Monday, 14th of november 2016

On Monday I woke up at 7.30. Then Viivi and I had breakfast. It was good. Than her mother drove us to the school, but we had to wait outside the school...
This is her school:

Than a nice girl came and opened the door. We had to wait again. Then Antonia arrived and we talked about our families. At 9.30 we played some funny games with the finish and the polish students .A teacher gave us a lot information about the school in Finland. Then we had lunch. It was good. In Finland the lunch is always for free. Some minutes later we met into the Computerroom. A boy told us something about healthy food. That was interesting. We played a game in pairs too. I played with Viivi. The game was a quiz about healthy food. It was funny. Then we formed groups for the Master Chef. I just knew Antonia from my group, but the other girls were nice too. But then Viivi told me, that we had to go, because she had to write a classroom test. So we went to an other building. This is her other school. There came a teacher and told me that I had to go to the musiclesson during Viivi was writing her test. In the lesson we sang some songs, which I knew. After the lesson Viivi, two of her friends and I went to Hesburger. I ate french fries with Ketchup. That tasted good. After that her mother picked us up and we brought Siiri, Viivi`s sister to her Zumbalesson. While she was dancing we went to the supermarket... Then we picked up Siiri and drove to a little mountain. There we rode a sleigh, which was very funny... At home we made some christmas biscuits. I went to bed early, because I was tired. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä