Isabel Renner

Foodwaste project day 6

Today is the sixth day of the project. We didn't chuck away anything but we bought something:

Foodwaste project day 5

Today is the fith day of the project. We didn't eat everything of dinner, but I put it in the fridge and I'll eat it tomorrow for lunch. We didn't buy anything.

Foodwaste project day 4

Today is the fourth day of the project. We found a little bit of old rice with sauce in the fridge which we forgot to eat so it was mouldy. We had to chuck it away. We also bought something:

Foodwaste project day 3

Today is the third day of the project. We didn't need to buy any food and we also didin't chuck away anything.

Foodwaste project day 2

Today is the second day of the project.
We found two oranges which were mouldy so we had to chuck them away. 
We bought new oranges and some other fruits and vegetables: apples, mandarins, lychees, kiwis and tomatos.

Foodwaste project day 1

Today the new project which is called "Foodwaste" starts. We have to observe how much food we chuck away.
My family doesn't chuck away much food, because if something of our meal is left over we usually eat it later or on the next day.

Today is the first day (Monday) and that's what we bought: We don't buy much at once but we buy new food often.

The Challenge of May

In this blogpost I'll write about the Challenge of May, she is from Finnland.
She wasn't allowed to eat crispbread for one week.
At the beginning it was kind of hard, because everytime, if she wanted to eat crispbread, she realized the Challenge and couldn't eat it.
After a few days she didn't care about crispbread.
She would't do the Challenge again, but probably she won't eat that much of crispbread.
She thinks it was a good experience. My challenge was differnt, because I had to drink much and May wasn't allowed to eat anything of crispbread, she had to go without crispbread.

First day of the exchange in Germany (08.05.17)

Today is the first day of the exchange week in Germany.
First the teachers greeted us and the exchange students and than we made groups for the tour through our school. Patricia, Paul and I led one group. We showed the exchange students our school and after that we met in our cafeteria. At 9:15 we ate breakfast with the whole group and it was really delicious!!
The cook of our cafeteria prepared a wonderful breakfast. I ate one roll with creamcheese, cheese, cucumber and tomato I also ate yogurt with some crunchy cerials. After that we made a tour through Lübeck with differnt exercices. It took about 2,5h and when we arrived at school we ate for lunch.
It was a really exhausting day and when I arrived at home I was really happy.

Our eighth meeting (03.05.17)

Today was our eight meeting.
We prepared some things for the next week, when the students from Finnland and Poland will come.
My group prepared a little leadership through our school.
We chose what we will show and in which order we will show the things.

The second day of the exchange week (09.05.17)

Today was the second day of the exchange week.
First we had to go to our school lessons until 12:35, because the exchange students had a presentation and tour through "Brüggen", which is a factory, which produce cerials and stuff like that.
In the break we ate for lunch together. After that we asked the exchangestudents questions about "Brüggen". Now we are writing the blogposts.

The seventh/last day of the challenge (30.04.17)

Today was the last day of the challenge and tomorrow is no school and work in Germany, because it's "The day of work". I'm really happy that tomorrow is no school:)
Now about the day:
Today I didn't drink much in the mornig and midday, because I forgot to. In the afternoon I drank much water.
Now the challenge is over and I'm happy about that;) Because I don't have to drink 2L of water and to write a blogpost everyday. But nevertheless I'll try to drink more than usually now, because I feel better.
How was your challenge week?
Have a nice day!

The sixth day of the challenge (29.04.17)

Finally weekend and my confirmation!
Because of my confirmation I didn't drink 2L of water I drank a little bit of water, but more soft drinks than water. So real I didn't manage the challenge today, but a confirmation is a special unique celebration, so I think it isn't a big disaster. I think I drank 2L or more but it wasn't water every time.

The fith day of the challenge (28.04.17)

Today is the fith day of the Challenge and tomorrow my confirmation I'm really exited!!
Today also was another Erasmus meeting. It was a really short one and just in the break and about 20 minutes more. We just spoke about the program for may, when the Polish and Finish students will come to Germany. I'm really exited for that week!
But now I'll tell you about my fith day of the challenge. It was better than yesterday, I drank much in school and at home. Again more than 2L. It was a good day of the challenge.

The fourth day of the challange (27.04.17)

Today was the fourth day it was harder than on the other days, because in school I didn't drink much and at home I forgot it too so I had to drink much at dinner and in the evening.

Second day of the Challenge (25.04.17)

Hey! Today was Tuesday, 25.04.17.
It was the second day after the holidays and I have much homework again, well this isn't what I want to talk about.
Today I drank my waterbootle, 1L, again in school.
At home I forgot to drink much first, but than I remembered and drank the rest, I had too. This day of the Challange was okay.

First day of the Challange (24.04.17)

Today, 24.04.17, was the first day of school after the holidays and the beginning of the Challenge.
My challange is to drink 2L water a day. I mostly drink water anyway, so that isn't a big deal, but I don't drink two liters of it I think 1,5L or less than that. Usually I have a waterbottle of 1L in school, but most of the time I don't drink everything of it. I will try to do this this week and maybe also after it.

The first day wasn't really hard I drank a little bit more than 2L. Today I drank everything of my bottel in school, 1L. At home I drank about 1,1L.

Our seventh meeting (31.03.17)

On the 31.03.17 was our seventh meeting.
It was on Friday, normally it's on Wednesday and it wasn't as long as others.
The group, which was in Poland made a presentation about the week. The things they told us were really interisting and cool. They showed us many pictures too. At the end of the lesson we had to think of an exercice or challenge for the week after the holiays, which does everybody of the Erasmus project. I choosed to drink 2L a day.

Our sixth meeting 15.03.17

Our sixth meeting was on the 15.0317
At this meeting we just could revise our blogs for about one hour. Than the group, which drives to poland, well now they’ve already been there, showed us their little theater about german table manners.
It was really cool and funny!

Our fith meeting 01.03.17

Today, 01.03.17, was our fith meeting. First we spoke about our homework (to finish the work we had to do at the last meeting). Every group had to present their results. We spoke about it and the teachers gave us suggestions for improve the exercises again, which is our homework.

After that we had to go into the supermarket. We had to find out which additives are in food.
We had a list with categories of food. We had to find out three for every category.
After we had finished that we went back to school and then back home.

Our fourth meeting, 15.02.17

On our fourt, which was on the 15.02.17, we first spoke about the homework, which was to write 5 table manners. We wrote a really big mind map on the board.
After that we could choose different groups, which had different topics. Patricia, Antonia, Lisa and I chose to write a letter for the parents about our cafeteria and we also had to design a poster with slogans for it. Our homework was to write this blog and to finish the letter and poster.

Our third meeting, 1.02.17

On our third meeting, which was on the 01.02.17, we talked about about our cafeteria. About what’s good about it and what could be better. We wrote a mindmap on the board.
Our homework was to download the app "Phase 6", for learning vocabulary, to find out vocabulary about additives of food, to write this blogpost and write five table manners.

Our second meeting

On our second meeting we spoke about the logo, every student had to design one. We had to form groups of a few students and had to choose the three best logos of the group. After we had chosen them we had to vote for the best of every logo, which were chosen in the small groups.
We also spoke about recipes. Everyone had to write three recipes one for a starter dish, one for a main dish and one for a dessert. I chose carrot soup, brussel potato casserole and stewed apple. We spoke about and presented them in small groups of three. Then 3 students had to talk about their recipe in front of the whole group.

Our first meeting, 28.09.16

Hey, my name is Isabel and this is my blog.
On our first meeting, which was on the 28.09.16, we spoke about what we have to prepare for the project. We had to design our own dictionary about food and kitchen vocabulary.
At the end of our first meeting our teacher told us when we will fly to Finland or Poland. I will fly to Finland in May 2018.