Friday, 12th May 2017

Today we were in the first two lessons, that were history and french. But in french the guests had to go to the 8d, because Mrs Schellenberger had blocked them, so the french exchangestudents could come to our class. Then we had to go to room 11, because we should prepare the presentation for our parents. This was our poster.

At 13.00 the finnish and polish students went to the Hansemuseum, while the german students had to prepare the rest. Then at 14.00 we waited for the guests, but they didn't came, so we walked to the Hansemuseum at 14.15and met them there. But the finnish teachers wanted their students to go to the restaurnt, so all german students were a bit puzzled. Then I saw Mrs Schütt and told her what the finnisch people wanted to do and she talked to them. After that we were allowed to go home. There I coocked Spaghetti, which were verry delicious.

Then we