what happened before...

Today I'll write, what happened before I got my blog.
The first thing I had to do, was to write an application, where we had to write why we want to be in this project and other stuff. I wrote, that I want to be in the Erasmus project because I want to go to other countries to learn about other cultures and eating habbits and to improve my english.
After that we had an information evening where we asked the teachers what we wanted to know about the exchange. There were polish and finish teacher too, wich answered questions. I decided, that I want to go to Poland, because it's very cold in Finland. But the lunch there is very early and I often eat. So it wasn't easy to choose. but than I descided that I want to go to Poland, because I didn't want to go at the beginning of the project.
We began with the preparations on 28th September. We met in the lunchbreak and got the important
information. As homework we had to make a vokabulary book to look up words, when we are in Finland or Poland and when the exchange students come here. We ordered it in categorys, for example: fruit, vegetables,... . You can find there only kitchen and cooking words. This is my vokabulary book.

from outside...

...and inside.

And we had to draw a german food pyramid. I made it with pictures from the supermarket advertising

My eating habits aren't like in the pyramid, because I don't drink much and I eat often more fruit and vegetables, so my eating habits are really mixed up.
At the next meeting in October we had to presentate the book and the pyramid. The homework from this meeting, was to write down the recipe of a typical german three course meal and creating a logo.
my three course menue:
starter: apple pancake
main course: baked fish with carrots and potatos
dessert: apple groats (you can find it at the recipes and vocabulary part)
In the logo we had to include the theme of the project, the Erasmus logo and our motto. So I had this idea:
after that we had a third meeting, to compare our work. Then the first exchange students went to Finland and today we had our fourth meeting.


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