11th of may

Today May and I woke up a bit later than every day. First we had breakfast. We ate the cornflakes from Brüggen again. Then we went by bus th tho Sandstraße. There we met the other students and drove to Krumesser Baum. There we met Mrs.Schütt and some other students. We walked for 3,5 kilometers to a farm wich called Rothenhausen. It is a organicfarm. First a farmer showed us a little part of the farm. Then we splited in two groups. My group walked to a field. The farmer told a lot about the crop rotation. By the way the weather was wonderful and the nature looked so wonderful.
Then we went back to the farm and the farmer showed us a big silo:

Then we met the others. Everbody got a glass with milk. Then we had to shake it for a long time... And then it was butter. After that we all had a second breakfast. I ate bread, marmalade,vegetables and cheese:

That tasted very good. Then some of us went into the farmshop...
But then we all walked 3,5 kilometers back to the busstation and then back to the citty. The program with all the students was finnished.
But May and I went with some other polish, finnish and germanstudents to the Luv by bus. The Luv is a big shoppingcenter. We splited in 3 groups and walked around. Some of us bought a very delicious ice cream:

Then we went back. Some of us went to Mara. There we played just Dance on the WII. We ate pizza:

It was very funny. We laughed, talked and sang a lot. At 10 o`clock my father came and pick May and me up. We went home. There we talked a lot about the day.

See you!

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