Mats Holdorf

POLAND 29.9.17


Here is my summary about my exchange to Poland:
I went to Poland by car, because of my fear about planes, so I came to Poland on Saturday evening.
The others arrived on Sunday by plane. On Sunday I met my host family. On Monday we were welcomed by the polish students and we had some workshop at school. After that we went bowling.
On Tuesday we had a bus trip in Gdansk. After that we had a city game where we had to search restaurants and monuments. On wednesday we summarised the work from Tuesday on a map and had some workshops.Later we went to an Escape room. On Thursday we went to a Museum (about Polish history) by bus. On the way we stopped by a museum about pottery. Today (on Friday) we will write in our blogs and have some workshops too. In the evening we will present our work from the whole week.
On Saturday we will do something with our host families. On Sunday we will went back home.


Today is the first day of our challenges. My challenge is dont eating meat.


Today I hadn't any problems. My father made a plan of meatless dishes, very helpfull. I ate noodles with tomato sauce.



Today I also hadn't any problems without my loved meat :(. I ate Pizza margherita.



I really begin to think that it is possible to life without meat. I have to be sick. I ate porridge.



Today I've expect that dont eating meat doesn't mean dont eating fish (I love fish:)). I ate asparagus with fish.



Today I only had one hour from school to my sport. I ate french fries.



Today is the last day of our chalenges. I ate a Veggie-burger.

exchange student Nr 1


Today my exchange student arrives. We (Mum, Dad and I) met him at the train station of Lübeck. We took him to our home by car and he could move in his room. His Name is Rafal and he`s very friendly and funny. in the Evening we made barbecue and played in the garden. We watched Hatari with poolish undertitles.

Roulade recipe

Roulade Recipe

Ingrediens: (for four persons) Four slices of roulade, salt, pepper, mustard, bacon, cucumber, cellery, carrots, onios, leek, tomatoe puree, beef boullion,green beans, potatoes.


1.Put salt and pepper on the beef slices. Spread it with the mustard. Top it with the slices of bacon and than role it and close it with tooth-sticks.->

2.Roast the roulades till they are a little
bit brown. Than add the tomatoe poree
and Roast it a little bit too.

3.Put the cellery, carrots, leeks and onions and the beef boullion till the roulades are nearly covered.

4. Let it cook for round about 90 minutes on low temperatur. Turn the roulades at half of the time.

5.Cook the potatoes and the beans. Put out the roulades.

Vocabulary Book and Food-Pyramid


Our vocabulary-books are made to help us when we're in Poland or Finnland. In This books you find pictures of cooking utensils and their english, poolish, finnish and german meaning.When somebody doesn't know what, for example, spoon in poolish means he can look in his vocabulary-book.


A Food-Pyramid is a drawen pyramid which is filled with forms of Food. For example: Fruits, Sweets, drinkable stuff and vegetables. They are ordered of being healthy or unhealthy.
Just like this:
The fundamental nutrients are on the Bottom and then it goes up to sweets and other unhealthy stuff.

The Logo

We had to do an Logo for the exchange. Here is mine:

Wednesday (18.1.17)

Erasmus-Conference (18.1.17)

Today we have a Conference about Erasmus project. We talk about the Finnland exchange and some Students did a Presentation. The students had told us how they came to finnland and what they were doing there. They talked about their exchange-families, there were some funny stories:). Now we're writing for our Blogs.

What happened up to now? (september to january)

On the first meeting for Erasmus project the teachers wanted that we made a vokabulary-book and a Food-Pyramid. I have an folder with vocabulary, pictures and a Food-Pyramid.
At the second meeting, we had to made a poster for the Erasmus projekt. Unfortunatly I forgot to draw it:(.


Now we're shaping our Blogs, because we have to have a Blog when we're in Finnland. But I don't know when I write again, because I fly to Finnland in May of 2018.

How I think my exchange is going to be:

I think, after I heard the presentation, that there would be very much fun on my exchange. I'm very expectant how my exchange family would be. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä