Helsinki and back home- finland exchange day 8; saturday, 19th May 2018

Hey guys!

Today it was time the depature :( The time passed really quickly and I would have liked to stay longer. But now I'll tell you about the day. The day started really early because I got up at 6 o'clock to pack my last things. When I had packed everything I had my last breakfast with my host family. It was really nice there because they were soo friendly.
At 7:00 we drove to the bus station where we arrived one week ago. At 7:30 the bus left to Helsinki City. There we made a little rallye (in groups of 3) after we brought our luggage to some lockers at the main station in Helsinki. When we had done everything of the rallye we had freetime which my group (Finja, Lisann and me) spent at some shopping malls and the market. I think Helsinki is a really nice city and the shopping malls were quite big. Here are some the impressions of the city:

At 15 o'clock we met at the train station got our luggage and drove with a train to the airport. There we checked in and went through the safety check what went quickly.
After waiting a while we could enter the airplane. On the flight I wrote some texts for my blog but the flight passed really quickly. When we had landed we got our luggage and then our teachers told us that we won't go home by train but by taxi bus. It took a bit less than 1 1/2 hours and we arrived at Lübeck central station. I was glad to be back again and to see my parents and later my cats again. But I also think it would have been nice to stay a little longer...

It was a really nice week and Jenni and her parents were very friendly!
I hope you enjoyed reading my blog entries of that week!

Keep cool and see you,