Lisa Fechner

Erasmus project

what happend up to now:

For this project we had to write an appliciation wit reasons why we want to be up to it.Im interested in this project because I can learn a lot about a differend culture and I can improve my english skills. I deliced on poland because we cook more often polnish at home.

At the first meeting our parents went along with us. It was an information meeting where the teachers were too. They told us a lot about the trip and oter things.

Meeting 2:
they said us what we would need for the next exchnage. these are a dictionary with pictures and the german and english translation for food and citchian things and a food-pyramide. We have to compare the food-pyramide with them from the other countries.

Meeting 3: at wednesday the 17.01.17
we had a 4-hour symponsium where the students who traveld to Finnland gave a presentation. They told us what´s different to Germany and what they did at the exchange. After the presentation we started to write this block.

At the next meetings we will talk spcially abuot the exchange to poland.

Meeting 4:
We made groups to create some proposals to make the cantine better and write a letter to the politics where we ask for free food in the schools. The students who dirive to dansk prepare a scetch for table manners.

Meeting 4:
The students who prepared the letter t the politicans and who made proposals presented their results.

Meeting 5:
Today was the last meeting before we going to fly to dansk. We leaded up our scetch and it was great. After this we talked about the fly and the exchange.

Day one of the exchange:
So. 19.03.17:
My dad drove us to the airport of Hamburg, where we waited for our plane.
Our plane was a half hour to late so we played at "pixies farm" and took very much pictures.
At "Pixies farm"

after a very nice welcome form our guestfamilies, Marta`s dad drove us home and we had dinner (it was very good).Then we drove to the beach. After supper we heared musik and watched YouTube.

Monday 20.03.17:
The school was very old and smal from outside but inside was it very lightly and creativ decorated.

The school from outside

After this we made 2 groups to work at language games and a art worksshop where we made labbooks about fruits.
after school marta, her friends and Anne-Merle visited the"Galeria Baltycka" (a very huge shopping centre)


After this we met Marta`s friends and some students from Finnland at Anja`s home, it was very nice because we made some cool games.
After this we had supper and watched a movie.

Tuesday 21.03.17:
Today we made a trip to the old town of dansk, where we made a really. It was boring so many of our groups met at a cafe. After drinking a coffee we went to the water where we had a very nice view to the town

the old town

After this we went to a restaurand where we had a tiypical polnish dinner with panncakes and dumplings.
When we were back in school, we prepared our recipes for the "cooking-day" on frieday.
when we had freetime we went aigan to the "Galery" and met with the others at Marysha`s home.
I went to bett after a very delicius dinner.

Wednesday 22.03.17:
Today the day started with a very boring presentation about food and healthy livestyle. After this we went to "Jumpcity", we had a lot of fun.

we had to warm up first

When we finished "Jumpcity", we went to a vegan restaurante called "Avocado". the cook showed us how to make a heathy smothie

Later back in school every country leaded up their scetch about tablemanners.

After this, in freetime we whrer at the KFC an later we bought all polnish sweets that we foud in a very huge shopping mall.
After a very yummy pizza , in a restaurante, where Marta`s dad invited us to, we watched "Fantastic Beasts and where do you find them"

Thursday 23.3.17:
today we had a cooking weorkshop at the gastronomie school of Dansk.
For this we first were shopping healthy foods for cooking then we drove by bus to the cookingschool where we had a nabkins workshop, when it was finished we started cooking our meals.

when we wrer finish

The teachers lokked around to find out what meal was the best.
After this we drove home to pack our things for the filmnight.

Protocol of food challenge Erasmus+ 2017

Hello my challenge is „ride and run“, for them how don`t know what it is: it`s a mix between riding and run where you have to run about 1 km and than you ride 1km….

Monday 24.4.2017:
hello to you! Today it was the first day of my challenge. It was very hard for me because I had riding lessons today too. When I had arrived I cleaned first my horse before I started. Then I began to ride- the first part of the way I started slowly to warm up my horse and me. It was very hard to run with the horse because first he tried to be faster than me and after a half hour I had to pull him because we won`t run anymore…

Tuesday 25.4.2017:
heyy! The first thing I have to tell you is that I change my challenge just to run because it doesn`t works with the horse.
Running today was very nice but hard too because the weather is so bad. I ran about 2 km in the woods.

Wednesday 26.4.2017:
it rains again I can`t believe it =( when the weather is so bad its heavy to get off from the couch but I did it and ran the same way like yesterday.

Thursday 27.4.2017:
hey I`m back! I really hope for you that you have better weather! Today I tried a new way it was a little bit nicer than the other. Now the 2 km`s are easyer to run than at the first day.

Friday 28.4.2017:
Today the weather was really too bad to run. Sorry =(

Saturday 29.4.2017:
m the challenge can start again =) today I tried an other way at the river. Its pretty nice because there are no hills but it`s a little bit longer than the others.

Sunday 30.4.2017:
oh yes! I`m so glad that I finished the challenge! My final was a 3,5 km way from Rondeshagen to Krummesse because I was invited to my friends confirmation. But i`m proud of me that I did it except for Thursday.

Wednesday 3.5.2017:
Today we had our next meeting. We settled some questions and prepared some things for the exchange next week. Of course we worked in groups so one group laminate some papers for the city rallye another group thought about the rallye we'll do in school and the group which I was in created a pinboard and will present some things with the pinboard. We have prepared a lot of things and we are almost finished so the exchange students can come!
Exchange in Germany
Sunday 7.5.2017:
today is the day of my confirmation and the arriving day of our exchangestudents. I had to get up really early because I had to be at church at 9am and I was really excited. After the mess me and my family and a friend went to a restaurante to celbrate. After 2 hours Henris mom brought Maya to my confirmaiton because my family wasn`t able to pick her up because of my confirmation. MAya had dinner with us all and in the evening we went back to my home and i was so tirend that felt aslep right away.

Monday 8.5.2018:
today was the second day of the exchange and I was really, really and felt bad because of my party last day but nothing helps, I have to go to school. We took the bus and arrived atr school our headteacher and Mrs. Schütt welcomed us. we showed the exchangestudends arround in school and after that we started a city ralley. We splitted up in groups and visited Lübecks modt importand sightseeingpoints were we has to take pictures from us with little tasks. The weather was really rainy and cold so it wasn`t as fun as imaged and we didn`t did the whole ralley.
After the ralley we had a delicious lunch in our cafeteria. After eating some german studends hold a short presentation about our mensa.
Here's a picture of the "wall" we created a few days ago for this little presentation

After school activties Maya and me went bach to my home and drawed a little bit. After that we had supper and watched a movie.

Tuesday 9.5.2018:
today we had to get up at 6am because the exchangestudents met at 8am in the foyer to go to Brüggen with our teachers. Whilke thy hd a guided tour in Brüggen the german students had normacl lessons.
When our exchangestudents came back they sowed us that they got some cornflakes from Brüggen as a little present then we had lunch in our mensa. fter the lunch we met in room 9 where we made a questionaire about the Brüggen trip. We were split off into groups with two (or three) german students, one polish student and one finnish student. The questionaire was written in german so we had to translate it first. Then we could ask them about the trip. the questions were:

  1. Was there something amazing?
  2. Name seven facts about the company?
  3. What have you learned about the breakfast habits of the germany?
  4. What have you learned about healthy food?
  5. What have you seen when you walked through the company?

When we had finished the questionaire we walked to the the computer room for writing on our blogs. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä