18.11.16 Friday

This Friday was our last day in Finland, so we all drove to Helsinki. I never was in Helsinki before and I was very excited. First we visited Martat, they help young people to learn cooking for their own life and so much other things, it was very interesting. After that we went to fast food restaurant, it was very funny, because first a lecture about healthy food and then pizza and ice cream. Afterwards we had a bit time for ourselves and Patricia, Antonia and me went to a Souvenirshop near the dom.

When we all bought a souvenir for our familys we met the other students and our teachers.
Now we all went to a shopping centre.
We had one hour time to look around in little groups. Patricia, Antonia, Melissa, Tom, Paul and me strolled abit in the centre but it wasn't very interesting. So Patricia looked on her phone where is the next starbucks and then we went to it. On the way we also saw the hardrock cafe Helsinki.
In the evening we drove back to Kotka with the bus. It was a very funny return journey and we talked and laughed a lot.

Late in the evening the most of us met at Mio, to have our last evening together. This was so funny. We played some games, ate and talked about our great time in Kotka.
And we all were a bit sad, that this week is already over now.

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