Departure of the exchange students- germany exchange day 7; Saturday, 13th May 2017

Hey guys!

This night Mimosa slept in my room because it was the last night. Well, we got up at 8 o'clock and had our last breakfast together. We talked a lot and we wished that the exchange would take a few days longer. In next to no time it was 9:30 and we had to drive to the train station. At first there were only we and 2 other exchange pairs but the others followed in time. Soon it was 9:57 and we all went to the platform where the train to Hamburg would leave. We all talked a little and made a group photo for memory.

I guess I was not the only one who felt sad when the train arrived and the exchange students got on the train.

Then we stood there and my mum and Finja's mum talked to our teacher. In a flash it was 10:08 and the train left. I almost felt like I'm crying but I still had no tears in my eyes :-/ Then Finja said to me: "Now they're away". I smiled although I felt sad and just answered: "yes, now they're away". We felt pretty strange because we had such a great time and now it was just over.

Yes, that was a really funny, amazing exchange. It was exhausting too but it was really nice and we got a lot of new experients. By the way it was my first exchange and I had a really nice exchange partner ;-)

~Don't be sad because it's over! Smile, because it was great!~
(a german motto)

I hope I see you soon,
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