What have done before

Hey guys!

I am a 15 year old girl, whos name is Lisann and this is the first time I write a blog.
I am happy to be a part of the erasmusprojekt ,because I am interested in other cultures, to meet new people and I want to know, wich things are include my food and wich is healthy.
Also I hope that I can cook better after the exchange :-)

On the first meeting about the erasmusproject the teachers from Danzig and Kottka told us about their city and the activities we will do if we fly there. I thought that it is more difficult to speak english,but it is Okay. First I wanted to Kottka ,but there were too many students who wanted it too,because it was the first trip. (in november)

On the second meeting the teachers told us where we will fly.
I am going to go to Danzig in March and I realy look forward to the exchange! I was already there ,but
for a long time ago.
Also we had to made four things till the next meeting:

1: An dictionary for food and kitchen utensils .
I draw two lines for german and english words and additional for polish and finnish words.

2 : And we had to prepare a foodpyramide.
The foodpyramide shows us , what we should eat more and what we should not eat so much.

3 : The third thing was the erasmus logo . That is my idea:

4 : And the fouth homework was a typical german meal, which you can find on this webside too.
I chose „Pears,beans and bacon“,because I really like it and It is a „grandma's meal“ :-)

Okay, I will tell you about the next interesting things in the next blog,
so have a nice day



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