Finja Bull

what happened before...

Today I'll write, what happened before I got my blog.
The first thing I had to do, was to write an application, where we had to write why we want to be in this project and other stuff. I wrote, that I want to be in the Erasmus project because I want to go to other countries to learn about other cultures and eating habbits and to improve my english.
After that we had an information evening where we asked the teachers what we wanted to know about the exchange. There were polish and finish teacher too, wich answered questions. I decided, that I want to go to Poland, because it's very cold in Finland. But the lunch there is very early and I often eat. So it wasn't easy to choose. but than I descided that I want to go to Poland, because I didn't want to go at the beginning of the project.
We began with the preparations on 28th September. We met in the lunchbreak and got the important
information. As homework we had to make a vokabulary book to look up words, when we are in Finland or Poland and when the exchange students come here. We ordered it in categorys, for example: fruit, vegetables,... . You can find there only kitchen and cooking words. This is my vokabulary book.

from outside...

...and inside.

And we had to draw a german food pyramid. I made it with pictures from the supermarket advertising

My eating habits aren't like in the pyramid, because I don't drink much and I eat often more fruit and vegetables, so my eating habits are really mixed up.
At the next meeting in October we had to presentate the book and the pyramid. The homework from this meeting, was to write down the recipe of a typical german three course meal and creating a logo.
my three course menue:
starter: apple pancake
main course: baked fish with carrots and potatos
dessert: apple groats (you can find it at the recipes and vocabulary part)
In the logo we had to include the theme of the project, the Erasmus logo and our motto. So I had this idea:
after that we had a third meeting, to compare our work. Then the first exchange students went to Finland and today we had our fourth meeting.

Wednesday, 18th January 2017

Today we had our fourth meeting, it was the whole day, so we had missed four lessons. At 8 o'clock we came to the computerroom and heard a presentation from the exchange students who were in Finland. They told us about the eating habits, hobbys and school of the finish people. I was really surprised, when I heard, that the students get their food in school for free, that they can take it by theirselves (, that it works) and that half of their plate is with vegetables. After the presentation we got our blog profiles. It took nearly an hour, till everything was right. Now we have time to write what happened before we got the blog.

Wednesday, 1st February 2017

Today we had a meeting. I think it was the fifth. We got much homework (make an Phase 6 account, write down some important table manners and write down the translation for some additives). We talked about our canteen, what is at now and what we can make better.
that stood on our board:

We discussed a bit if some aspects are really now, or if it's only better then with Lenschow. In the picture you can see, that there is not much to improve, so I think, that our canteen is really good.
Here a photo of our homework:


Wednesday, 15th February 2017

Today we met for 90 minutes. In the first half hour we talked about table manners and made a mind map on the board:

Then we had to make groups of four. I was in a group with Justine, Jonas and Henry. My group has to make some suggestions how to make better our canteen. we could search on the internet, to find some ideas, but there was nothing really usefull, so we thought about, what we don't like best in our canteen. On Friday we'll talk to Mrs Gerischer, to present our ideas. Our homework is, to order the mind-map sensefull. I made it so:


Friday, 17th February

Today we had talked to Mrs Gerischer, to say her what can be better in the canteen. It took about one hour, so I missed physics, but it doesn't matter. Here is a list of our ideas:
  • everyday a dessert (2× sweet, 3×fruits)
  • tea in winter (to the meal)
  • juices instead of dessert (for example on fridays, because only twenty minutes lunchbreak)
  • water without lemon
  • salt and pepper on the desks
  • noodle cups
And here a list of our results:
  1. a dessert for everyday is possible, if the fruits will be payed (20-50 ct)
  2. tea is sold at all, but it's to expensive to give it out for free
  3. it would be possible, but she wants to think about it
  4. she won't put lemon in the water, if we don't like it
  5. she won't put it on the desks, because the fifth and sixth grades will mess around with it
  6. it would be possible, but the other students have to want it too

Wednesday, 1st March 2017

Today we met again and had to present our results. My group and I had to talk to Mrs Gerischer and we didn't know how to present our results, so everyone said one of our agreements. After that we had nearly half an hour to go to Penny and make pictures of the ingridients lists of these products:
- cereals
- tinned food
- frozened food from animals
- frozened food from plants
- frozened finished product
- milk product
- sweet backed products
- salted snacks
- sweets
- drinks
We were only four in our "Penny group", so we were a bit late back, but we got enough photos. Josi made the photos, I wrote the list and the other two searched the products. The homework for Justine and me is to make a survey.

Wednesday, 15th March 2017

Today we had time to write and improve our blogs. Then we saw the roll Play of the group, which travels to Poland next. I think it was good. It's about: two familys which meet for a really important buisness dinner. And the childrens of the one buisness partner haven't got any table manners, while the child of the other buisness partner has really good manners.

Friday, 17th March 2017

Yesterday we got the information, that we have to make a survey, wheter the students want to get noodlecups (warm noodles in a cup with tomato sauce) in the canteen or not. So Justine and I decided to do it today in the second lesson. But first we had to ask Mrs Schellenberger. In the first three or four classes it worked really good, but then we noticed, that there is another survey for math in just the same lesson. But it didn't matter and we made the survey in all classes (5-9) which were taught in their classrooms. Most students wanted noodles in deposit cups. So we said that to Mrs Gerischer and she said, that we can buy noodlecups after the easter holidays.

Friday, 31st March 2017

Today we had a meeting, because the students, who were in Poland are back. They presented us what they have learned about the eating habits and the polish culture. It was very interesting for me, because I'll fly to Poland in Autumn.

Monday, 24th April 2017

Today was the first day of my challange, not to eat sweets and drink 1,5 l. Today was hard, because I've forgotten the challange totally in the holidays, so I didn't tell my mother, what she should buy. So I ate oat flakes with milk for breakfast. In school I bought a tomato-mozzarella-roll. But at home my sister said: "Do you want a lemon- or a choclate muffin?". It was really hard to say no, but I got it. Then I ate my lunch and after that I went to the supermarket, to buy some not so sweet, but delicious things. I bought bananas, salad, milk, tomatos, grapes, cheese, rice and mortadella. Then I was hungry again and drunk a banana milkshake and ate an apple. At 19.00 we had supper. I ate oat flakeswith milk again and drunk a cup of banana milkshake. Till now I drunk 1,3 l and didn't eat sweets.

Tuesday, 25th April 2017

Today was a better day than yesterday, because I had tasty food without much sugar. For breakfast I drunk only a banana milkshake, because I wasn't really hungry. In school I ate a Sandwich and cheese with grapes. It was verry delicious! For lunch I had noodles with tomato sauce. In the afternoon, when I was hungry again, I ate cheese with grapes. For supper I made a banana milkshake again. Tomorrow I'll take a photo of every meal.

Wednesday, 26th April 2017

Today I made a photo of every meal.
Here is a photo of my breakfast. Banana milkshake!

And here my food for school. A sandwich and cheese with grapes.

Today I had to cook my lunch. Rice with sweet-sour sauce. Mmmmmh!

For supper I had a roll with vegetarian mortadella and salami, because I am at Justines, and her challange is to eat vegetary. But I have forgotten to make a photo, because I was so hungry.
The 1,5 l I drunk today. I feel really good without sweets, but I miss it.

Recipe for a banana milkshake

You need (for four glasses):
- two bananas
- a half teaspoon of honey
- 800 ml milk
- a handblender
- 4 glasses
- a container (in which you can mix sth. with a handblender)

1. Break the bananas into four pieces and put it with the honey into the container. Then mix it with the handblender.
2. Give the milk to it and mix it again.
3. Fill it into the four glasses.

Thursday, 27th April 2017

Today I ate for breakfast only a half roll with butter, because we had to hurry. I made my girl's day with Justine at the UKSH. It's not far away from Justine, so I slept there. After we ate breakfast we ran to Junge (baker's), to buy something to eat. After the welcoming we should take some fruits, which we can eat when we are hungry. When I was hungry I ate a banana and a cheeseroll. For lunch I had a baguette. But I drunk only 0,75 l yet, but it's okay. Now I'll eat supper and drink much.

Friday, 28th April 2017

Only two days till the challanges end! Today I drunk a banana milkshake for breakfast, like nearly every day this week! In school I ate a sandwich, an apple and a wholegrain roll with turkey. I hadn't got lunch, because the lunchbreak was so short. When I got home. I was so hungry for sweets! But after I ate some TUC I felt fine. For supper I ate really much, because I hadn't lunch. I ate meat, oat flakes with milk and an apple. The drinking part of my challange was today really succesful.

Friday, 28th April 2017

Today we had the first meeting after the easter holidays. We got the plan what we are going to do, when the exchange students are here. Jonas and I, we have to write a text in english, what we have reached while our talk with Mrs Gerischer. At our next meeting on Wednesday we have to present it for the german students, and on the 8.5. we have to present it for the exchange students.

Saturday, 29th april 2017

Today my breakfast was a wholegrain bread with cream cheese and cherry jam (only with fruit sugar). Then I ate lunch: noodles with bolognese and parmesan. When I was hungry again, I ate the rest of my lunch and applegroats with vanilla sauce. For supper I ate noodles with a bit ketchup and much parmesan. Then later in the evening I was really hungry again, so I ate applegroats with vanilla sauce again and an apple. The drinking part of my challange was really hard today, but I don't know why.

Sunday, 30th April 2017

Today is the last day of the challange! I'm so happy, that I can eat sweets tomorrow! My breakfas today was a banana milkshake. For lunch I had chicken and Noodles with tomato sauce and parmesan. My dessert was applegroats with vanilla sauce. In the afternoon while the rest of my family ate sweets and cacke, I ate noodles with parmesan. For supper I ate a Hotdog. In the evenong I was hungry again, so I ate oat flakes with milk. Today I drunk about 1,7 l!

Wednesday, 3rd Mai 2017

Today was the last meeting, before the exchange students come (Only 4 days!). So we had to make the last preparations. Some students prepared the rally, some other ones designed a pinboar with the results of our Mensa-campaign and they had to prepare the presentation about it. I was in this group. Another group prepared a tour through our school. Some other things we had to do was: write our names into a list; decide, what we want to bring to the barbecue, on friday; clear up, whether every one has contac to the exchange student and some other things.

Sunday, 7th Mai 2017

Today came the exchange students! But I couldn't pick my guest up at the station, because I was invited to a confirmation, so my family had to pick her up. I hope it was okay for her. Then at 15.00 we met the first time. She is really nice, but I think we were a bit nervous and didn't know what to say. But at,15.30 we ate a really delicious "Spaghetti Eis". Then at 15.40 we wanted to start our bike tour. But the first stop was before we started, because the helmet didn't fit. Then the next stop was after 50 meters, because my
sister forgot her jacket. So we had to wait.

After that, at my sisters school we had to stop again, because my mother had to go to the elections.

But then we could drive to the Schellbruch (forrest) and enjoy the nature and the fresh air.

After 10 minutes on a sometimes a bit muddy way...

...we arrived at the Trave and enjoyed the view.

There we saw a swan too, who was verry beautyful.

The next stop was at the Medebeck, beacause it's a nice place where aren't much people. In the background you can see "Karlshof".

After that we drove home and played "Das Spiel des Lebens, Superstar Edition" with my sister. I think it was really funny, because she doesn't speak english verry well.

15 minutes ago we ate supper.

But like always Ihave forgotten to take a picture, before I began to eat.

Monday, 8th Mai 2017

Today was the second day with my guest student. We got ub at 6.15, because we had to be in school at 8 o'clock. We ate breakfast and fed my guinea pigs. Then at 7.25 we went to school by bike. There we met in room 6, to hear the welcome by our head teacher and Mrs Schütt. After that we made a tour through the school. We saw the lobby, the toilets, the big gym, the biology room 2, the Kranenkonvent, the Burgschule and our canteen. After this tour we went to the canteen and had a second breakfast at 9.15. I enjoyed it, because there were so much delicious things:
  • pineapple, honey melon, water melon, kiwi,
  • 3 sort of wholegrain rolls
  • 3 sort of cheese
  • red/yellow paprika, cucumber, tomato, carrot, kohlrabi
  • yoghurt and musly, eggs
  • red/orange juice
  • 5 sort of sanwich spread

After breakfast Justine and i had to make a presentation, about the solutions of our talk to Mrs Gerischer. We were verry nervous, so I spoke a bit quiet.

Then we made a city rally. We were the 4th group, so we had to wait 40 minutes, before we were allowed to start. The exercise was to answer the questions and take funny photos. but sometimes the places were closed so we couldn't answer some questions. Here s a photo

Then we went back to school and had lunch, Gnochi with kohlrabi and fish.

After that Jana and I went to the city again, to go shopping. She bought some Marzipan for 14.40 Euros. Then we went to New Yorker, where I bought two T-shirts and a new wallet. Later we went to Rossmann. There I bought shower gel, sweets and a hand cream. Then we went through the pedestrian precinct. There we ate two "Crepes" with icing sugar. It was really delicious.
At 15. 40 we drove home and there we relaxed on our beds, because our feet hurt. At 18.30. Then I had to make homework, and Jana wrote her blog. At 21.50 we turned of the lights.

Tuesday, 9th May 2017

Today I had to go to the first four lessons while the finnish and polish people were at Brüggen. I think it was a bit unfair for the german pupil, because most of us would like to see Brüggen too. Today we had french, sports, german and a deputized lesson with Mrs Peters. We met the other students again at 12.45 for lunch. There it gave a rice chicken curry I think, but it was really delicious.

Then we went to room 9 and had to make groups of four. One polish, one finnish and two german pupils. The german ones had to ask some questions about the visit at Brüggen and the exchange students had to answer them. After that we had time to write and improve our blogs. Then we drove home and ate some sweets. I had to make much homework, so Jana read her chinese comic. Then my family, Jana and I went to "Sky" supermarket. There we bought ham, green cheese (cheese with pesto), raspberry jelly, bananas, ... . After that, Jana wrote her blog, while I did the rest of my homework. Then we ate supper.

At 19.40 I had a shower and Jana watched a bit german TV and played a game with my sister. Now we'll relax a bit, till it's time to sleep.

Wednesday, 10th Mai 2017

Today I had to go to school and for the first two Iessons my exchange student came with me. We had Nawi and WiPo. I think it was a bit boring for her because the lesson were only in german. then they went to Niederegger, to hear a presentation about, how is Marzipan made. In this time we had english and a bit freetime, because we hadn't got the last lesson. So Patricia, Emma, Justine and I went to the city, where we met the finnish students and their teachers. Then we went to the canteen. But no one knew anything, so we waited for a german teacher. While we did that, some german students asked someone from the mensateam, whether we'll eat there or not and they said, that we'll eat there. So some students were a bit puzzled, because it wasn't on the plan and they gave more food to their exchange students, me too. Then we had an hour freetime and Justine, Jana and I went to the city again. At 14.00 we were in the lobby again, but the german teacher was a bit too late so we had to hurry. But we got the bus (6), but it was verry crowded and full. Then we had to walk 15 minutes to the ground of Euroimmun, where the cooking workshop was. And that was on the wall of the eating room:

There we made groups of six to twelve people. I was in the meat gruop, but we could only stir up the soups and assort the asparagus, ...

...because our teacher didn't told us, that it's our turn. She meant that she hadn't found us, but I can't belive it, because we were in the lobby nearly the whole time! So we were a bit angry. But the meal tasted really good.
Starter (spaghetti with vegetarian bolognese):

main course (aspargus with meat and couscous with sweetpotato):


And then we had to hurry up, because we wanted to catch the bus in 8 minutes, but when we were at the station Finja and Melissa stopped the bus, till the other ones had arrived, but some were only a bit slowerand then after one minute waiting the busdriver easily closed the dors, althougt he saw that there were other students. I think it was really unfair, that he drove, althought he saw that there were other students and teachers. I saw Lisann, Mrs Lehmann and the polish teachers. So there were only finish teachers in the bus. Jana and I got off the bus at Kohlmarkt, and then we drove home.

Thurthday, 11th May 2017

Today we was on a biological farm. We had to drive through the pedistrian area, because it's the fastest way to get to the busstation Sandstraße. We arrived there at 8.00 so we had to wait 16 minutes. Then we drove to Krummesser Baum. When everyone was there we hat to walk 3,5 km it took about 40 minutes but my feet began to hurt after the first 15 minutes. Here our way:


When we were at the farm we got a little tour. But then we were split up into two groups, one finish-german and one polish-german. I was in the finish-german group so we went to the field and the henns. First we went to the field and the guide told us many interesting things about the soil and the crop rotation. Here a picture of the field:

Then we went to a hall with silo and some mashines. After that we went to a mill:

Then we got an other guide who brought us to the henns. There he told us, that they have over 200 chicken, 5 cocks, a moveable hennhouse with tanks for food and water, ... . It was really interesting and later we were allowed to touch them. Here are some pictures:

After that we went back to the playground, where we were shown how to make butter from sour cream. we had to shake it for about 10 minutes and it was really exhausting, but I maybe shoke it a bit too long so it didn't look really like butter. Here is my butter:

After that we had a picknick, so I could taste my butter and it tasted like butter. It was really delicious and I think there were nearly only homemade things.
Then we had a bit time, so I went to the farm shop, but there was everything verry expensive. So I bought russian bread and chocolate cookies. I had to pay nearly 5€! Then we hurried a bit to get the next bus back to Lübeck but it was really hot. Then we drove home and ate a half honeymelon, which was really delicious. After that I had to go to the doctor so we drove to Oldesloe. There I have been indoctrinated. The we went to the city...

...and ate an ice. That's mine:

After that we drove home and ate supper. But my sister wanted to play pig in the middle so we played with her. After that we played a Harry Potter game but I think it was a bit boring. Now we'll go to bed.

Friday, 12th May 2017

Today we were in the first two lessons, that were history and french. But in french the guests had to go to the 8d, because Mrs Schellenberger had blocked them, so the french exchangestudents could come to our class. Then we had to go to room 11, because we should prepare the presentation for our parents. This was our poster.

At 13.00 the finnish and polish students went to the Hansemuseum, while the german students had to prepare the rest. Then at 14.00 we waited for the guests, but they didn't came, so we walked to the Hansemuseum at 14.15and met them there. But the finnish teachers wanted their students to go to the restaurnt, so all german students were a bit puzzled. Then I saw Mrs Schütt and told her what the finnisch people wanted to do and she talked to them. After that we were allowed to go home. There I coocked Spaghetti, which were verry delicious.

Then we

Saturday, 13th May 2017

Today we woke up verry early at 7.00. So I was a bit tired. Then we went downstairs for breakfastand today my mother bought rolls.

We both ate a "Schrippe", it's a wheat roll. Then Jana packed her suitcase while I tidied up my room. then We had about half an hour till 9.00, so we played UNO. On our way to the station wasn't much traffic and we found a parkspace near the station, so we was half an hour too early. We didn't want to wait so long at the station, so we went to some shops there. At 9.40 we met the other peoples at the station and went to the rails at 9.50. I was really sad that this week was over so fast and that Jana has to leave now. Then at 10.03 the train arrived and the finnish students and their teachers got on the train and we had to say good bye. Here a picture of the train:

The train left at 10.08 and we drove home.

Sunday, 24th September 2017

Hi guys!
Today I had to get up at 5 am. At 7.50 we met each other at the train station. We took the train at 8.09am from Lübeck to Hamburg. The ride took about 50 minutes. There we had to first take the underground and then the tram. Then we arrived at Hamburg airport where we had 45 minutes free time. Justine and I went to Edeka and Tiger. Then we had to check in our luggage. Everyone had a little carry-on baggage and a suitcase. After that we went to the safety control. Then we had to wait 15 more minutes until the check in, but when it was time we had to go to another gate, and there we had to wait again because busses brought us to the plane. We had a polish pilot so we couldn’t really understand the greeting. It was my first flight so I was very, very, very excighted and when we were over the clouds the view was awesome and it was so beautiful and light.

Afterthe flight we got back our luggage we went to our exchange partners. It was really cool because it was my birthday and they sang happy birthday in English and polish and they had balloons for me. After that the mother of Gosia brought us to Weronikas home. There her mother waited for us and they had a present for me (pencils and much beautiful hand made things). Weronika had also a guinea pig, Sabina. it's so cute.

We ate cake and soup and chicken with rice. But it was so much that I couldn’t eat it all. After that we went to the beach by bike. It was really nice there but cold so we went home soon. Then we packed our things for tomorrow and I wrote my blog. Now we‘re going to sleep.

Monday, 25th September 2017

Hi guys!
Today was my first whole day here. We got up at 7.30and Weronikas mother had prepared our breakfast. We ate cheese bread and sausages. It was really delicious. For school I had an apple, banana, peper, tomato and a cheese sandwich. We went to school by tram and we arrived at 8.10. There we met all the others again. At 8.15 we went to a classroom, where a polish teacher told us about the school and the program for today. Then a finish teacher showed us how to use because some people didn’t understand it yet.

After that the educational psychologist (Joanna Koralewski) introduced herself and we played some games like fruit salad or dentist. At 10.45 we went to the school canteen where we ate our packed lunch.
15 minutes later we began the workshops. I was in the cartoon group. First we had to search for a theme (now we have anorexia), then we had to make some sketches.

Now everyone has to draw one of eight pictures. At 1pm we went to bowling club. It was really cool there and at 4pm we got pizza.

Then we could go home but Weronika and I went to alpha centre

and later to galeria przymorze, where we met Justine, Lisa, Patricia and their exchange partners. I bought a pair of shoes a black skirt and sweets.

At 7pm we had to go home and now we‘re going to sleep.

Tuesday, 26th September 2017

Hi guys!
Today we had to get up at 6.45. We took again the tram and drove to school where we met the others at 8am.

Then we walked to a city tour bus, which showed us Danzig city.
After the tour we walked to a big church and there we went onto the tower. we had to walkup 409 stairs. It was really nice and an amazing view at the top, but it was verry exhausting to get upstairs.
After that we walked to a well where we started our exercises.

My group had to go to the mariacka and find two restaurants. We had finished fast so we had 1hour 40 minutes. So we went to Pikawa, it’s a café.

I ordered an American shake, strawberry. It was really delicious.

Then we walked around and went to a candy shop.

At 1pm we met our teachers and went to a restaurant. We ate a cucumber soup

and schnitzel with potato puree.

After that we went home by tram. There we chilled out. At 15.30 Weronikas mother arrived and made dinner, noodles, vegetables and meat. Then we watched Mr. Bean in English and I had a shower. Now we’re going to eat something and after that we’ll sleep.

wednesday, 27th September 2017

Hi guys!
Today we went to school by bike. We arrived at 8.25 and met the others. We went to the computer room where we had to work on the map with restaurants from yesterday.

After that, Dr. Agata Rudnik, a psychologist, came to us to tell about gastrointestinal tract diseases.

It was really interesting. Then we ate our lunch at school

and worked on our projects. My group had lost the pictures so we had to paint everything again and this time I finished my picture.

At 2pm we went to escape room. There we had to make four international groups. I was in the prison group. It was really exciting and cool but I was very good that my room wasn’t so scary.

After that Weronika and I went to Decathlon where I bought a pair of shoes and two towels.

At 6pm we went home and ate noodles. Now I write my blog and we’ll go to bed soon.

Thursday, 28th September 2017

Today we went to school by tram. Then we walked to the church where a traveling bus waited for us. First he brought us to a clay pottery museum.

There we could made a bowl , a cup or a vase on our own. I made a bowl. After that they showed us a room with vases and much photos which told the history of the family Necel. After that we went to the little shop and I bought a bowl in dark blue.

After that the bus drove to the Szymbark museum.

It was outside and really interesting. We saw a sibirian house, a train,

a house for polish people who live in Turkey,

Wojtek the bear,

a bunker where a air raid was simulated. It was really loud and everything was dark for 2 minutes.

And there was a house upside down. It was realy funny and when you were there for a minute you feel dizzy.

After that we went back to school by bus and then we went home by tram. There we ate noodles and watched youtube videos the whole afternoon. Then we drunk Coca Cola vanillia, it was really delicious and ate toast with cheese. After that we watched the film red hood the true story. Now it is 22.30 and we're going to sleep

Friday, 29th September 2017

Today we went to school by bike. There we had one hour to work on our blogs. After that we had to finish our comic. For that we had two and a half hours. We had to color the pictures,

write the speech bubbles,

stick on the pictures and write the headline.

Then we could go home, but Weronika and I went to galaria Przymorze because I had to change the rest of my money. After that we went to post office because I wanted to send my postcard. Then we went to biedronka where I bought a lot of sweets and ice cream.

Then we went home and wrote our blogs. At 17.00 the mother of Weronika came home. At 18.00 we went to school because there was the presentation of our work. It was verry good we saw the theatre group and the computer group made flyers for us.

Our group had to presentate the comic.

After that we got a T-shirt and a certificate.

Then we ate the typical polish food. And after that we went home and watched Mr. & Mrs. Smith in english which was verry funny. After that I wrote my blog and now we’re going to sleep.

Saturday, 30th September 2017

Today we went to ice skating with some others for 2 hours. It was cold but really nice.

After that we went to Sopot by bike. There was a really long jetty and a big ship,which was really colorful.

After that we went back to the city. There was a big well, which glows in the dark.

Then we went to green way, that’s a healthy vegetarian and vegan restaurant.

There I ate a pancake with fruits. It was really delicious.

After that we went to tiger, C&A and some other shops. There I bought some souvenirs .

Then we went to Mc Donalds and there I ate a Big Mac and chips.

Then we went back home and I packed my things. After that I wrote my blog and now we’re going to sleep.

Sunday, 1st October 2017

Today we went back to germany and I was really sad that I had to leave. In the morning we got up at 8.00 because we had to be at the airport at 10.00. First we ate breakfast and then I packed the rest of my things.

At 9.30 we went to the airport but no one was there yet. But the teachers arrived soon and the other germans too. After that we had to give our luggage to the airport staff. Then we went to the safety control, so we had to say godbye. After that we had to wait 1.5 hours at the airport, so I painted some pictures. At about 12.15 we could go into the plane and started.

Over the clouds it was as beautiful as the last time.

At 13.15 we arrived at Hamburg airport. there we had to hurry up because we wanted to get the train. Otherwise we had to wait one hour until the next train arrives. We had luck, so we arrived at the station before the train left. At about 14.30 we arrived at Lübeck central station, where our parents waited for us.

I was happy that I was back home, but I was sad that I had to leave my guest family. When I was back home I unpacked my things and wrote my blog.

Friday, 5th January 2018, 1st day of documentation

Today I'll Start my documentation about food waste. So, first a picture of what we bought, because we went to Aldi (german supermarket) today.
so after that my mum made lunch: chili con carne. here is a picture of the pan:
We all ate our portion so we hadn't to throw away anyting. for lunch I ate a pretzel stick 
and popcorn:  

Saturday, 6th January 2018, 2nd day of documentation

For breakfast we ate rolls and we hadn't to throw away anyting.
This was our breakfast table. 
Then we went to Edeka (german supermarket too) and we bought that:Then my mum made lunch: spaghetti with bolognese! Yummy. Here is a Photo of our table. And how yuo can see: dad ate the rest from yesterday. So we hadn't to throw it away. For dinner I ate a pretzel stick again and some spaghetti from lunch:

Sunday, 7th January 2018, 3rd day of documentation

Today I have sadly forgotten to make photos of most things I ate today. So I only can write what we ate today. For breakfast we ate bread. For lunch my sister and me ate the noodles from yesterday. Mum and dad ate stuffed cabbage and potatoes. For dinner I ate a pretzel stick and I drank a banana milkshake.
So I didn't waste anything today.

Monday, 8th January 2018, 4th day of documentation

Today I had to get up at 6 o'clock, because It was the first school day. For breakfast I ate musly. 
Then I made my breakfast for school: tomato, mozzarella, kaki and a bagle. 
And how you can see: I ate it all.  For dinner I ate some noodles.
Today I didn't waste aything.

Tuesday, 9th January 2018, 5th day of documentation

For breakfast I drnk today only a glas milk, because I wasn't so hungry. Here is a picture of my lunchbox:
Two wraps, cucumber, tomato, grapes and cheese. For dinner I ate musly.
Today I didn't waste anyting.

Wednesday, 10th January 2018, 6th day of documentation

Today I had for breakfast a bread with chicken. But I hadn't got enough time to eat it all. So I ate it in school. Here is my lunchbox:
A wrap, cucumber, peper, tomato and mozzarella. Then Justine and I went to Mc Donalds.We ate it all.
For dinner I ate a chockolade roll and a bowl with apple sauce.
I hadn't to throw away anyting. 

Thursday, 11th January 2018, 7th day of documentation

Today I ate for breakfast a bit musly. In school I ate that: a bagle, grapes and cheese, cucumber, tomato and mozzarella
Lunch I ate in our canteen. I ate shredded pacake-style mixture combined with sugar and dried fruit with vanilla sauce. But I sadly had to throw away a bit because I didn't like the dried fruits. For diner I ate a bread with crabs and a half kaki. Sadly I had to throw away a bit.

Friday, 12th January 2018, last day of documentation

Today is the last day of my documentation. For breakfast I ate a bread with cheese. For school I had that:

A bagel, paprika and tomato. But that wasn't enogh so I bought a whole grain roll with turkey in our canteen. For lunch I ate noodles with tomato sauce. After school my mum, my sister and I went to Aldi. There we bought that:

So how you can see: we didn't wasted many things this week.

Sunday, 18th March 2018

Today Weronika, my exchange partner, arrived! We picked her up from the station and drove home. then my mum made lunch, spaghetti bolognese. 
After that Weronika and I Played some games. Then we ate dinner at 7:30 pm. Now I write my blog and we're going to go to bed soon.

Monday, 19th March 2018

Today was the first day in school but first we had to wait for the bus.
We arrived in school at 7.40 am. There we were welcomed by the headteacher and Mrs Schütt. After that Mrs Lehmann introduced the city ralley to us, then we made groups of 4-6 people. I was in a group with Weronika, Jonas, Dobrawa, Henry and Henrika. Here a picture of our first station, the theatre.

Then we visited the other sights of that Ralley, here are some pictures.

After the Ralley we went back to the school and had lunch.

Then we did the presentation ceremony and group 4 won. After that we went to Hülshorst to paly bowling.

When we were ready it was 7 pm, and Weronika and I went home by bus. now I write my blog and we will eat dinner soon.

Tuesday, 20th March 2018

Today we went to cooking in Baltic school. We had to be there at 9 o'clock so we could sleep a little bit longer. When we arrived at the bus stop, Karavellenstaße, we met all the others. Then we went to the school and there was a great kitchen. We had to split up into eight groups. I was in the group, which prepared the bread.
First we had to mix then with a kneding hook.
And after that with our hands, because the hooks were blocked by the dough. It was really sticky so we had to put in more flour. Then the dough had to prove for one hour. 
After that we could put it into the oven. 

At 12 o'clock all dishes were ready and we could eat. I ate these things: 

After that we had to clean the whole kitchen and our crockery. 
When we had done that we had freetime, so my exchange partner, some other German, Finnish and Polish people and I went to Citti-Park.

There we splitted up into some little groups and went to the shops we wanted. We met again at 5 pm. Most went home then , we too. When we arrived at home it was 6 pm. So we ate dinner soon. Then I wrote my Blog and we will go to bed soon. 

Wednesday, 21st March 2018

Today we had a workshop about food waste. We should be at school at 7.50 am, but Weronika and I arrived at 7.40 am so we had to wait. Mrs Lehmann arrived at 8.15 am so she was a bit too late. When she was there we went to room 9 and brainstormed about food waste and Dumpsterdiving. After that we went to another room and wathced films about dupsterdivers. It was really interesting. Then we had to prepare a Placat about what we learned today. We made a Mind-Map. 
But it wasn't so beautiful, so we made a new one.
After we finnished our palcat we had freetime. Justine and I went to the city and bought some things. At 1.20 pm we had to be back in school for lunch. We ate vegetable lasagna, it was really delicious.  

After lunch we went back to room 9, where we had to present our posters. 
After that Tina (she dumpster dives) told us about her experiences. It was really interesting and I think it's a good way to save fod and money, but I personaly wouldn't do it because for me it's a bit disgusting. But everyone has to decide it on his/her own. After that she had prepared a presentation with Pictures from her dumpster diving tours. 

After that we were allowed to leave, so Justine, Mary, Weronika and I went to asj (it's a youth group from the asb). There we played viking chess and table tennis.

Then we went home and ate dinner. Now I write my blog and after that we will go to bed.

Thursday, 22nd March 2018

Today happened nothing interesting, because I had to go to school, while our exchange partners went to hamburg. The only thing I had to do was to pick Weronika up from the station, where they should arrive at 6 pm. But it wasn't really easy to find the track where they should arrive. So we had to search them. Luckily we found them, when their train arrived. When we came home I had to learn Geography, because tomorrow we will write a test. we ate dinner at 7.30 pm. Now I write my blog and we'll go to bed soon.

Friday, 23rd March 2018

I had to go to school again. But this time Weronika came with me for the first Lesson, we had french. Then I had to bring her to the Foyer, where some german Teachers were waiting for them, to go to the marzipan museum. While they were there I had lessons (Math, natural science and politics). We met each outher again in the Affenbrot (German Reastaurant), for the conclusion of this week. 
For drink I ordered KiBa (cherry and banana juice). 
For eat I ordered pancacke wit applesauce. 

After everyone was full, we could leave, so Weronika and I went with some other polish, German and finish students to the bus stop. Most of us missed the bus, But Justine, Mary, Weronika and I didn't recognized that. so we ran to the bus and were there just in time. When we arrived in Travemünde we first went to the beach. 

We walked along the beach untill we saw the promenade. there we ate Icecream and went to dm. Them we went to a busstop and entred the bus back home. In that bus we met the others again. Justine, Mary, Weronika and I left that bus, when we were close to my home and Justine and Mary came with me, because Weronika and Mary wanted to spend time together. at 6.30 pm Mary and Justine went back home and Weronika and I ate dinner. Now I write my blog, and we'll go to bed soon. 

Saturday, 24th March 2018

Today is the last whole day, the polish students spend in Germany. We got up verry late and After breakfast Weronika had to pack. Then we ate lunch and after that we first went to a birds park in Niendorf. It was verry interesting, and you could see many beautiful birds. We spend there about two hours.  

After that we went to the beach. 
At 5.30 pm we had arranged to meet Mary, Justine and her parents in the Cafe & Bar Celona. I ordered a coke and a burger. 

After that we went back home and Weonika packed the rest of her Things. We're going to go to bed soon, because her train will arrive tomorrow at 8.04 am.

Sunday, 25th March 2018

Today we had to get up at 6 am. It was really early. We drove to the station at 7.25 am, to be not too late. 
The train was punctual. I was really sad that Weronika had to leave. 

Their train left punctual and she arrived at home at 3 pm. 

Saturday, 12th May 2018

Today is he first day of our last exchange. We met at 9.50 at Lübeck central station. Then we took the train at 10.08 to Hamburg and from there we had to take the metro and the tram to get to Hamburg airport. There we first brought away our luggage and then we went to the security check. After that we had to go to the boarding and at 13.05 our plane started.

We arrived in Helsinki at 14.50 (German time)/15.50 (Finnish time) then we went to a bus which brought us to a point in Kotka where our host picked us up. My host is Netta and Josefine and I sleep in one room. She has a dog and he’s so cute.

When we arrived at her home I first packed out my suitcase and after that we ate noodle salad and bread it was really good. After that we went to KMARKET which is just round the corner. We took the dog with us. Tomorrow we will go to Netta’s grandparents.

Sunday, 13th May 2018

Today we had the whole day in the families. Before Lunch we chilled at home and drove to two parks the Katarina park and in anotherpark. There we ate ice-cream, I had one with strawberry flavour. Here are some pictures.

After that we drove too Netta’s grandparents where we ate lunch and cake. Then we drove back home and at 17.00 we went to Jenni and Justine. There we met Julia, Raphael and Oleg and ate pancake.

Then we went outside and played badminton and football but there were so many mosquitos. So we went back to Jenni’s house and the polish people went back to the home of their hosts. Josefine, Netta and I stayed there a little longer and played a guessing game. Then we five went to a pizza restaurant and ate pizza. Justine Josefine and I shared one.

Now we’re back home and we’re going to sleep soon.

Monday, 14th May 2018

Today we got up at 6.50 in the morning because we had to be at school at 8.20. There we became bikes for the day and we drove 7,5 km to Luovi. When we arrived, we had a bit free time and some walked into the water with the feet.

Then we played some games with three older students. After that we had a bit free time again and then we ate lunch. We became fish soup and it was really delicious.

Then we had to prepare questions for the farm visit and the kitchen visit (Tuesday and Wednesday).

After that we ate pancakes with strawberry marmalade. They were very delicious so I ate three.

Then we had a bit free time again and Justine and I went to the small beach. We left soon because we wanted to be back at the school at 15.00. Here is a picture of the bike I rode.

Then we went home and chilled out because it was so hot outside. In the evening we had a BBQ and Sami and Oleg visited us. It was really good. Now I’m going to read a book and to sleep soon.

Tuesday, 15th May 2018

Today we had to get up verry early, because we met in school at 7.00. Then we drove to the Hipalla farm by bike. It was really exhausting because the farm is 10 km away from the school. When we arrived we saw the milking mashines milking cows. 

After that we went into the cowshed and saw also some little cows. They were so cute and licked on our hands. Their tongues felt a bit like sandpaper.

Then we ate icecream and we could taste some fresh milk. After that we had the luck to see the birth of a babycow. It was really interesting. The birth ned a bit to long so the farmaer had to help the cow. It was verry scarce for mother and child. When the calf was born it didn't breath so the farmer had to help him. 

After that we went back to school and arrived there at 10.30. We chilled out in the music room until we could go to lunch.
We ate salad, noodels and sauce. 

Then we went to the biology room. After that we had time to write our blogs and we have to prepare a presentation about a specific diet. Then my host studen had a band rehearse so we stayed a little longer in school. I could listen them and I think that it was good. After that we went home and ate noodle casserole. It was really good. 

Then we went to a little shopping center in Kotka. I bought a breadbox, a musly to go cup, Sweets, presents for my family and some other things. At 19.20 we met again but we had to search someone so we walked to a kind of theatre and there we found the others and everything was fine. after that trouble Nettas mom piced us up and we drove home. Now I'm going to have a shower and then I am going to sleep. 

Wednesday, 16th May 2018

Today I ate for breakfast a bread with Nutella and drank orange juice.

At 7.40 we left the house and arrived in school at 8.00. Then we drove by bike. Just in the beginning a bike was broken so we had to wait.

Then we went on and arrived soon and the manager of the companie told us something about the security/hygenic rules.

Then we made a tour through the "kitchen" but first we had to put over our clothes a hygenic overal. The guide told us many interesting things and facts about it. Then we went back to the meeting room and we heard two presentations about the company.

At 11.15 we drove back to the school and had Lunch.

Then we had time to write our blogs and to prepare the debate. After that we had to find international groups and we debated about some different food philosophies (Halal, Kosher, vegetarian, vegan and omnivorious). After that we had a little more time to prepare our Presentations and at 15.55 we went upstairs to the musikclassroom to hold our presentations. 

THen we could go home and I was really happy about this because the day was really exhausting. When we arrived at home we ate nodle casseroleagaine. then Netta had her guitar lesson so Josi, Netta's mother and I to a museum close to Kotka. It was really impressive and interesting. here are some pictures:

There also was a ship wjere you could go in and see the old cabins. 

at 19.15 we picked up Netta and we drove to the market place and ate icecream. 

then we drove home and ate dinner. Now it's late so I'm going to sleep soon. 

Thursday, 17th May 2018

Today we were in a national park. When we arrived at school the bus was waiting for us. Before we got in we became a healthy packed Lunch.

We arrived in the national park at 9.00 and we just walked. It was really beautiful nature but it became very hot in the afternoon. We walked 5 km and in the heat it was really exhausting. Here are some pictures of the amazing nature there:

In the afternoon we made sausages and bread over the fire. That tasted good but I wasn’t so hungry so I ate only one sausage.
At about 15.00 we arrived at school again and we had free time at home. In the evening we met with some others at the beach and I also was swimming. And after that we ate marshmallows. At 20.00 we went back home. There I had a shower and then I wrote my blog. Now I’m going to sleep soon.

Friday, 18th May 2018

Today is nearly the last day of this exchange because tomorrow we will fly back home. When we arrived in school we went into the home economics classroom and made a healthy lunch that we wanted to eat in the Katariina park. I was in the group that made pizza with minced meat. Justine and I made the dough and a finish teacher had to help us because the recipe was in Finnish. When every group was ready we had a 15 minutes break and then we waited for the bus. But when we were in the bus it began to rain.

It didn’t rain so much when we arrived but it was really cold. The teachers made a fire and we ate the pizza, salad and sausages. It was delicious but it was cold and wet. After that we went to the seaside museum I was on Wednesday, because the bus needed 1 hour to come to Katariina park and we didn’t want to stand in the cold. When we arrived everything was wet. In the museum we had half an hour free time and I went to the museums shop and bought a magnet.

Then the bus arrived and brought us to the school. Netta had a band rehearsal. After that we went home and dried our wet things. WE also had to begin packing because the next day isn’t enough time. In the evening we went to Tanelli’s home and met some other German, polish and Finnish students. There were many things to eat and it was very good. We were at home at 20.30 and I packed most of my things. Then I had a shower and wrote my blog. We’re going to sleep early today because we have to get up early on the next morning.

Saturday, 19th May 2018

Today was the very last day of this exchange and I was really sad that I had to leave. I will miss them all so much. We got up at 6.00 in the morning because our bus left at 7.25. We arrived at the bus station punctual so we didn’t miss our bus.

We arrived in Helsinki at 9.20 and had to build groups of three. Our teachers prepared kind of a rally. So we also saw some important sights of Helsinki.
I was in a group with Justine and Lisann and we finished the rally at 12.30 so we had free time in the city and went into two big shopping malls.

After that our feet hurt, so we went to the central station at 14.30. The others arrived at 15.00 and we took the train to the airport at 15.16. We arrived there at 15.46 and we had boarding at 16.55.

Our airplane started at 17.30 and we arrived at Hamburg airport at 19.20 (Finnish time) or 18.20 (German time). Our luggage came very fast and the bus driver waited for us.

We arrived in Lübeck at 20.00 and I was so happy to see my family.
Bye! käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä