Brüggen & Citti Park- germany exchange day 3; tuesday, 9th May 2017

Hey guys!

Today is already the third day. Unbelievable! The time passed so fast. Well, we woke up at 6 o'clock and got ready. Then we had breakfast which was crispbread with cheese. In next to no time we had to go to the bus station. We arrived in school at 7:30 so we had to wait for 10 minutes. (The school "opens" at 7:40)
When we went in I didn't know where the exchange students are going to meet for the trip to Brüggen. So I asked Mrs Schütt who told me that they will meet in the foyer. During the exchange students could "enjoy" at Brüggen we german students had lesson :(
The exchange students received a bag and two packs cornflakes from Brüggen:

We met after the fourth lesson in our mensa where we had lunch. We had rice with currysauce which contained chicken and some vegetables like paprika and onions. It was very delicious!
After the lunch we met in room 9 where we made a questionaire about the Brüggen trip. We were split off into groups with two (or three) german students, one polish student and one finnish student. The questionaire was written in german so we had to translate it first. Then we could ask them about the trip. This was the questionaire:

So because you can't see a lot I will write the questions down again:

What have you seen when you walked through the company?

Was there something amazing?

Name seven facts about the company.

What have you learned about the breakfast habits of the germans?

What have you learned about healthy food?

When we had finished the questionaire we walked to the the computer room for writing on our blogs. At first some of us couldn't log in so the computers had to be restarted. But then it worked so I was able to write what happened in the morning. After I wrote that it was Mimosa's turn to write about the days. But there were only some minutes left so she decided to write the rest at (my) home. We went back to room 9, grabbed our bags and drove home.

At home we took a little break before we drove to the Citti Park with my parents. When we arrived there Mimosa and I decided to go on our own. First we went to 'Futterhaus' a shop where you can buy pet equipment. Then we wanted to go to the cash desk but suddenly we saw some other finnish exchange students. I knew that we could met them because I heard that some other students want to go to the Citti Park. First I went with them but I looked around if I can find the other german students. We went to 'Inter Sport' and looked around. Then I saw the other german girls. I spoke with them and asked them if I could go with them. Unfortunalety, they had been there since one hour and liked to eat something. So I joined the finnish students again. When they went to 'Deichmann' (a shop where you can buy shoes) they decided to go to Burger King after that. Mimosa liked to go with them so I went on alone to DM (drugstore) and Depot (a decoration shop).

Here's a picture of the Citti Park...

... and these are the things I bought.
We met Mimosa (like the other students) at some sofas again. When she was back we went to an ice cream shop whose owner is very popular so there were many different varieties. I chose chocolate and pistachio, Mimosa took a kind of blackberry. It was so yummy!
After saying goodbye to the others we drove home. We were really tired of that exhausting day and not really hungry anymore so we had no supper. We only went upstairs to my room and started writing our blogs again. After that we went to bed because we were sooo tired. xD

See you,
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