them all so much!Then in the evening my father picked me and karoliina up and we drove home, the weather was so nice.

Friday 12.05.17

Today is the last day, before the finnish students will leave tomorrow morning. Karoliina and me woke up like everyday and went to school. At school we all had two lessons. First physics and then english. After these lessons we prepared presentations for today evening. We were devided in 3 Groups.
1. Brüggen
2. Cooking Workshop
3. Farm Rothenhausen
I was in group 1.
Some finnish and polish students wrote the text, because the german students weren't at Brüggen. Some german students made the poster and Josi, Lisa and me traslated the text in german, because today evening we had to present it to our familys and maybe some can't understand english very well.Then the guest students went to the Hansemuseum and we, the german students, prepared some other things for the evening.
When our guest came back, Josi and Sini, Lisa and Maja and me and Karoliina drove to my home and cooked noodles. We talked a bit and heard music and then we already drove back to the city. Slowly we walked trought the city to our school and went into some shops. At 17.30 we arrived at our school and helped a bit to setup the tables and chairs and made the rooms, where we wanted to present, ready.At 18.00 our familys came. From my family came my father with his girlfriend, my mother and my brother. When all familys arrived they went from room to room and listened to our presentations.

Then the buffet was opened. The cookies which were made by Lisa, were the best cookies I ever eat. Omg I love them!!!
After eating we all went to room 9. There all the familys could vote for the best picture (the photo game, Monday) and the best group wons. It was not my group, but that's not bad. Karoliinas team won so she got an Ernestinenschule - cup. I tread it to her, for her it's better than for me. After the presentation ceremony we all went home.

Yes this was already the last day with our exchange students...

Saturday 13.05.17

Oh no today is already the last day of our exchange week :(
The week was much too short! Very exhausting, but too short!
At 8.00 we woke up and Karoliina packed her things into her bag. At 9.00 we had breakfast and after breakfast we drove to the central station. There we met all the other german students having a fimish guest. And we even met some german students who have a polish guest, because the polish guests will leave tomorrow, so they wanted to go shopping in hamburg today. Then we went slowly to the platform. Everybody was very sad... We took photos and talked a bit. We all will miss the others and hope that we all will see sometime again. Then the train arrived. We all huged each other and said that we will miss you. Then they entered the train.

And then the train went off...

Now they are away and I will miss this time a lot, but it was one of my greatest weeks ever!
Miss you!


Hey guys, I have to tell you something!
A few weeks ago our teachers told us that the one with the best student blog will go to Danzig! So today we all went to Mrs. Schütt and she told us who has the best blog. First she said: Melissa. She also was in Finland like me. Then Henri, he wasn't in Finland or Poland, but now he will visit Kotka and Danzig. And then.. she said Lisa. Yes me! So I will come to Danzig!!! I'm so excited. I will meet some of you again. And then at the and I had been visited Kotka and Danzig. I'm so lucky about it! At last she said: Patricia, she also was in Finland with me. I think it will be a very great time!
Lisa käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä