My Summer

Hello! I had a nice holiday. I didn't do anything grazy, I just relaxed almost the whole summer. I watched a lot of tv shows and movies but I also saw many of my friends! I went to a concert with one of my friends and it was amazing.
I didn't visit any other countries but my mom, me and my sisters did a roadtrip around Finland. It took us about a week and it was fun! Also, I had my confirmation party in July. It was a lovely day! All my relatives and friends came to our house and we ate good food and chatted.
I painted a lot this summer and I'm pretty proud of myself. In a nutshell, my summer was great: some funny activities but a lot of relaxing.
I'm not so excited about going back to school, but it's nice to see some friends again.
Here are some pictures !

The concert

The roadtrip

My confirmation (blurred my friends' faces, not sure if they want them to be shown)

One of my paintings käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä