Melissa Schindel

The first meeting with the finnish and the polish teachers

Hey guys,
this day we met at our school: the Ernestinenschool.
IMG_20170118_112730.jpg wird angezeigt.
Our teacher were there when we arrived-with our parents. It was very interesting because the finnish and the polish taechers were there too. They told us something-the main things-about the projekt. We could ask them a lot of questions and things like that. Then we were informed about when the trips will start and when they`ll end. After that we should make notes where we want to go. ofcourse I chose the first trip to Kotka-and I got it. We noted down what we had to do till the next meeting and then we could go. The whole way back I talked about this projekt and how happy I`m about it.
Have a nice day;-))

Erasmus-the first things to do

Hey guys,
my name is Melissa. In november I`ll go to Kotka and I`m so happy about it.
But bevore we`ll go there, we have to make our vokabulary book wich will be filled in with kitchen appliances, food and something like this. It`s very hard to think about all things yo need in your kitchen but I think it will be pretty at he ending;-)IMG_20170118_173104.jpg wird angezeigt.
A few weeks ago we had to do a logo for this projekt with the things were going to do. I made one but I don´t think it`s perfekt. It`s thisIMG_20170121_144606.jpg wird angezeigt.
In our group (the people who are going to go to Kotka) we met really often to know what we`ll do and what we have to take with us. Thinks like that.

Arrival and first day 13th november in finnland

At sunday afternoon we arrived at Hellsinki Airport.
.IMG-20170118-WA0011.jpg wird angezeigt.
We had to wait twenty minutes till the bus arrived. It took about two hours till we arrived in Kotka from helsinki. When we got to Kotka the Hostess were still waiting and they´ve brought us to their houses. At Emma` there was a polish student too. Her name was Weronika and she was reaaly nice. Emma lives in a very nice house in wich a sauna was. That was really different to germany;-) but it was also kind of nice.
On monday my hostessstudent Emma and me got up at seven o´clock and got ready for school. The schoolbus took us to the school, where somebody told us something about the school and economenics home.
We had lunchtime at half past twelve.
After the break we talked about our recepieces and went in groups of four. Most of the groups had two students of every country but our group didn`t;-).
Then we went into the computerroom and wrote our blog´s about monday. In the afternoon we went home to our host family and ate.
When it was dark outside, we met other finnish and exchange students to make a snowfight. This was so wonderful-I´ll never forget. At 19 o´clock we went home and had dinner. we had a shower and went to bed at half past 10.

Tuesday-tour through Kotka and meeting Emma`s classmate and her taechers

We went up at 6 o´clock in the morning and went to school by bus at 7 o´clock. The first lesson was phisycs. We talked about magnets. I couldn`t understand anything of this but well. Then we had break for about fiveteen minutes. Emma´s classmates are very friendly.
The second hour was phisics too. I don´t like it so much but it wasn´t such bad. We changed our school building and had another lesson.
Then we had lunch. The lunch hadn`t cost anything which was really nice. The mael was very delicious and healthy. In germany I think it is not so full of vegetables and fruits;).
After lunch we met for a special tour through Kotka. A finnish teacher told us something about the sight we drove past. First we went to a harbour. It was small but one of the biggest harbours of finnland. After that we went to a nature reserve.Bildergebnis für kotka naturschutzgebiet It was very pretty and cold. With our hoststudents we made some really nich fotos.Bildergebnis für kotka finnland im winterhe last stopp we made at a very interesting sea trip museumFile:Sea museum Vellamo.JPG. We were allowed to went alone through the museum after an assistent told us something about the history of the sea around finnland. We were astonished what happend in finnland seahistory. It was really exiting.Bildergebnis für kotka museum At the ending of the tour we went to a very big mall where we ate something and talk about what happend in this day.
I think that I`ll be very tired tomorrow;-)
Emma and me went with her mum thereafter again shopping, but this time for eating at home, yummy!!!
Till next day. Bye

Wednesday-Masterchef competition

At this day we went up very early too becouse today was the big day-the Masterchef cometition.
After breakfast Veronika, Emma and me went to school by bus again.
When we arrived at the school we went into the kitchen (in germany there isn`t a kitchen in school). In our group we talked about the dekoration and the food we wanted to cook. After that Emma and Ronja went to a shopping centre to buy the ingredies. While they were away the others and me dekoreded the table till it looked pretty.
When Emma and Ronja arrived again we started to cook.
For an appetizer we had polish Dumplings.
For the main dish we cooked german potato fritter. Unfortunately I have forgotten to put salt and pepper in but I hope thet they were yummy anyway;-)
For the dessert we had finnish bluberry cake. It smelled so delicious... and it was the best blueberry cake I`ve ever eaten!!!
The jury tried our meals and evalated them. We hadn`t win but it was exiting anyway.
After the competition we tied up the kitchen and had time to write our blogs. I liked the day bu I was tired again when Emma, Veronika and me arrived at home. We played some games and ate dinner.
When we went to bed I slept after three minutes I think;-)))

Thursday-The cottage and Kalelian Pasties

On Thursday we went up as the same time like the other days;-)
After breakfast wich consisited of cereal and milk we went to school. The bus for the cottage had already waited for us.
The cottage was next to the ostsea. But the water was frozen! First, some minutes after the arrival, we played silent post;-) with finnish, polish, german and english words. After some other games we baked some typical finnish food: Kalerian Pasties.Carelia Pies.jpg I think it was reallly delicious but kind of unaccustomed.
Then we ate them with fishsoup and another bread.
After that we just hang out and chilled;-). But some students (I don`t) went into the sauna and sprang into the frozen sea! It had to be cold so I didn`t go there.
Emma`s father picked us joyfully up and we drove after this very nice day home.
Tomorrow we`ll go to Hellsinki so I`m very exited;-)
Hope you enjoyed


At this morning I was so happy because we went to hellsinki the capitol! The bus to hellsinki waited at school. The trip cost about two hours and than we arived in hellsinki. In contrast to berlin (the capitol of germany) hellsinki was very little;-). But fefore we`ll see the city we heard a presentation from Martat. The woman told us about the work they do and healthy esting habits and the foodhistorry of finnland.
Then we had lunch-in a fast food restaurant;-). That was kinf of fun. We shared in some groups and went around.
Then we went to a churchIMG_5118.JPG and a big place and looked for some presents for our families.
We had time to went arround the cityBildergebnis für helsinki winter and we went into a big mall. There we bought the presents and somrthig for us. We drank at Starbucks a hot chocolate and bought something for the flight bak to germany tomorrow.
Hellsinki is a very nice and pretty city with some specials;-). After that we went back to our bus and left hellsinki. I`m do happy that I got some nice presents for my family and my friends.
At home again we had dinner and our shower. We went to bed early because we`ll go back home tomorrow and I didn`t want to be tired.

Saturday-back at germany

This morning We went up at 9 o`clock and packed our bags. We packed something to eat during the flight and had breakfast. After a while Emma, Veronika and I were brung to the bus stop. When the bus to hellsinki airport arrived we all were sad and said good bye to each other.
In hellsinki airport we had to wait some hours for our flight but it wasn`t so bad.Bildergebnis für helsinki airportIMG-20170118-WA0008.jpg wird angezeigt. We ate at Burger king and drank somethig.
When the plane was in the air I was happy to come bak home but I was a bit sad too because I think I`ll never come back to finnland again:-((((.

The presentation-18.01.2017

Hey guys,
today we had the whole schoolday about the Erasmus projekt and the blogs. The students who were in finnland had to do a presentation on it. We made some plakats and a powerpointpresentation. I think the others know now about what happed in finnand. We said what we`ve done during the week and our feelings about the 6 days.
I think it was a very nice week and really interesting to learn about other eating habits.
After we told it them, we made something to show it in school. Maybe the plakats will hang in the corridor??
But ofcourse we wrote our blogs further.
Hope you had a nice day too.

01.02.2017-New year, new things

Hey guys,
today we had a meeting about the eating habits. We talked about our cafeteria and what is good in there. But we also talked about what is bad there. We thought that it is immportant what you can buy there and how mmuch it costs. In our cafeteria you can buy sandwich, milkdrinks and ofcourse a warm meal for lunch. At home we had to write our blog about the meeting, wirte five tables manners wich are typical for germany and learn the new vokabulary about food additives.
Hope you´ve got a nice day

15.02.17-Working for the Danzig-trip

Hey guys,
today we met again after school to do something for the Danzig-exchange in march. First we talked about typical table manners. Then we should order them into some main groups:

Handling of cuterly:
The fork should be left, the knife should be right
Don`t hold the knife in a fist
Lead the fork/knife/spoon to your mouth, not the other way around
The cup should be at the top of the plate

Handling with the food:
Don´t play with the food
Don´t leave much food back in the plate
Don´t talk if your mouth is full
Don´t blow on a soup

Behaviour at the table:
Wait till everybody sits
Don´t leave your elbow on the table
Your hands should be parallel to your plate

These aren´t all table mannes but I think it´s enough.
After that we were divided into groups of four (except the students who are gong to go to Danzig).
My group should dokument about our school cafeteria and which things are good and which things aren´t.
Tomorrow we are going to interview some students what they think about the cafeteria and what could be better. If that is done, we and the other groups who are doing different things are going to put it on a plakat for Danzig.
hope you enjoyed.

01.03.2017-Additives and more

Hey guys,
today we met to evaluate the work in our groups of four.
My group should tell about how it is in our cafeteria at the moment. We went into all the classes and asked them what they think about our cafeteria and if they eat there.
As well we wanted to know who doesn´t eat there and why.
The students who are in the lower grade are eating most in the cafeteria, because it´s very yummy and healthy there.
But it´s also kind of expensiv (3,50€-4€). But I think that it´s worth it.
The students, who don´t eat in the cafeteria (in the lower grade) don´t eat there because the don´t want to, the cafeteria is to little (here s a picture),20170228_142249.jpg wird angezeigt.
or their parents are cooking at home.
In the intermadiate level are eating some people, many but not very much.
When we asked them the same questions, most of them answered the same, but some students also thought, that the order period is to short (we have to order our meal at wednesday in the week before we ant to eat it).
I think that´s right, but the meals are cooked fresh so I understand our cook.
In the advaced grade, hardly anyone eats there because they`re allowed to leave our school building in the lunchbreak and at shops the food is much cheaper!

Another group told about what could be better in our cafeteria. They told us these thinks:
-the food shall be cheaper
-desert and little salats oftener (could be chargeable)
-sometimes fruitjuice (it has been implented already)
-in the short break a Noodle cup (was at our old cook)

Still another group wrotes an e-mail to our capitol to make our mensa-food cheaper!
The last group made advertising to eat in our cafeteria.

After that we went into two shops to look for the addivities in special food. For example in cerieral food, in fast food...

To the next meeting we have to tell something more about our questions we said to the other students and we shall go into supermarkets again to find out more about the addivities and to coplete our list with them.


15.03-The students rollplay about table manners

Hey guys,
our meeting today is about the next trip to poland.
Firstwe had time to make our blog a bit nicer and to put more intresting
The students who are going to Danzig this sunday made a roll playabout typical table manners, because they have o show it to the students from poland and finland.
I´m really exited about what they´ll tell about the exchange when they´re back.
I don´t want to tell you everything about the roll play, but I promise it is wonderful. It´s about the business meeting and two families, but I can´t tell you mor. You´ll see In the other blogs;-)

08.03-Dokumation about our cafeteria

Back again,
we hadn´t got a meeting but we had to evaulate our dokumentaion about the cafeteria. My group made this table:​​




Wer isst zurzeit in der Mensa?

Schmeckt das Essen?

Warum isst man nicht in der Mensa?

Hat sich die Mensa verbessert?



Ja, sehr lecker

-zu teuer

-Eltern kochen

-keine Lust

-wenig lange Tag




-Eltern kochen

-wenige lange Tage

-lange Anstehzeit

Ja, viel leckerer



Ja, schön gesund

-kurze Bestellfrist

-Eltern kochen nur 5-Stundentage

Ja, es ist gesünder geworden





-Keine Lust

-zu teuer



(Snacks von allen)

Meistens schon

-kein Bock

-vergessen zu bestellen

Ja, aber viele sind abgeschreckt



-gehen in die Stadt->billiger

(wissen nicht)



-abgeschreckt von der alten Mensa





31.03.2017-the students presentation

Hey guys,
last week six students of our Ersamusgroup were in poland.
At the meeting today they showed us what the did there and how it was.
I think it was a very very nice and interesting week for them. They went into a jumphouse for example or they got Erasmus-t-shirts and made a film.evening. Before theor trip they did an stage play( I´ve already wrote about in the last blog) and on friday, I can´t remember, they showed it to the other polish and finnish students.
They said that the polish people are eating every moment;-) and that the students are so hostitable and friendly and the are missing them so much.
In three weeks the Erasmus students, me too, are going to do without something that we can choose. I´m going to eat without sugar and I think that that´s really hard and difficult because sugar is in everything!
The week we have to write the blog every day, how we feel and things like that.
Hope it wont´ be as hard as I think;-)
Bye than
Have a nice day

Monday 24.04.2017-The Challenge

Hey guys,
today the challenge began. I dicided not to eat sugar, but it`s really hard:-)!!
For breakfast I had an apple and cräcker with linseed. That was very yummy. In the school I ate an apple again and a cucumber. But not the whole one ofcourse;).
At 14 o`clock my mum and I ate oatmeel with natural yoguart and banana.
At the moment I`m making a nutbread by myself. I hope that it will be nice when it is ready!!!
For dinner we ate natural rice with meat and mushroom-YUMMY!!!
Till next time

Tuesday 25.04.2017-The Challenge goes on

my day started with a kind of porridge with apple and a banana-like most days.
For school I had cracker with natural yogurt and apple. But we had such long school that I was very hungry when I finished eating;-)
After school I ate a pear and drank selfmade apple juice-without sugar ofcourse.
My mother made little omeletts for lunch. I don`t like omeletts but they were fantastic!!!
The dinner consisted of bread-my selfmadewith nuts and a salat with cucumber, lettice, carrots and tomatos. Then I drank milk.
Hope you had a nice day

Wednesday 26.04.2017-Tomorrow it`s the halftime;)

today I ate my porridge with a pear and a banana and linseet-yummy.
For school I had my selfmade bread, a ricewaffle and a pear. My friend gave some nuts too:))
Our lunch consisted of a vegetable soup and rice with frech vegetables. And ofcourse our apple juice.
As a desert I ate an apple. Between lunch and dinner I ate my selfmade bread again and drank many glases of water.
For dinner we had bread again with egg and courgette.
Till tomorrow

Thursday 27.04.2017-Halftime!!!

Hey guys,
today we had future-day. That means that the boys had to go for one day in a ,,typical" women job and the girls in a ,,typical" menn job. So we hadn`t to go to school.
I was at the police station this day. And it was fantastic. We were able to go into their trainingrooms and so on.
Because we had there to at ten o`clock, I woke up at seven. For breakfast I made Porridge with linseet, apple, pears, and banana. That was very yummy. When I was at the police station I ate an apple again and selfmade bread-the last piece:(
When I was home again I made a new one. But this time a dark bread. So yummy!!!
IMG_20170428_131628.jpg wird angezeigt.
For one bread you need:
220 g spelled flakes
400 ml water
1 cubes of yeast
150 ml milk500 g spelled flour
50 g linseet
75 g sunflower seeds
First you have to put 200 ml hot water on the spelled flakes and leave for one hour.
When they are softer mix it with the flour and the salt and the linseed and the sun flower seeds.
Put the milk for one minute into the mikrowave till it is warm. Then put it with the rest of the water over the yeast till it is liquid.
Mix everything together and leave it for half an hour.
When it is bigger form your bread and put a bit milk and some spelled flakes on it and bake it for 50 minutes in the oven till it is brown
Temperature:200°C upper and lower heat
For supper I had my bread with cheese, milk and a vegetable salad.
In the evening I drank a tea and then I went to bed
See you later

Friday 28.04.2017-the banana cupcakes

Hey guys,
today my day started with spelled flakes, milk, banana, aplle, linseet and sunflower seeds. But today I also put a teaspoon of bittercacao into my porridge-yummy.
In the school I had selfmade bread-so nice-with cheese and cucumber and an apple. And water of cause.
When I was home again I ate one pear and drank tea again.
My mum made a potato gratouin with cheese, tomato, zuchini and garlic. For desert we had selfmade banana cupcakes without sugar.
For dinner I was at my youth group and we had pizza soup-without sugar ofcourse.

Saturday 29.04.2017-the birthday

Hey guys,
my breakfast consisted of my bread with pieces of apple, pear and goats cheese-I love it.
Because my grandfather celebrated his birthday in the evening we just ate vegetables for lunch.
I made peanut pieces without sugar and banana nut cookies because I didn´t want to eat sweets and cake.
It was very hard not to eat the sweet things!!!
For main dish I had meat with potato wedges and broccoli.

Sunday 30.04.2017-the confirmation

Hey guys,
today I ate porridge with selfmade juice and apple for brekfast.
I was invited to my friends confirmation so we ate lunch at a restaurant.
It was so yummy-we had different kinds of fish with potatoes and a yummy salad-but it was also so much;)
At the evening I had just a fruit salad with tea.
At the end I can say that this week was very interesting. It is really hard not to eat sugar but it is funny and healthy too. I think I won`t eat sugar so much in the future but a bit ofcourse.
See you later

Sunday 07.05.2017-The hoststudents arriving

this day was the day of my confirmation. When we left the church we went straight away to the restaurant because my friend´s mother picked my exchange student and the exchamge student of my best friend up.
My exchange student´s name is Emma and we ate at the restaurant together. After our lunch we went to my grandparents house to celebrate. the weather was so nice and the sn was shining all day.
after I opened some present my friend had to leave because she had to do homework.
Emma and I went to bed early because she was tired and me too.
I hope the first day was nice for her and she´ll enjoy the week.
See you later

Monday 08.05.2017-the rally

this day started for us at half past six. We had breakfast and then we went to school. At half the way we met Linda and Finja and went together to school.The weather was so bad, the sky was grey and it was cold outside.
We made a little tour through our school so that the exchange students will know our school better.
After that we had a healthy breakfast together in our cafeteria
Then the german students gave some little presentations about what we did in our projektgroups.
When we finished our teachers organized six little groups with polish, finnish and german students to leave for the rally.
The weather was bad and it tokk to much time but at the end it was nice.
When we arrived back at school we had lunch, consisted of gnocci and fish

After that Emma and I went home with Linda and Finja to play "Halli-Galli"
we love this game and played for two hours.
Then Emma called her friend and I did my homework.
For dinner we had bread with salad and went to bed.
Have a nice day

08.05-Linda´s blog

Hey guys
today I shall write about linda´s blog about the challenge. She decided to give up on tea for this week. I think this was really hard for her because she loves tea and she drinks every day!
On the second day she made tea but before she drank she remembered the challenge.
Every time she had to write about the week she wanted to drink tea. This had to be hard for her!
On day five she drank coffee because she wanted to drink somethink else than water because water is sometimes boring. At the end she got it and she was very happy when she was allowed to drink tea again.

Tuesday o9.05.2017-The Brüggen-tour

Hey guys,
today we went up like yesterday and met Finja and Linda at Gustay-Radbruch-Platz and went to school together.
The german students had to go to lessens while the exchange students were allowed to go to Brüggen but they weren`t allowed to wear necklaces, rings and other things like that.
In school we had Latein, Maths, German and Sience-a bit boring but sometimes interesting to;)
After they arrived again at school, we had healthy lunch in our cafeteria-two different meals but I chose Spaghetti with mushroom and citron. So yummy
IMG_20170510_122959.jpg wird angezeigt.Then the finnish and the polish pupils told us about Brüggen and then we had time to write our blogs.
At 15 o´clock we finished and went to Finja´s. But first we went to the city to go shopping. And Emma bought a pretty shirt and Finja some sweets. Then we went to her´s.
First we wanted o go to "Dummersdorfer Ufer" but because of the traffic we weren`t able to go there.
So we went to the Stadtpark-so pretty!!!

Then we went home and had a bit freetime.
This day we went to bed early again.

24.09.2017-Arriving in Poland

hey guys,
today I got up at 6 o'clock and than I had my breakfast.
After that we drove to the trainstation where we met at 7:50.At 10 o'clock we arrived at the Hamburg Airport where we flew with "Wizzair" to Poland.
First look of poland.
Our flying-papers.

There I was picked up by Ula and we drove home to her. There we had a very yummy dinner wich consisted from a nice salad, zuchinni filled with mushroom and a kind of couscous. Then I went to her room in which I should sleep for the next week and we had a little rest.
At about 5 pm we went to the beach with Marta, Marysia, Patricia and Justine where we stayed for some time and we took some very beautyful pictures and walked along the beach.
Then we had a very yummy ice.
When it became dark outside we went to Marysia's and played some games like Uno. It was so funny and I was so happy to be able to be here. After a while I became very tired and at 9 pm we drove home to Ula and we went to bed.
Have a nice day

25.09.2017-The first day

today I got up very early and had my shower. After that we had breakfast which consisted of cornflakes with warm milk. Then we were taken to school by Marta's mum.
There we were welcomed by their headteacher and after that we played some integration activities which were very funny.
After that we devided into three different groups-one group made a comic about eating disorders, one group made flyers with information about them and my group prepared a little drama.
We made posters for our drama and had a lot of fun.

After that we went bowling with the teachers and there we had a yummy pizza:)

Then Ula, Marta and Marisia had a kind of lessons and we went back to school. When this "lesson" had finished, we went into a very big gallery with Ania and bought those delicious smoothies.

I think this a very nice and cool day too and I am very happy to be here.
Have a nice day

27.09.2017-Escape room

today i had my schower in the morning and we had breakfast. At school we worked on a map of Gdánsk with the restaurants. That was a bit boring;)

After that we heard something about anorexia and body shape by Dr Agata Rudnik-a psychologist. That was quite interesting.
Then we had packed lunch at school.

Then we had packed lunch at school.
When we had finished our meal, we went to the "Escape room". It was very hard to get out and I was a bit scared;)
I was very happy when we went home where we had our warm meal-it was so yummy:)
In the evening Ula and I went to play table tennis with her dad and his friends. It was very very nice, although I can´t play it that well;)
When we arrived home I was very tired and fall asleep.
Have a nice day


Hey guys,
today was the big day. We met not at school because our tour bus would pick us up at a church.
Ula and I were driven to this church and than we drove for about one and a half hour to a house were we could create something out of clay.
Then we drove on to the Kashubian Centre in Szymbark. It was very interesting to visite it and to learn how they had lived there.
After the guided tour we had a meal there and a bit freetime to look arund and buy something.
Then we drove for again one and a half hour home.
There we had a very yummy dinner and in the evening we went to the beach with Ula´s friends. It was really funny:)
So when we came back at home I was very tired so we went to bed.
Good bye


Today we had first one hour in the school to write and complete our blog. I wrote about our arriving.
Then we worked on on our drama for one and a half hours.
After that we had packed lunch in the school. I had Sushi:))
And we had again time to finish our drama.
At one o´clock we went home and there we prepared a polish meal with our host families because we will show the parents what we have done this week in the evening.
So we went to school again at 18 o´clock.
We showed our drama to the others and they told us about their comics and flyers. It was a very nice evening and at home we watched a very funny comedy:))))
Have a nice day