Paul Kistner

The fith day of our german exchange ( Friday 12.5.2017) - MY LAST DAY

On Friday we had much time to prepare our presentations for the evening, because the teachers wanted us to make in small groups presentations for the parents about the things we did in this week. I had to make a poster with four other students from Germany about Thursday when we have been on the ecological farm and we had to tell general things about the farm. Then we had some time at home to prepare some little things to eat for the evening because we had a dinner with the parents and the exchange students there in school. I made some pretzles, some with salt and some without. On the buffet were many tasty things like filled baguette or apple cake. My pretzles were all taken after five or six minutes. It was a nice evening with our presentation and the results of the rallye, our group got place four with another group. On Saturday and Sunday trhe exchange students from the other two countries flew away but I had no exchange student so I wasn´t very important for me.

The fourth day of our german exchange ( Thursday 11.5.2017)

Today we visited an economical farm called "Gut Rothenhausen" and what is a farm which uses no chemicals. They explained us many very interesting things about their farm and after that we were divided in two different groups: one was with polish and german, one with finnish and german, which was my group. Our group went first to a field where the guy from the farm told us something about the fruit rotation and then we went back to the farm. There we met the other group again and our group got a new leader, which went with us to the chickens and there we went in three different groups because he explained us that the chicken don´t like many people. We were allowed to tae them and we saw the place where they put their eggs. Later we were one big group agan, with finnish, polish and german and we made butter. We had a jar filled with sour cream and we shaked it for a long time and then it was buttermik and a little bit of butter. We tasted the buttermilk and it was sour but tasty. After that we made a picnic with the things they produce there like cheese or jam and it was very tasty. Then we went back to the bus stop and drove back home.

Third day of german exchange ( Wednesday 10.5.2017)

On the third day of the week where the finnish and polish people come to Germany I had normal lessons and the german people which have exchange partners went with them to a cooking workshop in a vilage near Lübeck. I had lessons until 12:35, because it was a short day in school, but I think the cooking workshop took longer than this. After that the exchange students had time with thir hosts and I had a regular day.

The second day of german exchange ( Tuesday 9.5.2017)

Today the exchange students from Finnland anf Poland visited a cereals factory called "Brüggen" and what is very famous here in Germany. In this time I and the other guys from Germany had regular lessons and from 13:30 to 14:30 we had lunch together.After that one finish and one polish had to tell two german people what they did there, because we weren´t with them and had to interview them. I made with the german guy Mats and his exchange partner Rafal from Poland and he told us many interesting things about what was interesting for him. Now we have some time to work on our blogs and later on we will have time with our families.

The first day of the german exchange (08.05.2017)

Today it was the first day we had with the exchange partners from Poland and from Finnland.
We first made a tour through our school in two groups and we ended with the mensa where we ate breakfast then. After that, other German students had a presentation about the mansa campaign they made. Then the largest part of the day got started: A rallye through the town what was very exhausting, but at 14:30 we finished. We had to do some exercises about the places and to make some photos.
Then I finally came home, I have no exchange partner, and we celebrated the birthday of my mother.

The second day of the german exchange (09.05.2017)

Toda we had the first four hours normal lessons in our classes while the exchange partners went to a cereals company called "Brüggen" after that we had luch in our mensa and no we work on our blogs. we

The fifth challenge day, friday (28.04.2017) + meeting

Today I´ve nearly done it! The day after tomorrow is already the last day of my challenge. Today we ate potatoes with fish, in my opinion the best meat replacement. I hope that I got the challenge as well as in the week, because I will have more time at the weekend. Today we also had a short meeting in one break and we talked about the programm for the week where the Polish and the Finnish people visit us.

The fourth challenge day, thursday (27.04.2017)

Today we had a future day on our school, what means that we go in a job, that is typical for the other gender, so I went in a day care center until the afternoon. When I was at home we ate some kind of noodles what we call in German " Spätzle" and because I was away a long time I didn´t really realized the challenge.

The first challenge day, monday (24.04.2017)

Today it was the first day of my challenge to eat no meat the whole day. We ate vegetables baked with cheese and it wasn´t really hard because one day without meat is ok but I´m scared of the next week.

Meeting Friday (31.03.2017)

Today we had our last meeting before the holidays. It wasn´t like every other meeting on Wednesday, it was on Friday and just took 1 hour. First the group that has been in Poland presented their exchange and told us all the things they have made. The things were completely different than the things we have done in Finland. After that we talked about challenges for the week after the easter hoildays and that the Polish and Finnish people are going to do this too. I said I won´t eat meet this week, there were other things of the other stundents like no sugar or something like that.

This photo is from the page of "Poland- I am what I eat" what you can find easily.

Meeting Wednesday (15.03.2017)

Today we had another meeting and it wasn´t as long as the others, it took like one hour. In this hour we saw the presentation of the gruop that goes to Poland and their roleplay was really good. After that we had much time to write in our blogs and those who wanted to write more were allowed to stay there longer than the others to write their blogs on the computers of the school. You can find their blogs like mine,you have to go to "students blogs", then to "German students", and there is a list with all of them.

Meeting Wednesday (01.03.2017)

In that meeting our groups had to present our results and the things the other groups made were very interesting, the only group that didn´t present their result in front of all the other stundents was the one with the roleplay. After that we had to go in two different groups to two different supermarkets near the school and we had a piece of paper with a table about food on it, which we had to fill in. Our group came a little bit too late back to the school although we really hurried up! Here is a picture of the table:

Meeting Wednesday (15.02.2017)

Today we had the next meeting and we formed groups of four to five people with different tasks. Our group had to write a letter to different politic- groups with the request to make the food in the cafeterias of our schools in our federal state Schleswig - Holstein cheaper or free to buy. Another group had to do research how it is in our cafeteria currently. The third group had to make some posters with advertisements for our cafeteria and the other group had to do an interview with the owner of our cafeteria. The last group was the one that drives to Poland this year and they had to make a role play about table menours.
Here is a photo of our letter to the politic-groups:

Meeting Wednesday (01.02.2017)

Today we had our first meeting with other teachers, with those who are going to Poland this year. We talked in this meeting about things we already did and didn´t, and whats our plan for the next months.
It was interesting to learn things we are going to do the next time. Then we had a homework which was that we had to write down some ingredients of food into our dictionary. From now on we have every second week a meeting.
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Meeting Wednesday ( 18.01.2017)

Today we had our first meeting after our time in Finland. Normally our meetings are after the regular school, but this was the whole school day, so from 8 o´clock until half past 12. We met at the computer room and the people who were in Finland could prepare their presentation about Finland. I had to talk about my host and his family. The other thing I had to talk about was our first day in Finland, about Monday. After that our group had to plan how we can make good posters and began to prepare those. Tom and I made a poster about free time activities and trips to other places like the cottage or Helsinki, you can see blog posts about both of them and our whole week in Finland on my blog. After that we got information about the next important things of ERASMUS, for example that our exchange partners come to us from the 7th of mai to the 13th of mai.

Saturday ( 19.11.2016)

Now it was Saturday, the day of flying back to Germany. We had to be at the bus station near the school at 11 o´clock. There we said goodbye to our exchange families and went into the bus. We drove 2 hours with the bus; at 1 o´clock pm we arrived at the airport. There we had to wait very long, because our flight went at 5:25 o´clock pm. We flew 2 hours back, drove with an S-Railway to the Hamburg Central Station and at 8 o´clock pm we got our train back to Lübeck. So we travelled the whole day, began at 11 o´clock and stopped at 8:49 o´clock pm.
This was when we arrived back in Hamburg, Germany.

Thursday and Friday ( 17.11.2016 and 18.11.2016)

On Thursday we first went by bus to school and from there with the other exchangers to "Luovi Cottage". There we baked in little groups Carelia Pies, here is a picture:

After that we played a quiz game, the finnish and the polish students were on first, the german students on second and last place, but we won chocolate, here is a picture.

Next we ate a salmon soup and these carelie pies, some of us went to the sauna and we ate some sausages. One of our german group had a game with, it´s called "Halli Galli". The fins liked it very much and then we played it a few times. A few ours later his mother picked us up, we drove home and relaxed there.
On Friday we first went with the bus to school and had to wait there a few times, because we were too early. Then we drove by bus to Helsinki and first searched for "MARTAT", it´s an organisation which helps people with tips for the household or for food. Then we went to "RAX Buffet" and ate there something. We don´t have restaurants like this in Germany so it was very interesting to see how it works. Then we were on a place which looked very beautiful, here is a picture:

Next we had some time for shopping and went to "Stockmann", a shopping center which has 9 floors.
Next we went home again, ate something and chilled there.

Tuesday and Wednesday ( 15.11.2016 and 16.11.2016)

On Tuesday we first went to school and looked how the school in Kotka is. I was 2 hours in a music lesson, it´s completely different, they have microphons and guitars and everybody plays the instrument he wants to play. Then the music teacher gave papers with the song texts to them and they played the songs and somebody played to it. In Germany nobody would be tough enough to sing and never with a microphon. After that we made a bus tour through Kotka. It was very interesting, we visited a beautiful river called Langinkoski and made many fotos. We also visited a museum, it´s called Vellamo. After that, we went to a Shopping Centre in Kotka and stayed there approx. 1 or 2 hours. Next we went to the home of my exchange partner Miro, chilled there, played some games and then we went to a supermarket near his home by bike and bought some candys and something to drink there. In Finland everything is more expensive than in Germany. It was my first time to eat some Salmiakki and I usually don´t like licorice, but this time the Salmiakki was very tasty. After that we showered and chilled the rest of the evening.
On Wednesday, we had a Master Cooking Competition. First we planned in our groups what we will cook and who goes shopping. Our starter was a polish tomato soup "pomidorowa", after that we had a finnish main course, the "makaronilaatikko", it was very tasty. For dessert we had a german one, it´s called "rote grütze". The colour of our group was blue, the black team won but we got the 2nd. place.




Sunday and monday ( 13.11.2016 and 14.11.2016)

On Sunday we first went to the central station in Lubeck. Then we went on with a train to the airport in Hamburg, waited there and then we went to the plane, which should bring us to Helsinki in Finland. We flew with "FINNAIRS" and it was my first flight, so I was very excited. We flew 2-3 hours, in Finland it´s one hour later than in Germany. For example, when its 12 o´clock in Germany it´s 1 o´clock pm in Finland. When our plane arrived in Finland, it was already dark and we stood at the Airport and waited for our baggage, next to us a few people with very big milka chocolate of 2000 g. When our baggage arrived, a teacher from the Karhula school in Kotka picked us up. Next we went by bus to a bus station next to the highway, waited for the other bus and drived than with another bus to Kotka. There the host familys picked us up and showed us their houses.

Here you can see when we arrived in Helsinki, Finland.

Monday we stood up at 7:30 o´clock am. After that we went to school by bus, the school began at 9:15 am. Then we played some games and heard something about the school system and the history of finnish schools. Then we went to eat something, in Finland you don´t have to pay for the meals in schools.

The meetings before

We met with the teachers who are going to drive with the first group to Finland and they explained what "Erasmus + I am what I eat" is and they said who will drive with them to the first Finland exchange which is in November and I´m happy to be in this group because it was my wish group.
Lübeck, ErnestinenschuleThis is a picture of our school. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä