Tom Uplegger

Tuesday 9.5.2017

Today the first four hours we had do to our normal school lessons. At lunch time we met the exchange stundents in the mensa which had done a guided tour through "Brüggen" which is a big food company in Lübeck and Germany. They told us what they had seen in the company and what impressed them. They also told us interesting facts about Brüggen like that the product they produce most are granola bars. Then we had time to write our blogs.

Monday 8.5.2017

Yesterday the exchange students arrived in Lübeck. Today we showed them the school, ate breakfast in our Mensa together with them and presented our work for the Mensa. After that we did a tour through the city and showed them the city. We visited the most famous sights like the Holstentor or the Petrikirche. On the tour we had to complete a few tasks and take photos from several things. When we arrived back in the school we ate for lunch and after that we could go home.

Wednesday 18.1.2017

Today we had a meeting where we did our presentation about the week in Finland. After that, the students who hadn't made their blog already had time to create it. The people who went to Finland had another job, we were told to make a few posters about the project and especially about the week in Finland. These posters are going to be exposed in the school so the people can see what kind of project it is. So we spent a few hours writing about the project separated in different topics and then we prepared the posters. Later our teachers just told us about a few things we should do on the blog.

Friday 18.11.2016

On Friday we did a tour to Helsinki where we visited the organisation Martat, which do a lot related to cooking and household. They told us a lot about what they do and the history of their association. It was pretty interesting. After that, we could walk around in the city, buy souvenirs and eat something. We also visited the big cathedral of Helsinki it looks very nice from in and outside. Overall Helsinki is a really nice and beautiful city. Then in the evening, we went back by bus.

Thursday 17.11.2016

On Thursday we went to a little cottage near Kotka to bake typical Finnish pastry karjalanpiirakat. We also had time to talk about what already happened and to just relax. We made little groups and each of them had to bake a few karjalanpiirakat, it wasn't so easy but we tried our best. Here is the result: Later we ate them together with a fish soup that tasted very well. We also went to the sauna. After a few minutes in the sauna, we decided to go swimming in the sea that was near to the house. I knew that it would be very freezing but I wanted to try it. It was so fun but also very cold. And then later the parents of our exchange students came to take us home.

Wednesday 16.11.2016

On Wednesday we did the MasterChef competition. First 2 people of our group went shopping to buy the things we need to cook. Meanwhile, we already started decorating the table. Our plan was to cook a polish tomato soup for appetiser, macarons overbaked with cheese as a main meal, and a german dessert with fruits. We had a few problems but in the end, everything worked well. Here a picture of our table:We were all very tense when the teachers were eating our food, but we were very happy when they told us that we were the 2. place. But then we had to do what nobody likes: Cleaning the kitchen :D

Tuesday 15.11.2016

On Tuesday the first thing we did was watching a school lesson. It was interesting but we couldn't understand much. After that, we did a bus tour through Kotka. We went to some nice places like the river that goes through Kotka, here a picture:And a museum where we saw a lot of things about travelling by ship in the past. After that, we went to the shopping centre to eat something. Later in the evening, I went to the sauna with my family, it was my first time and I liked it. Now I'm really excited to repeat it on Thursday.

Monday 14.11.2016

The first day in Kotka!
When we arrived at the school, here a picture:
It was pretty interesting because we saw a lot of students looking at their phones, in our school, this is forbidden. Another thing that is different is that you can leave your jacket in the corridor. First, we did some games to get to know each other. Then we talked about the school system in Finland and later about the food pyramid. We also made groups with 2 people from every country for the MasterChef competition which will be on Wednesday. We looked at the recipes we brought and then looked for an easy, healthy and tasty one. On Wednesday we will cook the recipes in the groups we made today. Tomorrow we will participate in a school lesson and do a tour through the city. I'm excited about it because I haven't seen so much of the city yet.

A summary of the meetings before

It all started in late 2016 when we could to write an application for the project. Later we had a meeting with the students from our school who would participate, our parents and the teachers from Finland, Poland and our school. There we could choose where and when we want to go. After that, we had a few more meetings where we had to prepare a vocabulary where we wrote down the translations from food and kitchen utensils. We also made a logo for the project and a few other things like a nutrition pyramid and writing down a typical german meal. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä