Friday 12.05.17

Today is the last day, before the finnish students will leave tomorrow morning. Karoliina and me woke up like everyday and went to school. At school we all had two lessons. First physics and then english. After these lessons we prepared presentations for today evening. We were devided in 3 Groups.
1. Brüggen
2. Cooking Workshop
3. Farm Rothenhausen
I was in group 1.
Some finnish and polish students wrote the text, because the german students weren't at Brüggen. Some german students made the poster and Josi, Lisa and me traslated the text in german, because today evening we had to present it to our familys and maybe some can't understand english very well.Then the guest students went to the Hansemuseum and we, the german students, prepared some other things for the evening.
When our guest came back, Josi and Sini, Lisa and Maja and me and Karoliina drove to my home and cooked noodles. We talked a bit and heard music and then we already drove back to the city. Slowly we walked trought the city to our school and went into some shops. At 17.30 we arrived at our school and helped a bit to setup the tables and chairs and made the rooms, where we wanted to present, ready.At 18.00 our familys came. From my family came my father with his girlfriend, my mother and my brother. When all familys arrived they went from room to room and listened to our presentations.

Then the buffet was opened. The cookies which were made by Lisa, were the best cookies I ever eat. Omg I love them!!!
After eating we all went to room 9. There all the familys could vote for the best picture (the photo game, Monday) and the best group wons. It was not my group, but that's not bad. Karoliinas team won so she got an Ernestinenschule - cup. I tread it to her, for her it's better than for me. After the presentation ceremony we all went home.

Yes this was already the last day with our exchange students... käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä