Last day in school- germany exchange 2 day 6; friday, 23rd March 2018

Hey guys!

Today we had to get up as early as the other days. We drove to school by bus and the exchange students participated in the 1st lesson which was french for me. In this lesson there were also some other people from french-speaking Switzerland. So this lesson was really international: We had 3 polish students, 2 finnish, the people from Switzerland. 
It was also a bit difficult because we spoke English all the time and German of course. But now we also had to speak french... It was a very interesting lesson! 
Then the exchange students went to Niederegger to visit the marzipan museum. I'd have liked to join them because I also like marzipan but instead of that I had to write a geography test... I think it was not very good. I tried my best but during an exchange it's difficult to focus on learning. The rest of the lesson we had maths.
Then I also had Spanish lesson and after that my head was completly messed up dx
After that we had a bit WiPo (economics and politics) but we had to leave soon because we met in a restaurant called Affenbrot to have a last vegeterian meal together. It was really nice and I had pancakes with cinnamon and sugar. We talked a bit and I think we had a great time.

 The "Affenbrot" from inside

Pancakes with cinnamon and
sugar. Very delicious!

When we all had eaten we could leave. Some of us wanted to go to Travemünde (a part of northern Lübeck) like Finja and me. We went to the bus stop and when we had to decide to which bus stop we would go we saw the bus so we ran to the second bus stop. Luckily, we got the bus otherwise we would have had to wait 30 minutes. The bus trip took also something like 30 or 40 minutes. When we arrived we first went to the beach. Then we wanted to go to the toilet and went to Junge (a bakery) because I wanted to buy some rolls for the evening too. After that we went to the beach again and went along the water to the shopping zone. There we had some ice cream and we also went to DM (drugstore) and ARKO (candy store).
We walked to the next bus stop where it said that the bus will come in 9 minutes. While we were waiting we decided to drive to Finja and stay there for 1 or 2 hours because Weronika and Mary liked to do something together. It's also on the way and much closer to Travemünde. When we entered the bus we met the others who were there too.
When we were at Finja's we talked a lot or rather Weronika and Mary talked and Finja and I talked together (3 It was really nice. At 18:35 we took the bus back home. In time I relized that I forgot my mobile at Finja's but I will get it tomorrow back...
At home we had the rolls we bought as dinner and then Mary and I spent some time together, talked and looked for some difficult german words. Then we both went to sleep.

See you,
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