12th of may

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog.

Today May and I went to school by bus like everyday. In the first lesson May came with me in my class and I had WiPo. Then I had french and Maywent to an english lesson in another class... After a ölittle break we all met in the computerroom and mixed into 3 groups. Every group should design a poster and prepared a presentation, which we wanted to show the parents in the evening. On group made something about the trip to the farm, the other group about their visit to Brüggen and my group about the cookingworkshop. We designed 5 posters:

Then the finnish and polish students went to the Hansemuseum and we, the german students prepared something for the evening...
After that I met May and we went home by bus. At home we had lunch and then we made a delicious mediterranean salad. Then my father drove us to my school. There we met the others. First we all presented our posters the perents and then we all ate together the buffet...

Then we went on room 9. The teachers showed the parents the foto`s of the rally and thex should deside which foto they liked the most and for every like the group got one point. And the group with the most points won...
It was our group and we all won a cup with the logo of my school...
We went home and played their some games.
At 12 o` clock we went to bed.

See you!