the 10th of may


Today was the 4th day with the exchange students. In the morning may and I tasted the muesli from Brüggen. It tasted good. Then we went to school by bus. In the first lesson May was in an other class and I had spanish. In the second lesson May was with me in WiPo. After that the finnish and polish students went to Niederegger and I had normal lesson. At 12:35 we all had lunch together. I ate pasta and a little salad.

After lunch we all had freetime for one hour. I went with some german students to Double coffee. I drank a Chocolate frapé.:

After that we went back to school and met the other students. (But just the students who got an exchange studens and their exchange students). Then we walked to the busstation and drove by bus for a long time to Euroimun. Euroimun is in Blankensee. It is a part of Lübeck. We walked for 13 minutes on a lonely street. The nature was very wonderful and it was so quit.

Euroimun is a big chemistry laboratory. There we went in one of the big buildings. There was a big kitchen. We went in the room next to it:

The two cooks Alex and karsten told us what we are going to cook. They told us that we will split in 4 groups. One of them will made the dessert. It was semolina with strawberry and rhubarb. The other group made pasta with a vegan bolognese. The last dish was made by 2 groups. One of them made the asparagus and the meat and my group made the couscousballs. First we washed the sweetpotatoes. Then we put them into the oven fro 20 minutesw. During this we cut the zucchini, the ginger and the onion in small cubes. Some girls put the zucchini in a pot and cooked it with couscous. Mara and I peeled the sweetpotatoes. After that we squashed them:

Then Mara and I made the sauce. First we started to rust the onions and the ginger. Then we add coconutmilk and stirned it for a long time. The others of our group add the matched sweetpotatoes with the couscous and the zucchini. Then we all had a break. We got drinks for free. Mara, Anne-Merle and I went outside on a playground... During these the other groups cooked...

Then the food was ready!
The firstdish were the pasta with the vegan bolognese.

That tasted very good and I think I will try it again at home. Then we ate the couscousballs with asparagus and meat. The couscousballs were rolled by another group. I had not eaten the meat because I am a vegetarian. We also eat a curry sauce with it. I love it.

Then we ate the dessert. That was good too.

I think my favourite were the couscousballs.
Then we cleaned the tables and went back. We must do hurry up because the bus were coming. But when we wre at the busstation we noticed that three poolish girls were missing. But the bus was already there. Some of us went into the bus and explained the busdriver the situation. But then he closed the door. Marta, Maibrit and I knocked to the door and the driver opened but then he drived away. I was happy that May was in the bus too but we all were shocked. Some german students and some teachers must waited for the next bus and they also found the polish girls. May and I drove to the ZOB and then my father picked us up. Then we went home and talked about the day.
See you!


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