24th of september

Hello and welcome back to my blog!

Today I woke up at 6 o'clock.
I had a little breakfast and at 7:30 my father and I went to the trainstation. There we met the others. At 8:09 we went by the train to Hamburg and by the underground to the airport. We waited 2 hours and then we went to the check-in.

After that we all went to the security check. There we must wait a long time too. Then we went to our gateand drove by bus to the plane:

Our fly was a bit to late so we left Germany at 14:40 o'clock. Out of the window from the plane we had an
amazing view:

At 15:50 we arrived in Poland. There I met Marta and the other polish students and I drove with Marta and her father to her home. There she first showed me their flat and then we ate fish, vegetables and chips. That tasted very good. After a little break Marta's mother drove us to Melissa and Ula. And we all drove together to Justine and Marysia. So we all walked through a big to park to the beach.

The view was awesome... We all bought us a very delicious ice and went to a sea bridge and ate our ice

Then we went to Marysia's home. First we talked about some funny and long german and polish words and then we played UNO. At 9 o'clock Ula's father picked us up and drove us home. At home we had dinner and then I went to bed. That was a funny and excited day!

See you soon!