15.02.17-Working for the Danzig-trip

Hey guys,
today we met again after school to do something for the Danzig-exchange in march. First we talked about typical table manners. Then we should order them into some main groups:

Handling of cuterly:
The fork should be left, the knife should be right
Don`t hold the knife in a fist
Lead the fork/knife/spoon to your mouth, not the other way around
The cup should be at the top of the plate

Handling with the food:
Don´t play with the food
Don´t leave much food back in the plate
Don´t talk if your mouth is full
Don´t blow on a soup

Behaviour at the table:
Wait till everybody sits
Don´t leave your elbow on the table
Your hands should be parallel to your plate

These aren´t all table mannes but I think it´s enough.
After that we were divided into groups of four (except the students who are gong to go to Danzig).
My group should dokument about our school cafeteria and which things are good and which things aren´t.
Tomorrow we are going to interview some students what they think about the cafeteria and what could be better. If that is done, we and the other groups who are doing different things are going to put it on a plakat for Danzig.
hope you enjoyed.