Patricia Giebelstein

The first meeting (2016)

Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Patricia. Our first meeting was at the 28th of september. We talked about food. At home we had to create a food pyramide and a vocabulary book with the important things in the kitchen. This is my pyramide and my vocabulary book:

More information about the project(2016)

On one evening we had our second meeting with our parents. It was at the Ernestinenschule. Our teachers told a lot of things about the whole project. But there were two teachres from finland and two teachers from poland too. We could asked them a lot of questions . After that we had to decide when and in which country we wanted to travel....

The last day of the challange 30th of april


Today is the last day of the challange. I wouldn`t eat sweets the whole day. I am very proud about me that I could stand it. I think it was a very good experience. I hope for the other students it was ok too.

See you soon!
By the way, tomorrow we will have a meeting and we will talk about a presentation and the programm for the exchange.

the 13th of october 2016

At the 13th of october we had our next meeting. We showed all the other studends our vocabulary books and our food pyramide. We all were a bit excited, because the teachers told us in which country we will travel... For homework we had to create a logo for the procekt. We also had to write a starter, a main dish and a dessert, which are typical for Germany. I choose a potato soup, a carrotthaler and red grouts. And this is my logo:

Sunday, 13th of november 2016

On Sunday I woke up very early. At 8.30 my mum and I picked up Antonia from her home. We went to the train station. There we met Lisa, Melissa, Paul, Tom and Mrs. Schütt. We went to Hamburg by train. In Reinfeld Mrs. Dettke came into the train. In Hamburg we took the underground to the airport. There we checked in and went to our gate. We had to wait a long time... But then we went into the plane. I sat next to Antonia. We talked a lot and listened to a CD... The view was so great.Finnland- Ankunft.jpg
After 2 hours we landed in Helsinki. We took our bags... Then we met a teacher from the exchange school. Together we went to Kotka by bus. It was a long drive and we all were very tired... In Kotka we met our exchange students and went to their homes. My exchange students name is Viivi. She is very nice and her parents and her little sister too. They showed me their house and Viivi and I talked a lot... Then we had lunch. We ate something I didn´t know. It was a bread with a cream filling, it tasted good. Then we went to bed because I was so tired.

Monday, 14th of november 2016

On Monday I woke up at 7.30. Then Viivi and I had breakfast. It was good. Than her mother drove us to the school, but we had to wait outside the school...
This is her school:

Than a nice girl came and opened the door. We had to wait again. Then Antonia arrived and we talked about our families. At 9.30 we played some funny games with the finish and the polish students .A teacher gave us a lot information about the school in Finland. Then we had lunch. It was good. In Finland the lunch is always for free. Some minutes later we met into the Computerroom. A boy told us something about healthy food. That was interesting. We played a game in pairs too. I played with Viivi. The game was a quiz about healthy food. It was funny. Then we formed groups for the Master Chef. I just knew Antonia from my group, but the other girls were nice too. But then Viivi told me, that we had to go, because she had to write a classroom test. So we went to an other building. This is her other school. There came a teacher and told me that I had to go to the musiclesson during Viivi was writing her test. In the lesson we sang some songs, which I knew. After the lesson Viivi, two of her friends and I went to Hesburger. I ate french fries with Ketchup. That tasted good. After that her mother picked us up and we brought Siiri, Viivi`s sister to her Zumbalesson. While she was dancing we went to the supermarket... Then we picked up Siiri and drove to a little mountain. There we rode a sleigh, which was very funny... At home we made some christmas biscuits. I went to bed early, because I was tired.

Tuesday, 15th of november 2016

On Tuesday I woke up at 6.30. We had breakfast and Viivi`s mother drove us to school. I met Antonia in the Computerroom, because we had to write our blog. After that I went to Viivi`s class. We had German and her classmates were very nice. We played a little game in groups of three. Then we had lunch and English. After the lesson we went outside to the bus, which drove us around Kotka. First we drove to a river. Here is a picture of it: The bus brought us to a museum too. There we learned something about ships.Sea_museum_Vellamo.JPG
Antonia and I also played a game with boats...Then we walked to a shopping centre. Viivi and I drank a hot delicius chocolate. We went home by bus. Then we walked to a very pretty place, which I liked a lot. Here is a picture of it:At home we ate Salmiak and our self made biscuits, which were so nice. In the evening Viivi, her father, Siiri and I drove to a fitnesscentre. We played badminton. That was very funny. At home we ate dinner.

Wednesday, 16th of november 2016

On Wednesday I woke up at 6.30. The school starts at 8.10. I was a bit nervous, because today was the Master Chef. In our group there were two finish girls, two polish girls and Antonia and I from Germany of course. First we decorated our table fot the juries. This was our table:Then Antonia and Karolin from Finland went shopping...
Than we had lunch. After that the Master Chef started. I cooked a German potatosoup. This is the soup.

The polish girls made these dumplings:

and the finish girl made theese very delicous applepie:

Everything was good. Then the juries ate our meal and then we ate it. After that we cleaned the kitchen... And the big question: Who won the competion??
WE WON IT! I was so happy. We got a present. It was chocolate:-) Then we went home by bus and made some finish sweets. This is it:After that Viivi, Siiri, her mother, her father and I went bowling. It was very funny! At home we ate dinner and went to bed.

Thursday, 17th of november 2016

On Thursday I woke up at 7 o`clock. We had breakfast and went to school by bus. There we drove by an other bus with the other students to a house near the sea. There we played some funny games. Then I baked with some other students some finish food.We made this very delicous breads:Carelia Pies.jpg
We ate it with a salmonsoup. Then 8 of us went to the sauna. There were 80 degrees it was so hot, so we jumped into the eastsea. It was very cold and we ran very fast to the hot sauna. We did this so often... After that we made a quiz with questions about Germany, Poland and Finland. We talked a lot and it was a funny day. In the evening Viivi`s mother picked us up and we drove home. At home Siiri and I folded a star. We had dinner like every day and then we went to bed.

Friday, 18th of november2016

On Friday we had to wake up very early. At 6 o`clock. Then Viivi and I went to school by bus. First we bought a snack, for the long drive to Helsinki. Then we drove to Helsinki. During the drive I talked with the German people and we had a lot of fun. In Helsinki we went to Martat and heard a presentation about their work. Then we went to a restaurant and ate pizza, salad and ice cream. Then we went to a white building.Then we had freetime and I went with Viivi, Jana, Antonia,Lisa and Melissa to a little shop. I bought a souvenir. Then we met the other people and we all went to a shopping centre, called Stockmann. I went there with Lisa, Antonia, Melissa, Tom and Paul. First we went to Starbucks and we all bought a hot chocolate.At Stockman`s we looked around and we bought a macaron, which was very delicous. Then we made some pictures from us.We met the others at the theatre.Then we drove back to Kotka.The day was so great.

Saturday, 19th of november 2016

On Saturday we could sleep longer than the other days, because the bus departed at 11 o`clock. So I woke up at 8.45. We had breakfast. Then I packed my bag. I drove with Viivi, Siiri and her mother to the bus station. I was sad to leave them... They were very nice and I will never forget them.We drove to the airport with the polish people. At the airport we checked in. Then we went to Starbucks. Lisa and I bought a Peach Green Tea Lemonade.Then we ate some snacks. We had to wait a very long time... We looked around and talked a lot. Then we went into the plane. The fly was ok, but it was so dark, that I couldn`t see anything. In Hamburg we drove by underground and train to Lübeck. My father picked me up and we drove home.
The exchange was so great. I had a lot of fun and I miss my exchange family and Finland...

The 18th of january 2017

Today we all met the whole schoolday. First Lisa, Melissa. Antonia, Tom, Paul and I had the presentation about our trip to finland. We told the other students a lot of things and showed them some pictures. Tha students asked us a lot of questions about our trip, families and about our experience. After that the other ones wrote their first blog. We made some posters about our trip, because we will hang them up in the school. I worked with Antonia and we made a poster about the diffrents in the finnish school and our school.After that we wrote our blog and helped the other students...

1th of february 2017

Today we had a meeting. First we talked with the teacher about phase 6. That is an app, with which you can learn vokabulary. Then we talked a long time about our cafeteria. What is good there? And what can we do better? We all had very good ideas. We note this:

At home we have to write new vokabulary in our book about additives. We also have to write some table manners, which are typical for Germany. Then we have to load Phase 6 on our mobilephone and add a lot of vokabulary about food and kitchen. We aslo had to learn it.

15th of february 2017

Today we all had a meeting. First we talked about typical german table manners. We note thisWe aslo talked about Phase 6.
After that we had to formed groups of four. Every group have a different work sheet. My group has to write a lettre to the parents about our cafeteria. We also have to make some slogans about our cafeteria. The other groups have to make a video about our cafeteria the other one have to talk with our cook about things, that she could do better and the other one have to write a lettre to our politican about free schoolfood in Germany. We shared our group. Antonia and Lisa made a poster with very nice slogans for the cafeteria. Isabel and I wrote the lettre. We wrote about our cafeteria. How the food is and how you can get it. We hope the others will like it. That is the lettre:

1th of march

Hello and welcome back to my blog! On wednesday we all had a meeting again. All groups presented their result. The documentationgroup told us a lot of things. They said thar our cafeteria ist great. The atmosphere and the decoration. But they said that there is not enough seating possibilities. The food is very healthy and high quality. You also can eat there if you are a vegetarian or a vegan. They said that the food is very healthy and fresh. The students asked the students, who often eat in our cafeteria and they said that the food is very varied, delicous but too expensive. The group gave us a handout with the special information. One of the other group talked to our cook what she could do better and our cook likes the ideas. When you eat in our cafeteria you can order a little free salad. But a lot of students say that the salad is too small. The cook will make bigger wants but not for free. She will also make a dessert three times a week, also for free. The students told her that she could sell pastaglasses and she liked this ideas. But we have to bring our own glasses. Another idea was to buy the snacks with the chip for the lunch. She didn`t like this idea because she made bad experiences. My group presented our lettre(there is a picture in my last blog) and our slogans. The last group wrote a lettre to politican. They want free lunch in all schools in Germany. After the great presentations we formed new groups. We went to Penny and Rewe. There we note additives of difrent typs of food. For example cheese, chocolate or juice. We had to finished it at home. This is the handout about the documentation.

This is the lettre for the politicans.

The 31th of may

Hello and welcome back!

Today we all had a meeting. First the stundents, who will travel to Poland presented their scetch about the german table manners. They wear very distinguished clothes. Their scatch is about 2 families. The children of one family haven`t got any table manners. They eat with their hands they talk with a full mouth and always use their mobilephone. The child of the other family has table manners. she eats with the knife and the fork. The students sat around a table and had real plates and cutlery. They did it great. The story was funny and interesting and I think they did it good. Here is a picture during the scetch:

After that we all rode our blogs.

I must say that I am very exited, because in one month the students from finland and poland will come. I am happy about it and hope that we will do a lot of interesting things.
See you!

The 31th of march


Today the students, who have been in poland made their presentation. They talked a lot and showed very interesting pictures. They made a ralley, they drove to Lubiana, they went to the jumpcity, they cooked and they made a filmnight. That all sounds very interesting. After that we talked about the challange. Everybody should think about it. I won`t eat sweets for one week. The other ones will live vegan or will drink 2 liters of waters a day... I think that my challange will be hard for me, but I have some ideas. I could do some new very delicious recipes. I hope the week will be good and maybe I will not eat so much sweets in the future.. I will see.
See you soon!

The challange 24th of april

Hello and welcome back to my blog.
Today the challange starts. I won`t eat sweets the whole week. I eat it very often so I think it will be hard.
I never eat sweets in school so it was ok. In the afternoon I was stressed, because I had a lot of homework and handballtraining so I had no time for thinking about sweets. But after the handballtraining one friend gave us sweets because it was her birthday. I couldn`t eat it and it was hard to see the other ones eating sweets.

I think the first day without sweet was ok.
By the way, today my teacher told me that May will be my exchange student. I am happy about it and I think we will have a great time.

See you tomorrow, Patricia!

The 25th of april


Today was the second day of the challange. The schoolday was ok, because I never eat sweets at school.
But in the evening I wanted to eat sweets... So I had one idea. I wanted to make some delicious and healthy things. I had no plan what I could do. So first I mixed apples, bananas,kiwis, strawberrys, raspberries and blackberries. Than I added cinnamon. After that I put it in a glass and put oat flakes on it. Then I added yogurt. I have never eaten it before and it was my own recipe. That smelled great! I think I will often make it in the future. Here is a picture of it:

Maybe you will do it too and I hope you will like it.
See you tomorrow.

the 26th of april

Hello and welcome back.

Today is the 3rd day of the challange. The schoolday was ok and the afternoon too. But in the evening my little sister and I watched a film. My sister ate a lot of sweets. I wanted too but I could not. It was so hard for me...

See you soon!

The 27th of april

Welcome back to my blog.

Today in the afternoon I wanted to eat sweets.. But I had an idea. I put very different nuts and apricots in a bowl and ate them. It was very delicious and I had not missed sweets. Here is a picture:

See you tomorrow..

The 28th of april

Welcome back!

The schoolday was ok like every day. In the evening I watched a film again with my sister. She ate sweets, but it was ok for me. I did not want to eat sweets. I think that is great. At the first day of the week I had not thought that... I think for me it is a good improvement.

Today in school we had a short meeting. We got the programm for the exchange. We will do a lot of great things.

See you!

The 29th of april

Today is the weekend and I have a lot of freetime.
At the weekend I often want to eat sweets but not this weekend. I was very surprised. I think that I don`t need sweets and I think for me it`s easy not to eat sweets.
Tomorrow will be the last day of the challange, but maybe I won`t eat sweets the next week too.

See you tomorrow, Patricia.

the 3th of may

Welcome back to my blog!

Today was our last meeting before the finish and polish students will come. I presented with a little group a schooltour. We also talked about our presentation about the cafeteria.

So, on Sunday the exchange students will come and I am a bit nervous. But I think it will be great.


May`s challenge


I will write something about May`s challenge. How she liked it andhow she felt.
May wasn`t allowed to eat crispbread for the whole week.
First it was very hard for her. She always wanted to eat crispbread but she remembered that she is not allowed to. In the rest of the week she had not think about it... She would not do that again but she probobly would eat not so much in the future. She thinks that it was a very good experience for her.

I think there is a big different between her and my challenge. I was not allowed to eat sweets, which are with sugar and May was not allowed to eat crunchy things.

See you.

The 7th of may

Hello and welcome back to my blog!

Today the finnish exchange students arrived!
At 11:30 my mother and I went to the trainstation by car. I had a pretty flower with me, because I wanted to present it to May, my exchange student from Finland. Then the students arrived. I was a bit nervous... I greeted May and gave her the flower. She was very happy about it. We went home and I showed her our house and our garden. She was very surprised that our garden is so green and wonderful. After that we made pizza together.
First we put the dough on the tray and than the tomatosauce. We put paprika, mushrooms, maize, pineapple, ham and cheese on it. We put it in the oven for 20 minutes...
May and I talked a lot about the fly, school, food, Germany, Finland and so on... Then the pizza was ready. It tasted awesome.

After a little break my sister, my father, May and I drove to the city by car. We went to the Obertrave and made a boattour around Lübeck. I told May a lot of things about Lübeck. She took a lot of pictures. We saw the Holstentor, the Drehbrücke, the Elbe-Lübeck-Kanal little, pretty gardens and more.. May took a lot of pretty pictures and I made some too:

The tour was one hour... After that we went in some small streets to show May how twisting Lübeck is:

We also went into the Dom:

After visiting it we went back to the Untertrave and bought very delicious ice cream. I ate vanilla and May strawberry. Here is a picture of my ice cream:

We showed her the Holstentor and after eating ice cream we went home.
But we made some funny pictures too...
At home we played Monopoly and it was so funny.
Than we had dinner. May and I talked a lot and then we went to bed, because she was tired...
I think it was a very nice first day and I hope the week will be great and funny...

See you!

The 8th of May


Today was the second day with the exchange students.
May and I woke up at 6 o` clock. We had breakfast and went to the busstation and drove to school. She was a bit amazed that I must taka 2 different buses. We went in room 6 and met all the other finnish, polish and german students. We talked a bit about our exchange students... Then came Mrs. Schütt and also Mr. Petersen and greeted the polish and finnish students. Then we split in two groups. Isabel, Paul and I showed one group our school. We went to our lobby, esembly hall, library, classroom, geographyroom, gym, schoolgarden, cafeteria, Kranenkonvent, Burgschule, and to the toilets.

Then we met the other group in our cafeteria. We all had breakfast together. I ate a roll with cheese, tomato, cucumber and cream cheese. I also ate muesli with yogurt and fruits. Everything tasted good.

Then we had our presentation about our cafeteriaprojekt. Isabel and I told them something about our slogans and the letter to the parents. I hope everybody liked our presentation.

Then we formed the groups for the rally. In my group was Mara and Isabel from Germany, Emma and Karoliina from Finland and one polish girl.

Our group was the second one.

First we went to the Hansemuseum. We should ansered a question and took a photo in the restaurant:

Then we went to the Burgtor and we should make a photo without cars:

We went to the Heiligen-Geisthospital and should take a photo of it with all the 4 towers:

After that we should make a picture with us and the Jakobikirche but we should be higer than the tower.

It was a bit difficult and we took a lot of diffrent pictures.

Then we walked to the Katharinchurch. WE should mansered a question but it was not opened. So we took a photo with a lot of other people:

It was so funny and then we went to the theater. We should make a photo of a famous theaterscene. We choose Hänsel and Gretel

We went to the marketplace and took a photo with of us the the statue of Lübeck.

We went to Niederegger a made very funny pictures with diffrent kinds of fruits:

We walked a long way to a little cafe. We should made a photo inside but it was not opened. So we did one outside:

Then we went to the St. Annenmuseum. We asked a women in english if she could take a picture of us. We could not understand english, so we asked her in german. She was a bit surprised and asked why we had not asked in german first... She made this photo:

After that we all went to the cinema and ansered a question and made this photo:

We went to the lido. We had not understand the task so we asked a men if we could go inside. He was very friendly and we made a photo inside:

We walked to the Dom. First we should take a photo on which we looked like a lion:

It was so funny and then we went inside and took a photo of us and of one of the beautifull windows:

We went to the Holstentor and should look like a statue. It was funny.:

Our last station was the Petritower and we went on it with a lift. The view was so amazing:

We ran back to school and had lunch: I ate gnoccis, potatos and a stuffed courgette with vegetables and cheese. I tasted very good. After lunch May and I drove with Anne-Merle, Mara, Maibrit and their exchange students to Travemünde by bus. We showed them the beach.

They wanted to go shopping, so we went to dm and Rossmann. May was amazed because in Finland is no dm and Rossmann. Then we all went to Junge. I drank a chocolate:

May and I drove home by bus...
At 6 o` clock May, my parents, my sister and I went Bowling. First we ate dinner there. I ate a backed potato with cream cheese. It tasted good. Then we played two hours. We played 2 rounds and I won one.

I think the day was fantastic and I hope the follow week will be great!

See you!

the 9th of may

Hello and welcome back to my blog!

Today May and I went to school by bus. I had a normal schoolday. May and the other exchange students went to Brüggen. It is a big factory for muesli and cornflakes. At 12:45 we all had lunch together. We ate Nazi goreng. After that we all went in room 9. We split in small groups. The polish and finnish students told us about their day at Brüggen. It was very interesting. Then we all wrote our blogs and I wrote about May`s Challange. She was not allowed to eat chrisp bread for one week. In the afternoon some of us went to Citti-park by bus. It is a big shopping centre outside of Lübeck.

We splited in two groups and went in the shops. Some of us ate pizza or pasta:

After that we drank a smoothie. I drank a cookie monster. That was very delicious.

We showed our exchange students the citti supermarket. There you can find a huge variety of all kinds of food and drinks. They were very astonished how many diffrent kinds of sweets you could buy, even finnish sweets. My father and my sister came to pick me ans May up. At home we talked about Brüggen and May was very surprised how close she could go to the production line. She brought different types of muesli and cornflakes. Tomorrow we will try them for breakfast.

See you!

the 10th of may


Today was the 4th day with the exchange students. In the morning may and I tasted the muesli from Brüggen. It tasted good. Then we went to school by bus. In the first lesson May was in an other class and I had spanish. In the second lesson May was with me in WiPo. After that the finnish and polish students went to Niederegger and I had normal lesson. At 12:35 we all had lunch together. I ate pasta and a little salad.

After lunch we all had freetime for one hour. I went with some german students to Double coffee. I drank a Chocolate frapé.:

After that we went back to school and met the other students. (But just the students who got an exchange studens and their exchange students). Then we walked to the busstation and drove by bus for a long time to Euroimun. Euroimun is in Blankensee. It is a part of Lübeck. We walked for 13 minutes on a lonely street. The nature was very wonderful and it was so quit.

Euroimun is a big chemistry laboratory. There we went in one of the big buildings. There was a big kitchen. We went in the room next to it:

The two cooks Alex and karsten told us what we are going to cook. They told us that we will split in 4 groups. One of them will made the dessert. It was semolina with strawberry and rhubarb. The other group made pasta with a vegan bolognese. The last dish was made by 2 groups. One of them made the asparagus and the meat and my group made the couscousballs. First we washed the sweetpotatoes. Then we put them into the oven fro 20 minutesw. During this we cut the zucchini, the ginger and the onion in small cubes. Some girls put the zucchini in a pot and cooked it with couscous. Mara and I peeled the sweetpotatoes. After that we squashed them:

Then Mara and I made the sauce. First we started to rust the onions and the ginger. Then we add coconutmilk and stirned it for a long time. The others of our group add the matched sweetpotatoes with the couscous and the zucchini. Then we all had a break. We got drinks for free. Mara, Anne-Merle and I went outside on a playground... During these the other groups cooked...

Then the food was ready!
The firstdish were the pasta with the vegan bolognese.

That tasted very good and I think I will try it again at home. Then we ate the couscousballs with asparagus and meat. The couscousballs were rolled by another group. I had not eaten the meat because I am a vegetarian. We also eat a curry sauce with it. I love it.

Then we ate the dessert. That was good too.

I think my favourite were the couscousballs.
Then we cleaned the tables and went back. We must do hurry up because the bus were coming. But when we wre at the busstation we noticed that three poolish girls were missing. But the bus was already there. Some of us went into the bus and explained the busdriver the situation. But then he closed the door. Marta, Maibrit and I knocked to the door and the driver opened but then he drived away. I was happy that May was in the bus too but we all were shocked. Some german students and some teachers must waited for the next bus and they also found the polish girls. May and I drove to the ZOB and then my father picked us up. Then we went home and talked about the day.
See you!

11th of may

Today May and I woke up a bit later than every day. First we had breakfast. We ate the cornflakes from Brüggen again. Then we went by bus th tho Sandstraße. There we met the other students and drove to Krumesser Baum. There we met Mrs.Schütt and some other students. We walked for 3,5 kilometers to a farm wich called Rothenhausen. It is a organicfarm. First a farmer showed us a little part of the farm. Then we splited in two groups. My group walked to a field. The farmer told a lot about the crop rotation. By the way the weather was wonderful and the nature looked so wonderful.
Then we went back to the farm and the farmer showed us a big silo:

Then we met the others. Everbody got a glass with milk. Then we had to shake it for a long time... And then it was butter. After that we all had a second breakfast. I ate bread, marmalade,vegetables and cheese:

That tasted very good. Then some of us went into the farmshop...
But then we all walked 3,5 kilometers back to the busstation and then back to the citty. The program with all the students was finnished.
But May and I went with some other polish, finnish and germanstudents to the Luv by bus. The Luv is a big shoppingcenter. We splited in 3 groups and walked around. Some of us bought a very delicious ice cream:

Then we went back. Some of us went to Mara. There we played just Dance on the WII. We ate pizza:

It was very funny. We laughed, talked and sang a lot. At 10 o`clock my father came and pick May and me up. We went home. There we talked a lot about the day.

See you!

12th of may

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog.

Today May and I went to school by bus like everyday. In the first lesson May came with me in my class and I had WiPo. Then I had french and Maywent to an english lesson in another class... After a ölittle break we all met in the computerroom and mixed into 3 groups. Every group should design a poster and prepared a presentation, which we wanted to show the parents in the evening. On group made something about the trip to the farm, the other group about their visit to Brüggen and my group about the cookingworkshop. We designed 5 posters:

Then the finnish and polish students went to the Hansemuseum and we, the german students prepared something for the evening...
After that I met May and we went home by bus. At home we had lunch and then we made a delicious mediterranean salad. Then my father drove us to my school. There we met the others. First we all presented our posters the perents and then we all ate together the buffet...

Then we went on room 9. The teachers showed the parents the foto`s of the rally and thex should deside which foto they liked the most and for every like the group got one point. And the group with the most points won...
It was our group and we all won a cup with the logo of my school...
We went home and played their some games.
At 12 o` clock we went to bed.

See you!

the 13th of may (last day with the exchange students)


Today was the last day with May. We could sleep longer, because it was Saturday, no school. First we had breakfast and then May packed her things..
My father, my sister and I brought May to the station. We also met the other finnish and somne german students. Then they drove by train to Hamburg...
It was a really nice time.

See you soon!

24th of september

Hello and welcome back to my blog!

Today I woke up at 6 o'clock.
I had a little breakfast and at 7:30 my father and I went to the trainstation. There we met the others. At 8:09 we went by the train to Hamburg and by the underground to the airport. We waited 2 hours and then we went to the check-in.

After that we all went to the security check. There we must wait a long time too. Then we went to our gateand drove by bus to the plane:

Our fly was a bit to late so we left Germany at 14:40 o'clock. Out of the window from the plane we had an
amazing view:

At 15:50 we arrived in Poland. There I met Marta and the other polish students and I drove with Marta and her father to her home. There she first showed me their flat and then we ate fish, vegetables and chips. That tasted very good. After a little break Marta's mother drove us to Melissa and Ula. And we all drove together to Justine and Marysia. So we all walked through a big to park to the beach.

The view was awesome... We all bought us a very delicious ice and went to a sea bridge and ate our ice

Then we went to Marysia's home. First we talked about some funny and long german and polish words and then we played UNO. At 9 o'clock Ula's father picked us up and drove us home. At home we had dinner and then I went to bed. That was a funny and excited day!

See you soon!

25th of september

Hello and welcome back to my blog!

Today I woke up at 7 o`clock. Then Marta and I had breakfast and we ate yogurt and drank a delicous tea.
After that her mother drove us to school by bus. There we met the other polish, german and finnish students. First one of the fin nish teacher told us some important information about pedanet... After that we played some games to know the other names, we also played fruitsalad and some other funny games. Then we went to a room and ate our food, which our host families gave us. We went back to an other room and splided into three different groups. One group should design a comic about eating disorderd, the other group must design some flyer also about eating disorderd and my group should made a drama about the eating disorderd. My group went into a room and first we discussed how our story will be. Our drama is about a girl who feels very fat, but she isn`t. The devil always told her that she`s very ugly and the angel told her the opposite. She doesn`t know who is right so she decid to go to a casting show as a model. And the jury loves her. So the girl knows that seh is perfect and that``s very important and the end of our drama. During some of our group talked about who will be which person Justine, Lisa, Melissa and I were responsible to pain a fat girl. That should be the mirror in our drama:

After that we met the other students out of the other groups and we all went next to a big street to the Bowling:

Inside we all spread into groups of 6. In my group were marysia, Marta, Ula, Justine, Melissand I.

After that we all ate Pizza there. After the Bowling I went with Melissa, Justine and their exchangestudents and Marta to a shopping center. First I musted change my money and then we all went to a big supermarket and bought a lot of typical polish sweets. At a smoothiebar Melissa, Justine and I bought us a
very delicious smoothie:

We went home by bus and had dinner. After that marta and I watched the film the frog orince ans Mulan.
Then we went to bed.

See you!

28th of decenber 2017

Hello and welcome back to my blog.

Now I will document what kind of food me and my family buy and what we will throw away for one week.

Today(28th of december 2017) my father went to the supermarket and bought food:

Today we didn´t throw any food away.

See you tomorrow!

29th of december 2017

Hello and welcome back to my blog.

Today in the morning we must threw a bread away, because it was mouldy.
After breakfast my mother went to the bakery and bought two new breads.

See you tomorrow.

30th of december 2017

Hello and welcome back!

Today we didn´t bought anything in the supermarket and we also didn` throw any food away.

See you!

31th of december

Hello and welcome back to my blog.

Today is the last day of 2017!

I ate a soup for lunch but I couldn`t eat the whole soup. I put it back to the fridge and I will eat it tomorrow.

Have a nice last day in 2017!

1th of january 2018

Hello and welcome back to my blog in 2018!

Today I woke up very late. I had breakfast, but no lunch and just an apple for dinner. I didn` throw food away. All the supermarkets were close, so we didn`t bought anything.

See you soon!

2th of january 2018

Hello and welcome back.

Today I went with my dad to the supermarket and to the bakery. We bought a bread and this:

See you tomorrow.

3th of january 2018


Today is the last day of the week in which I documented what we bought and what we threw away.

Today we bought some apples.

See you soon! käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä