Day 1, Saturday

Today is the first day, in the exchange week. We met at the main train station in Lübeck at 9.50am. After every Student arrived, we got to the train, which brought us to Hamburg, where we drove with two other trains to Hamburg Airport, where we checked in and so on. While waiting for getting into the airplane, our teachers told us some things, related to the project. After that, we drove to the plane by bus. The plane was a little one. After a couple minutes of waiting, we finally got into the air. After one hour, we arrived at Helsinki Airport, then we got into a bus and drove to Kotka, to meet the exchange hosts. When we arrived at the exchange hosts home, we firstly ate some food. It was a finnish meal, with Sausage, baked with cheese, potatoes and salat. Next, we grouped up with Jonas and his exchange host to drive to a place, where they like to be. There, we bought some snacks and so on, and sat down to eat it and chilled the rest of the evening. After that, we drove back and met some friends of Taneli and the exchange host of Jonas, but sadly they had to leave and we continued to drive back home. Its was not a short way to his home but it was relaxing, to just drive, while the sun was going down. That was the first day and I am excited fir tomorrow, becuase they planned a few things. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä