Jonas Otten

Tuesday, 15 th of May

Today our day start very early we met the others at 7.00 at the school.There we rent the same bikes like yesterday. At 7.15 we go on the way to the Hippalla-Farm ( maybe 10 km ). At the farm the farmers welcome us and answer the most of our questions from yesterday. But then we were in the milking station, we saw at the cow stable the latest cows there. We saw very little cows there but the smell was not so nice. And the worst thing was that the smell attract all that little fly’s. After our visit of the cow stable the farmer answer all our questions from yesterday. After that we could taste the fresh milk and eat ice cream. At the end we saw the birth of a cow baby. We drove our bikes back to school and there we ate at 11.30 lunch in the cafeteria. After the very delicious lunch, we work on our blogs and on our presentation of our food philosophy. At 15.00 we take the bus to home and ate pasta with meat from yesterday. Then we take the bus to the main city of Kotka, we met the others in a restaurant, they ate too. Then we went with all to the shopping center, which was closed on Sunday. There we go shopping and buy souvenirs, like the finnish chocolate.In the evening went to Subway and ate there dinner. After that we went to Tanelli’s concert to bring them Luca and the two polish students. But they don’t want to stay there so they ask if they can go maybe with us, but nobody can take them back. So they have to wait and we went to home.
Pictures will follow

Monday, 14 th of May

Today was our first school day in Finland. I get up at 7.00 because we have to be at school at 8.10 so we eat only a bread to breakfast.Then we have to leave the house. At the school we rent our bikes, the bikes were really funny because they have only one gear and the have only a backpedal brake, the handle bars were high so you feel very cool if you drive it. On the way to Luovi one bike was broken and we don’t knew it so we have to wait because we didn’t look on our phones. At Luovi we played some games with tutor students, that was funny and everyone know each other now better. At lunchtime we eat a fish soup and eggs, it was not the same food like in Germany but it was very delicious. After that we worked separated in our groups questions for the Hippala-Farm on Tuesday and the main kitchen from Kotka on Wednesday. While that we get crepes with strawberry Marmelade, it Marmelade is not the same because this marmelade was liquid and in Germany it is not. The we have to present our teachers our food philosophy ( I had vegetarian with Henri ), after that we ride our bikes back to school in this warm and sunny weather, it was very hot. At home we ate pasta with meat and after that we go to Tanelli’s Home and meet there he most of the German students. There we played some games and eat a big wok with sausages and potatoes. After that ( I was nearly full ) Tanelli’s father make Crêpes outdoor. It was very nice and delicious. And now I am full ...
Pictures will follow

Sunday, 13 rd of May

Today we have to get up at 10 o clock, but I go up then but nobody were awake. At 11.30 my exchange students said to me that we go in 5 minutes, it was a bit strange. Then we went to a park, there we met Luca and Lisa and Lisa with there exchange partners. We wait for the opening from the shops there but after maybe 30 minutes we know that ist “Muttertag” so every Shop has closed. We all were hungry so we go to McDonalds, on the way my exchange student go to lunch with her boyfriend. After having a smoothie in McDonalds. We want to go to the sea. On the way to it we were in a supermarket which was a mix between a supermarket a car market and a clothes market. Here you can buy everything, we bought only water and some other things like sunglasses. We walked over a hill and then we had a very beautiful view about the bay, it looks like Canada. We all set on one stone and hear music and my exchange students came. After 2 hours we were picked up by Tanelli’s father, he take us to the bus station where the polish students arrived. My exchange family picked me and the polish exchange students and we go home. There we are some sausages with the family, at 6.00 p.m. they drove us to Tanelli’s home.
There we play some games and watch an film together.
Pictures will follow

Friday,12 th of May

Today is the fifth and last day of the exchange week with our guests.
Today we had with the guests two lessons normally in class then we prepared our presentation for the evening . While we do this the guests go to the hansemuseum.At the evening many parents come and heard the presentation about Rothenhausen,Brüggen , and lotthe cooking workshop. We had an buffet and a lot to eat . It was a nice week with our guests .

Thursday, 11 th of May

Today is the fourth day of the exchange week.Today we visited the biological farm rothenhausen. First we had an little tour trough the farm then we were splits in two groups: Group 1 goes to the fields and to the hens Group 2 goes to the cows and the vegetables after that tours we make our own butter and we had an buffet.

Wednesday, 10th of May

Today is our third day of the week.
Today the first both lessons we were with the guests in our lessons then they visited niederegger.

Tuesday, 9th of May

Today it is the second day of the week. Today we had normally lessons , the guests visited the cornflakes factory "Brüggen".
We eat lunch in our Mensa then they showed us about they learned there and we worked at our blogs.

Monday, 8th of May

Today is our first day of the week with our Finnish and polish Guests.
Today we have an welcome from our teachers and the head teacher, then we show them our school. At 9:15 we have an healthy breakfast in our Mensa after that we do a specialist rally : We must to take an photo at this place we could answer the question. So we had an question we had to answer and an photo we hd to take. When we finished the rally we eat lunch in our Mensa.

Sunday, 30 th of April

Today is my seventh and last day of the challenge. Today I ate an bread with marmalade at lunch apples at dinner gnocchis.

Saturday, 29 th of April

Today was my sixth day of the challenge. I ate an bread with Nutella at lunch an banana at dinner an salat

Friday, 28 th of April

Today was the fifth day of the challenge. I ate an bread with marmalade, at lunch apples and at dinner a bread with cheese. Now ally I have plenty of cheese but there are only two days.

Thursday,27th of April

Hi today is my fourth day of the challenge. I ate an bread with marmalade at lunch pasta with cheese cream at dinner salat.

Wednesday,26 th of April

Today is my third day of the challenge. I ate müsli at lunch hünchen geschnetzeltes at dinner an bread with cheese.

Tuesday,25 th of April

Today was my second day of the challenge. I ate an müsli at lunch one bread with cheese and at lunch an bread with cream cheese. It was also not so hard

Monday, 24 the of April

Today was my first day of the challenge. I ate at breakfast an cheese bread at lunch milchreis and at dinner an salat.
Yet it is okay to eat no meat.

Friday,31th of March

Today we had our first Erasmus meeting after the exchange week in Poland.We heard a presentation with pictures and they say something about the movie night , a quiz and about that they had lot's of fun. After the presentation we told our teachers what is our challenge for the first week after the Easter holidays. My challenge is : no meat
I hope that I make the week.

Wednesday,15th of March

Hey I'm Jonas
Today we had our next Erasmus meeting. In first we had time to wrote in our blogs. After that we see an sketch about table manners or not, the sketch was playing from t
  • he students flying to Poland. In this sketch was an important business meeting between two families one family had two child's and they don't have any table manners the other family had one children with really good table manners. They do it very professional with the speaking. Here a picture from them:

Wednesday, 1th of March

Today we had our next Erasmus-meeting. In this meeting we present the work of our groups in the last meeting. The teacher weren't happy about our work, well we had an talk with our Mensa cook but we didn't prepare an speech. We must to do an handout an list about the practicability of our good ideas maybe our presentation in the next meeting will be better. I hope so . After our presentations we must to go to an supermarket to found the additives in famous food and drinks. At last we must to took this into a list of the different foods.

Friday,17th of February

Today we had our talk with our Mensa cook. We talked about lots of ideas that the old Mensa cook sell. One of the head ideas was a cup filled with noodles speak ,,Noodlecup". Our last Mensa cook had this ,over the noodles come tomato sauce with or without hacked meat. An other idea was gratis juice instead of free water or two days free sweet dessert and maybe three days fruits for a little bit money. Our Mensa cook was enjoyed about our ideas.

Wednesday,15th of February

Today we had our next Erasmus-meeting. We compare our homework, we must to think about our table manners at home, we found lots of important table manners. Then all of us were split in to small groups of four students. One group must to write a letter to the students and the teachers from our school a letter which one the students say how easy it is to order our lunch at school an other group must to make a presentation about our Mensa yet . My group must to talk with our school cook about things that they can do better . On this Friday we had our talk.

Wednesday, 1th of February

Tekijä: Jonas Otten

Today we had our next meeting for our project. We talked about our school cantina, what you can buy there ; That what you can buy there is it good is the quality okay ? . We think about what they can do better then yet. We talked about what our dreams for the cantina are. And we answered lots of question , who showers us how friendly the people there are. We found a lots of things than they can do better, but our cantina is good and the people there are mostly friendly

Wednesday, 18th of January

Tekijä: Jonas Otten

Today we had an Erasmus + - Specialist conference in our computer rooms. We created our blogs and write a bit to this day and what me made before. The conference started with an good presentation about the last Kotka - Exchange in November. They had photos from Kotka ,from Helsinki and from the Masterchef competition ( the cooking duel ). We learned a lots about the Finnish habit ; the culture in Finland. When the presentation end the students who was in Kotka go to the other room to prepare an poster. The other created there blogs , looked like the other blogs and get good ideas from it. Then we wrote on our blogs , looked like photos for it. It was a very good meeting.

Retrospective view (Sept 2016 - Jan 2017)

Tekijä: Jonas Otten
In the last weeks we do a few things.Such as a dictionary with foods and kitchen utensils ,or an logo for our project. All starts with a meeting with the German students ,from the project. In this meeting we prepare the most for the coming parents evening for our project. Then we had the choice between going with the exchange to Poland or to Finland.We had time to thinking about that ,till the parents evening.. Then wedecide us.For the parents evening comes the teacher from Poland and Finland. The parents and we sit on tables and the German , the Polish and the Finnish teacher come to the tables and prepare there with the exchange On this evening we learn lots about the other countries,the other cultures and the other schools ,Maybe two weeks later we met us again ( only the exchange students ). At this meeting the exchange students ,who flies in November to Kotka become more details for there flights.The other must to make an Dictionary so ,we must to surcharge in the Internet about the importantest things for me in the themes food and kitchen utensils and we must to make a logo for our project. For the exchange we all made a food pyramid. The pyramids look like this : Between the meeting ,where we become this work and yet we had two meetings. On this meetings we check that all do this work and the students ,who flies in November to Kotka became more details and their flight tickets.