A nice day- finland exchange day 2; sunday, 13th May 2018

Hey guys!

After a short night I got up at 8:15 and got ready before we had breakfast.
Then we drove with the car to the stable. We first got the pony ready and then Jenni rode first. After that it was my turn and it was so much different then on the school ponies (much better because it was really sensitive and you just had to think what you want next). When we were finished with riding we washed the pony and also Jenni's [own] pony.
Afterwards we drove back home again where we took a break and I had a shower. Then we grilled and had pork, sausages, corn, and french fries in special form from the oven.

After eating I played the piano a little and afterwards we decided to play badminton a little but we had to play with a tiny real ball because we couldn't find a right one.
We decided to buy a new set after we have been at the grand parents where we went next. They talked a while and then we had some cake. Soon we left again and went to buy a new set. We bought the same again and tried it out when we were back home.

These are the things we grilled (3

 and the badminton set  

Before Netta, Finja and Josi came to us we made a pancake, a special big one.

Later some polish joined us and we played badminton and later on we went to a football pitch. Back at home the polish went with their exchange students to their home bit Netta, Finja and Josi stayed. We wanted to eat some pizza and went to a shop. It was really good!

On the way back home we walked along the school and they showed us the way to school because we will have to go there on our own on Tuesday.
When we arrived at Jenni's house the others also went back home and we both soon went to bed.

Hope you enjoyed reading this entry!

Keep cool,

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