Bye Poland- poland exchange day 8; sunday, 1st October 2017

Hey guys!

Today was the final day. I got up at 8:30 and at 9:00 we had breakfast. When it was 9:30 we drove to the airport. Then we checked in and it was time to say good bye. We went through the safety check and then we had to wait at the gate. At this time my intolerance appeared but when our airplane started it was better :) We had a great flight but after landing we had to hurry a little to get the underground and our train back to Lübeck . At least everything worked and when we arrived at 15:20 I was really glad to see my mum and to be home again (although my host families were really nice). All together it was a great week.

I hope I see you soon!

Yours, Justine


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