Thursday, 11.05.17

Hey guys!

Today we met at 8:16 at the busstation.
20 minutes later we arrived and hiked for an hour trough a very nice landscape

till we saw the first animals: We were at the biology farm Rotenhausen.

First we shared into two groups.
After that we were shown the whole farm:

The cowshed

The cow meadow

The greenhouse

The field

( We could drive the tractor! )

Then we made our own butter.
We just had to shake the cream we were given.
Here the result:

And of course we had to try it.
The bread, coldcut, vegetables,...
we got from the farm :

So we had a picnic on the grass, wich was very delicious !

Then we had some freetime and went to the busstation.
Back in Lübeck Natalia, some friends and I drived with another bus to Lübecks biggest shopping mall and spent our time there till the evening.

At this day, I learned a lot about agriculture and I really enoyed the visit at Rotenhausen.
It was a great day!

Till tomorrow,

Lisann : )


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