Mara Sass

Sunday 19.03


Sunday was the day on wich our exchange have begun. We meet use in the morning to drive together to Hamburg. Our fly started at Hamburg Airport so we must drive 45minutes. After the Check in and anything the fly started.
After 1 hour we land
in Gdansk. On the Airpot waited our exchange families so we cought drive to their home. My exchange partner was a friendly girl she live in a flat. It was very different to my house but it was very Intresting, To eat something we go in the neighbour flat from her grandmother. Her Grandmother was very friendly. When we was finished with eat we meet Maibrit with her exchange partner. Together we drive to Supot. Supot was beautiful it was on the water and little shops I loved it their. First we walked at the pier and then we go to a cafe to drink a Frapucino. then we looked at some shops and made some pictures.
In the evening I was very tiered so I go sleep early XoXo Mara


I wont to explain your the 19.01.2017. On this Wednesday we go to school like everyday but we did not do normaly lessons with our classmates. We make the hole day Erasmus. On this day we had learned a much but we also had a much of fun. Firt we signing on and creat our own Blog but before we have time to write the first blog the other persons who was in kotka tell us alle about their travel. It was very intresting to hear all about their host families and their residence. After that we began to write our Blog and make some beautiful pictueres.
XoXo Mara

My first blog

My name is Mara and in the photo you see my school: Ernestinen Schule.

During working on the Erasmus project we did many interesting things and now I'm going to tell you about those.
In the beginning everyone of us had to buy a little book to take notes, for example write down special words and other interesting things. First we drew some pictures or cut a few out we discoverd in magazines and wrote down what these pictures show, in German and English. The vocabulary section is devided in two parts:
The first part is filled with kitchen appliances. For example a cooker, a dishwasher or a spoon.
In the second part is food like chocolate, salt, strawberry or cheese.

Futhermore we wrote other things in this little book too. In the other section of the book is a food pyramid and yummy recipes. On the first page of the book is a little loose note with a drawn Erasmus logo on. Everybody from the German students had to design an Erasmus logo.
I hope you understand everything what I have written, because I'm not the best English speaker, that is why I may have written some things wrong.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading my little text,
XoXo Mara