Anne-Merle Schulz


Today the exchange students from Poland and Finland came.
When they arrived I went with Patrycja back home.
We talked a bit about the flight and other things.
After that we bought ice-cream,and walked a bit around the corner where I live.
For Dinner we went to Mister Wu😂it's a Asia restaurant. The food was very good and it was very funny there.


Hey Guys!
Today it was the first schoolday .
First we made a little walk around our school ,after that we ate together Breakfast in our Mensa/cafeteria.
30Min late we heard a little presentation about our Mensa from the Mensa Group.
When their finished we made 6 international Groups for the City-Rally.
It was a very long way and 2 1/2 h we were finished. 😯🙃
After that we ate lunch at school .

Challenge Week (24.04-30.04)


this week we have our Challenge week.
My Challenge is : One week veggie.
I think it is a bit hard because really like to eat meat,but I am interistit how it is to live without week.


Today ist was my first day without meat.
I was very astonished, because it wasn´t really hard.
But ist was only the first day . : 3
the second day from my week without meat.
For example : I was stand in the kitchen and opened the fridge and saw all the sausage and it was so enticing , but I said to me : NO! You must live one week without meat. So I picked the cheese . ;-)
this day was very hard because we were at a restaurant and there was a buffet with very much meat, but i ate the vegetables and rice. An I think it was really good to gave up the meat !
Today it was our girls day , its a day were we went to ,a for example: a factory , and there we were for one day and the boys were in a Kindergarten and were they for a day too.
I was with my best friend a the university of applied sciences. It was very interisting to see the laboratorys and the machines in it .
So I didnt missed the meat and it was really okay.
Today I was ill so i ate only soup because of my sore throat,so it wasnt really hard to live withot meat.
Today i eat to brekfast bread with cheese and paprika and cucumber.
At lunch i ate Potatos with a sauce and a vegetableball.
At Dinner I ate Bread with chesse and after that some fruits like apple,banana and orange.
today ist is the last the without meat but not for me. Today was my religion confirmation and we become really expensive food . So i ate meat because of the price and because of my religion confirmation. I hope it is okay , but maybe you will understand me.

All in all it was a good week without meal but I cant present my live without meat,. It was a interistinng week and my objective is to eat a bit less meat over the week. :-)

Anne-Merle :-)



today we met at 8.00 at the polish school.
When the polish teachers came we went to a supermarket were we bought our ingredients for the three healthy snacks.
When we were finished we went back school and finished our labbooks ,
I made it with Ulla togehter.
Two hoirs later we went to a gastronomical school were we heard a presentation about barkeeping .

When they finisehd we began to cook our three healthy snacks.
Our :
-Sandwich with feta cheese and salad and tomatos
-Red Jelly with fruits
-Red fruit smoothie

At 20.00 we went back to school because there was the filmnight,the movies were about food. And the NIght was ending at 6 o`clock at saturday mornig.


today we went first to the school and we heard a presetation about calories. Sometimes it was very funny but it was a long time.
After the presentation we went to Jumpcity it was a very big hall with lots of trampolines.
I think we jump 1 hour after that we went to Acocado , the restaurat is a vegan resturant we ate there spaghetti bolognese.

Then we went back to school where we played our shorts plays sometimes it was very funny.
the Polish school made for us little books with tablemanners which they gave us .

It was avery great day:-))

wednesday 22.03.17

Today we made a big bustrip to a porcellan Factory but it was a bit boring because the woman which showed us the factory cant speak english so the polish teacher must translated it for her.

Then we drove 1 hour to a Museum . At this museum we saw old houses for example
a little church:

When we were finished we went to a viewpoint and this was very high.

After that we
made a cooking workshop but it wasnt the best because didnt learn something.
After cooking we ate the food and this was really good.

Tuesday , 21.03.17

Today we went to school at 7.45 , at 8.00 we met the other students . I think after 15 minutes we drove to the old Gdansk-City and made a city rally . I was with Marisha,Ania and Karolina in a group we made some photos:

After 20 min. we met the other group and with them into a cafe .

At 15.30 went back to school an we made in groups some healthy recipes .
Our first was red jelly , the second was sandwich with salad and creamcheese and then we made a red berry smoothie.

After school we went home and watched a movie.


today it was the first schoolday here in Gdansk.
School starts at 8.15, but we went at 7.00 to school, because Ania and the other polish students perfomed a little sketch for the day.
At 7.30 Lisa came too , so we sit in the sporthall togehter.
When it was 8.00 the other students from Poland , Finland and the Germany came too.
First we heared a little presentation about the school,then they played the little sketch and this was very funny!
After we saw the sketch we went into another room and there we played first a Kahoo and then some games from the polish students. With a other teacher we maked a little Lapbook,after lunch.
Ula and I maked a lapbook about the Cherry.
At 11.00 we walked to the Bowlinghouse,and ther we played 2 Rounds and then the food came , it was Pizza and every group became 4 Pizzas, which very tasted.

At 15.30 we went with some other students to the Galeria Baltycka:

It was very big there and funny, we went in some Shops but not in all because it was too big and our bus came.

We went with Miro and Rafal back home and after 20 minutes the others were came too.

We played together some games for example we must read some polish or finnish words and the other read some german words.
After 2 hours the parents came and brang them back to home.:-))

Best wishes


today we flew to Poland.
It was my first flight ,so I was very nervous about that.
Our planes was a bit to late so we were waiting for a hour,
after that we went inside the plane but first we maked a photo from our group:

When we arrived we waited for our
suitcase, after 10 minutes we took them and went to our families.
I stay at Ania and her family :-)
They have a little dog with name Eddie and cute cat .
Ania has two big sisters they are very nice , and her mom and dad too.
After we ate , we went to the Park it is very pretty there, here I took some photos too:

After dinner I went to bed because i was so tired from the flight and the all day.

Best wishes Anne-Merle ;-)


today was our convention about table manners.Our homework was to write our table manners on down.
We worte them today on the blackboard
and we copy them on our paper.

After them we had made groupf for different topics
my group will make a little sketch about table minners,my group is made with:Mara,Maibrit,Lisann,Lea,Lisa and me.
Today it was very funny, we had started to wrote our text.

Our next Convention is on Wednesday the 1.03.17.

Best wishes
Anne-Merle :-)

Wednesday 18.01.17 (Our first Blog)

Hey ,I am Anne-Merle :-)

Today we have our third convention and became our login details for this website.
At these convention,six students from the first Finland exchange tell us about their week and what they were did.
That was very interisting because they told us about their week there,in Finland .But they have told us a lot about the community and conditions of the Finnish school too.
The most interesting I found:That the finn eat several times a day and are very disciplined, for example, in the cafeteria at their food distribuct.
Iam going to poland this year,Iam very excidet about what I´m expecting and in which family I coming .

Best wishes Anne-Merle :-)

What already happened...


At the last convention we had presented our flags,
20170118_171051[1].jpg which we had designed at home.
Also we were wrote typical german dishes and tell them the other classmates.
I was told my Dishes my classmates too, My starter was Mache with a Honey-Mustard dressing and vegetables: paprika,tomatos,cucumber,radish,... and mache.
My main dish was Turnip-Pulp with potatos and my dessert was a fruit-junket with bananas,grapes,pineapple and a bit lemonjuice.

For the exchange we had discovered our own vocabulary book with different Themes:
Vegetables,Friuts,Utensils,Drinks,Meat& Fish,....

My Food-Pyramide
from Germany.

Best wishes
Anne-Merle :-) käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä