Luca Krüger

Day 3, Monday

Today, the day started earlier than the days before, because we drove to the school to do a bike tour to a lake. When we started the tour, firstly we got bikes by the school. Then we started driving. The way was a little bit hilly, but this was not a big problem. After a little but, we reached our goal. While the first part of our time there, we sat down at the lake and relaxed a little bit, because the driving was relativly exhausting. Then we grouped up with everyone and played a couple funny games together. That was really nice. Then we had free time again until food was ready. As meal, we got Fish Soup (or Spinach Soup for vegetarians), Egg Salat and some finnish bread, filled with rice. As a whole, it tasted very nice. Then we got into groups, to note questions for our visit tomorrow at a farm and our visit at the main kitchen in kotka, to ask. After finishing that, we ate crepes. Sadly we had to leave then and drove back to school. The rest of the day, we met a few other students and friends of them, to relax a little bit. As dinner, we ate sausage, meatballs, potatoes and salat. Later in the evening, we made crepes outside on a special crepe grill. That was the third day at Kotka, which was like the otger days, very nice.

Day 2, Sunday

Today in the morning, we met Jonas and his exchsnge host again and git into the city, where we met both lisas and their exchange host. Firstly, they planned to go into a shopping mall, but then our hosts noticed, that the mall is closed on mothersday. After that, we walked through the city to get to the beach, where we sat down on a big rock in the water to relax a little bit, until had to pickup the polish students, who arrived a few hours later. After relaxing at the beach and singing, we started to go back to the car, to Pickup the polish students. We got two other students, who were very friendly. Then we drove back home and grouped up again with the lisas and their Student to eat pasta with salat and meatballs. A little bit later, Jonas and his exchange Student joined us. That was the second day in Finnland, and it was, like the first day, very nice.

Day 1, Saturday

Today is the first day, in the exchange week. We met at the main train station in Lübeck at 9.50am. After every Student arrived, we got to the train, which brought us to Hamburg, where we drove with two other trains to Hamburg Airport, where we checked in and so on. While waiting for getting into the airplane, our teachers told us some things, related to the project. After that, we drove to the plane by bus. The plane was a little one. After a couple minutes of waiting, we finally got into the air. After one hour, we arrived at Helsinki Airport, then we got into a bus and drove to Kotka, to meet the exchange hosts. When we arrived at the exchange hosts home, we firstly ate some food. It was a finnish meal, with Sausage, baked with cheese, potatoes and salat. Next, we grouped up with Jonas and his exchange host to drive to a place, where they like to be. There, we bought some snacks and so on, and sat down to eat it and chilled the rest of the evening. After that, we drove back and met some friends of Taneli and the exchange host of Jonas, but sadly they had to leave and we continued to drive back home. Its was not a short way to his home but it was relaxing, to just drive, while the sun was going down. That was the first day and I am excited fir tomorrow, becuase they planned a few things.

Exchange week

At sunday our exchange students arrived at Lübeck Hauptbahnhof. After the arrival, we took them home so they can relax after zhe flight and so on. Later that day, we met other students in the city and sat down in a cafe.

At monday morning, we gave the exchange students a tour of Lübeck, using a photoralley. In the photoralley, we walked through Lübeck and took photos of us, in front of popular buildings at the city. After that ralley, we compared all the pictures, taken by every group an voted for the best one. That was the day in the school. After that, we drove with a couple other Students to Travemünde.

At tuesday, we particupated in a cooking Workshop. There we cooked very nice food in groups. My group made a vanilla dessert. After that Workshop, we grouped up with a couple other students ablnd went to mara.

The Theme of wednesday was "Food Waste". First, we had to make posters in groups about the theme, there were very creative posters. Later that day, there was a talk about "Dumpster Diving" by a person, who actually performs this.

At this day, the german students had a regular school day and the exchange students visited Hamburg and made really interesting things there.

This was the last day, where the exchange students were in Germany. In the morning, they visited Niederegger. At noon, we went to "Cafe Affenbrot" (a vegetarian cafe) with zhe whole group a d ate a last meal together. After that, we grouped up again and went to a Shopping mall, as last Highlight.

In general the week was very funny, exciting, we learned new things and met new people, which was very enjoyable.

Food waste docu week

This entry is about the documentation week with the topic "Food waste". That means, we had to document one week and note, how much food we have wasted.
In the week, mentioned before, my family and me have wasted nearly no food, because we only buy and produce as much food, as we consume.

Tuesday 9.5.2017

Today the exchange students were in the "Brüggen" cereals factory till 1 pm. Then we ate some Paella at the cafeteria. After that we made groups, with some german, some finnish and some polish students. We got a paper with german questions about "Brüggen", the german students translated it to english and the other students gave them answers.

Monday 8.5.2017

Yesterday on Sunday, the exchange students arrived in Lübeck. On this morning two groups of german students showed our school. Then we ate breakfest in the cafeteria and some students presented their food-campaign. After that we were split into multiple groups and explored the city. We had a paper with questions and a tasks. The questions were like "How much does the entry for the museum costs?",
and one of the tasks was "Take a photo of your group in front of Lübeck's skyline". At the end of the tour we ate some lunch and that was the end of the day in school.

Monday 24.4.17

In this week, every student does a challenge (like: be ohne week vegan). My challenge is not to eat meat for ohne week. Its the first day of this week and its hard to day no to meat if you eat it every few days.

Wednesday 1.3.2017

Today we researched food ingredients on food packings. We made photos of the ingredients and wrote the company names on a list. There were different categories e.g. cereals or frozen foods. It was interesting to see what it includes.

Wednesday 18.1.2017

Erasmus LogoWednesday 18.1.2017

Today we had a meeting. The Students who were in Finland talked about where they lived, what they did there and how they think about Finland. At the beginning the students talked about where they lived in Kotka, who their exchange students were and how they came to Finland (they came by plane from Hamburg to Helsinki). Then they showed us pictures which were taken there and explained the finnish eating habits (which were different to german eating habits) like more meals at the day, free meals at school or much healthier food. They cooked very healthy there. So we could get a nice view about Finland, their food and their eating habits. At the end of the talk they said something about how their departure was and then we created our blogs on this website.

The meetings before:

At the two previous meetings before today, we had to make a vocabulary-book. In which are translations of food in english, german, finnish and polish. There are also pictures of the food next to the words. We also need a food pyramide and some recipies. To one meeting we had to made a logo for the Erasmus Project. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä