Maibrit Kolbe

29.04 & 30.04.2017 (the end)

On the weekend the challenge was hart because I was on an konfirmation and hadn't a lot of time but I went jogging every day.


On friday the weather was very bad. It rained and it was very cold but evenso I went jogging. I ran about one hour.


The weather today was good and jogging was funny. But it was a little stressful because the day was very full.


Today jogging was okay but the weather wasn't very nice and it was cold.


Today the wheather was good and jogging was funny.
I ran about one hour.

24.04.2017 the challengeweek

Today was the first Challengeday. My challenge is joggin.
The weather was bad because it rained and because that jogging was okay.

Friday 31.03.17

Today we had our first exchange after the exchange in poland.
We (Mara, Lisa, Anne-Merle, Lisann, Lea and me) taked about our exchange. We gave them a presentation with pictures and everybody talked about one day.

After that our teachers told us something about the "Challenge" and everybody said their "Challenge".

Sunday 26.03.2017

I woke up at 8:00 and I got ready.
Then my exchange family took me to the airport. And then we said goodbye to our exchange family.
After one hour our fly started. The weather was good and you could see a nice view.

We landet at 1:00 and our families took us home.

Saturday 25.03.2017

The my exchange mother picked us up at 6:00 morning.
Then I slept about two hours until my exchange student took me to our teachers home.
By my teachers home we prepared a presentation for a meeting in Germany.
After three hours she tooked me home.
At home we ate Schnitzel and potatos. Then we went with Mara and her exchange student to a beautiful park.

The park was very nice and very

We enjoyed the last day together.
I packed my bag this afternoon and went to bed.

Friday 24.03.2017

I woke up at 7:30. We drove with the train to the polish school.
We went to a polish supermarked and bought every ingredients for the snacks. Our purchase costed about 60 zloty.
We prepared in the school our labbook. Our was about the banana.

We drove after two hours to a gastronomie school.
In the school we heard something about barkeeping and folting table napkins.
After that we cooked our three snacks.

Our three snack were strawberremuffins, fruit salat and strawberryshake.
After preparing the snacks we had end of school and we went to a supermarket and bought some typical polish sweet.
We met the other at 20:00 because in this night was a filmnight.
We saw films about food. The night ended at 6:00 on saturday morning.

Thursday 23.03.2017

Today I woke up at 6:20. My breakfast were pancakes with fruits.
We went to the polish school and we heard a presentation about calories. The presentation was interesting but you couldn't hear it a long time.We went after hearing the presentation to Jumpcity.
Jumpcity is a hall with many trampolines.
We jumped about one hour.

For lunchtime we went to avocado. Avocado is a vegan restaurant. We ate nuddles and after eating the cook told us something about healthy smoothie.

The food was okay but special.

Then we went back to the school. We heard in the school the three theater about typical table.
We prepared our three snacksand then we drove home.

Wednesday 22.03.2017

Today I waked up at 7:00 and we met the others at a church. And we made a busdrive.
First we stopped at a porcelain factory is called Lubiana.
We saw in the factory how do you made porcelain and we were in a factoryshop.

Then we drove to a etnographic museum and saw the life of polish people former.

We looked in old houses, in windmill and in a

Then we went to a cooking workshop about typical polish food.
The workshop wasn't a real workshop because we didn't learn something.
But the food was okay.

In the afternoon we went to a viewtower and after that we had a carriage ride.

At 18:30 we drove back home. The drive needed about 2 hours. Then we were at home.

Tuesday 21.03.2017

TodayI woked up at 7:30 and we drove to the polish school.
In the school we met the other erasmus students. After that we drove with the citytrain to danskcity.

In the city we made relly about danskcity in the relly we visited museums and made fotos. After some time our relly group met some other groups and we went in a café.

Then we visited dansk more precise.
At lunchtime we went in a restaurant wich was like a canteen. They cooked
typical polish.

At 15:30 we drove back to the school and prepared on our blogs and on
three recipes. The recipes must be healthy. Everybody was in a group with
a polish student a german student and a finish student.

At 17:00 we drove at home and at 17:30 we went to a Galeria and went shopping.

After two and a half hour we went home and had dinner.;)

Monday 20.03.2017

I waked up at 6:20 and ate some some sandwiches.

After that we drove to their school and heard a presentation about the school.
The polish school is a opposite of our school. The school is in colour and hasn't a real mensa.

In the school we prepared some special food activities about healthy food for example a kahoot, food memories and labbooks.

Then we went to a bowling alley and we bowled for lunch we ate pizza. After school we ( my exchange student and I) and Mara and her exchange student drove with the train to a big shoppingcenter in Gdynia.
In the center were many shops and we went to starbucks and drunk a ice coffee.

After that we drove to home and ate a small dinner and went slepping.;)

Sunday 19.03.2017

Today I started my first exchange.;)
We met the others at 8:30 ant we drove to Hamburgairport.
We waited at Hamburgairport about two hours in this time we looked in some shops.

After waiting we flew with the plane. Our fly was about one hour and we saw only cloud.

After the fly our exchangestudents picked us up and taked us to their homes.
I lived in a flat in a appartment building.
My exchange student had a small sweet dog and a sister.

My " exchange mother" cooked a delicious dinner with potatos, rice, cordon bleu and some other meat.

My exchange student is friend with maras exchange student. And we met the two others in a pretty suburb. The suburb was on the beach and had some nice small shops.

We went in a café and and drunk a ice coffee.
Since we visited the city we drove home and enjoyed the afternoon.


On wednesday the 1.03.2017 we had our next meeting.
The other students told us something about our mensa.
For example:
- one group talked about the question"how is the mensa"
- an other group told us something about the aim to improve the mensa
- the third section related something about their own advertising campaign
- and the last group said a little over gratis food

After that we (six girls who are going to fly to poland) talked about our theater play over table manners.
In the same time the other pupils went in two different discounter and they looked on the same foodstuffs and copied the additives in a table.



Today(wednesday the 1.2.17)we had our next Erasmus meeting.
We talked about the different exchanges and we concerned with the mensa cateen food.

We suched important things about the mensa cateen food and the mensa atmosphere.The students compared the good and the bad arguments in a tabel.
Then we discoused why we go or why we don't go eating in the school mensa.


Hi guys,
on wednesday we had a Erasmus meeting.The whole day was a symposium about the Erasmus foodproject.
Six studens talked about their exchange in november.They showed us some pictures and gave us a nice presentation.After that we programmed our own blog.Its my first experience to write a blog and I am ecxited what happens.
Good luck:)

My first blog

I`m Maibrit.This is my first blog (:
And I'm going to drive to Danzig in march 2017.We did some interesting projects for our Erasmus exchange and I want to tell you the important information.

On the first Erasmusmeeting our theachers told us to make a foodvocabluarybook.And a foodpyramid. In the book we wrote many foodwords whereby we inform with our exchange studens and with the other studens.In my book I have five categories.
In the book I translate the german meanning in english and I will complete them with my exchange studens in finnish and in polish.

We made a foodpyramid .In the pyramid we wrote how healthy zhe foodsection is.On an other meeting the theacher told us to write our favourite german three-course menu. And on the next meeting we should told it our classmades. Everybody made a logo for the Erasmus project and then we selected the three best.
I hope you understand my english.