meeting; wednesday, 1st February 2017

Hey guys!
On the 1st February we had our next meeting. But today we met with other teachers who'll take over the project. I couldn't be there because I had an appointment that day. So my friend Finja B. told me what we did. She said that they have talked about our mensa: What is good and not so good.

Here's a picture of our board.
Of course the things are in german so I will tell you a little what we wrote:

- Our mensa is a great room with decorations and comfortable seating opportunites. But sometimes there aren't enough seating opportunities at all.
- We think our eating service has user-friendly homepage but the time limit to order the meals is too small. In return you can cancel the meal until 8 o'clock. The prise is fine and if you didn't order a meal you can eat spontaneously there (only for a few cents more)
- The meals are tasty and healthy and it's fresh cooked; the quantity is fine
- As starter you can take a salad (if you order it with the meal); dessert is there only twice a week but it's free like the salad
We also wrote down a few things about our cafeteria:
- There are filled rolls, sweets (e.g. cake), pizza, pretzels, pretzel sticks, fruits, smoothies and some more things
- As drink they offer for example cocoa, stawberry drinks, milk, juice, soft drinks and since a few days sparkling mineral water
- You pay cash
Besides we thought about some things we could improve:
- The salad could be bigger
- More aroma (spice, e.g. salt)
- Complete free meals (like in Finland)
- Guarantee a second helping

That were the most points. As homework we have to copy that on a piece of paper.

So that's how it looks as an "overview". We also have to find out at least 5 table manners. I chose:

  1. Eat with knife, fork and spoon
  2. Don't eat or drink noisily
  3. Don't speak if you have something in your mouth
  4. No mobile at the table/while eating
  5. All start together

Our next meeting will be the 15th February. We also got a piece of paper with details to our next meetings:

In the middle you can see the next dates for our meetings. Unfortunately they are all on Wednesday and in the afternoon I go to a horse farm with my best friend so I have to hurry. But I think it will work in one way.
I hope you like my blog!

Keep cool,