Sunday and monday ( 13.11.2016 and 14.11.2016)

On Sunday we first went to the central station in Lubeck. Then we went on with a train to the airport in Hamburg, waited there and then we went to the plane, which should bring us to Helsinki in Finland. We flew with "FINNAIRS" and it was my first flight, so I was very excited. We flew 2-3 hours, in Finland it´s one hour later than in Germany. For example, when its 12 o´clock in Germany it´s 1 o´clock pm in Finland. When our plane arrived in Finland, it was already dark and we stood at the Airport and waited for our baggage, next to us a few people with very big milka chocolate of 2000 g. When our baggage arrived, a teacher from the Karhula school in Kotka picked us up. Next we went by bus to a bus station next to the highway, waited for the other bus and drived than with another bus to Kotka. There the host familys picked us up and showed us their houses.

Here you can see when we arrived in Helsinki, Finland.

Monday we stood up at 7:30 o´clock am. After that we went to school by bus, the school began at 9:15 am. Then we played some games and heard something about the school system and the history of finnish schools. Then we went to eat something, in Finland you don´t have to pay for the meals in schools.


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