hiking and beach- finland exchange day 6; thursday, 17th May 2018

Hey guys!

Today I woke up at 7 o'clock because we had to be at school at 8 o'clock. From there a bus took us to a national park which was about 1 hour away. When we arrived we had the last chance for going to the toilet which was an earth closet.
Then we started our hike and it was quite different than I thought. We went much more up and down (almost the whole time) and there were many roots so you had to be careful where you stepped. In addition to that there were some obstacles or rather special things:

Pictures & caption

So the 5km hike was more "interesting" and more fun. At the end we had to cross the suspension bridge again... but then we had some bread and sausages made over an open fire. It was so delicious although my sausage was a bit cold on one side d:
After eating we had something like a little plant lesson and then we went over the suspension bridge back to the bus and drove to school. Back home we had some ham and potato slices what was very tasty.
Then we chilled until we drove to Äijäkkä beach. There many others joined us and also Finja came. We both had our swimsuits with us so we could go into the water to swim. The temperature was okay at least not very cold. Later on we had some open fire with marshmallows and heard music. It was really cool and fun because there were no teachers who told us what we may do and what not. I think it was one of the best moments in this exchange. At 21 o'clock we were picked up and at home we had a little evening snack. Then we had a sauna and it was I think my third or fourth time using a sauna. But it was of course not like I had last times. It was much hotter (more than 85 degrees) so I went in there and stayed for just 3 or 4 minutes.Then I had a shower and went to bed.

Keep cool,

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