Sunday, 13th of november 2016

On Sunday I woke up very early. At 8.30 my mum and I picked up Antonia from her home. We went to the train station. There we met Lisa, Melissa, Paul, Tom and Mrs. Schütt. We went to Hamburg by train. In Reinfeld Mrs. Dettke came into the train. In Hamburg we took the underground to the airport. There we checked in and went to our gate. We had to wait a long time... But then we went into the plane. I sat next to Antonia. We talked a lot and listened to a CD... The view was so great.Finnland- Ankunft.jpg
After 2 hours we landed in Helsinki. We took our bags... Then we met a teacher from the exchange school. Together we went to Kotka by bus. It was a long drive and we all were very tired... In Kotka we met our exchange students and went to their homes. My exchange students name is Viivi. She is very nice and her parents and her little sister too. They showed me their house and Viivi and I talked a lot... Then we had lunch. We ate something I didn´t know. It was a bread with a cream filling, it tasted good. Then we went to bed because I was so tired.