Saturday 13.05.17

Oh no today is already the last day of our exchange week :(
The week was much too short! Very exhausting, but too short!
At 8.00 we woke up and Karoliina packed her things into her bag. At 9.00 we had breakfast and after breakfast we drove to the central station. There we met all the other german students having a fimish guest. And we even met some german students who have a polish guest, because the polish guests will leave tomorrow, so they wanted to go shopping in hamburg today. Then we went slowly to the platform. Everybody was very sad... We took photos and talked a bit. We all will miss the others and hope that we all will see sometime again. Then the train arrived. We all huged each other and said that we will miss you. Then they entered the train.

And then the train went off...

Now they are away and I will miss this time a lot, but it was one of my greatest weeks ever!
Miss you!