Laura's blog

Friday 18.5.2018

On Friday we came to school 8 a.m. We cooked pizza and salad. There was four different pizzas: Tuna, Meat, Vegetarian and Ham. I did. Vegetarian pizza with Noora, Lisann, Lisa, Lisa, Essi and Weronika.
After that we went to Katariinas Park. The weather was horrible. It was raining and winding. But still we had to go there. 
When we came there sw had some free time. So it was raining me, Weronika, Elli, Kacper, Olek, Ania, Stefan, Rafal and Venla went to Moomie house. Because there was a roof. We listening to music and sing along. After that we came to eat pizza. Pizza was cold but ok. 
After eating we walked to Vellamo, the Museom. It was also horrible beacuse tje weather. I feel bad for Henry bacause he had broke his leg so he had sticks. 
When we came to Vellamo everybody was sitting excpect me, Venla, Jenni and Netta. 
When the bus arrived to Vellamo we went back to school. When we came to school we of course went to home. 
Later the evenning almost everyone came to Taneli's house. We barbeque and had some fun togethet. We went to home 21.00 o'clock. Then we went to shower and bed.

Thursday 17.5.2018

On Thursday we went to Repovesi National Park. We did Fox trike hike, it was about 5km. There was beautiful view. We had to exceed a river. 
Again we seperate from teachers so everybody was worried. Luckily we found them. They was in the fire place, because they use faster route. 
So when everyone was in the fire place we barbeque sausages and bun (wheat dough). 
After eating our Biology and Geography teacher told about some wild herb. 
Then we went to school and home. 
About 18 p.m almost the whole group went to Äijäkkä beach. There we barbeque marshmallows. Some people also went to swim. We were dancing and listening to music. About 20.30-21.00 p.m everyone left to home.

Wednesday 16.5.2018

The whole group went to Kotkas main kitchen by bikes. We had to be there 9 a.m. 
The bike trip wasn't go like it had to. The group separate for two groups, because somebody cyckling faster than others. And some people get lost so I had to go find her with one Polish student.
When everyone was in Main kitchen, peoples there introduce the place. We roam the Main kitchen by three groups, Finnish, German, Poland. 
Introducer told as about Main kitchen and we had to wore white protection clothes.
After the roam we ate pizza and drunk smoothie.
We came back to school about 12.00 a.m and we continue our presentations. We finish them and introduce for the group.
In the evenning mostly everyone came to my house. We barbeque and had fun together. We played truth or dare.

Tuesday 15.5.2018

We had to wake up 5.30 a.m because German and Polish people went to Hippala farm in the morning. And they had to be in school 7 a.m. So me and Weronika went to school by bikes. They left by cyckling to Hippala farm, the distance was about 10 km. 
I stayed to school with Noora, Taneli and Essi. We went first to food market and then we came back to read for Fysik's big test.
When exchange students and some teachers came back we star to do our blogs. And someones star to prepare presentation about different vegetarians.
After that we went to home and later the evening mostly everybody went to shopping center Pasaati. For myself I had little bit boring, but Weronika says me that she had fun. 
We came home 9 p.m and ate something and went to bed.

Monday 14.5.2018

We went to school at 8.10 a.m.
The whole group cyckling to Luovi about 1 hour. Whew people say that we go too fast and some people say that we go too slowly. So that was weird to lead the whole group to Luovi with good speed. Polish people had a good condition.
We had some activites in Luovi with Tutors. We played volleyball and some name games. We ate fish soup, pancakes and finnish food named Karjalan piirakka (pie).
We came back to school about 15.00 o'clock. 
Aftet the school some people went to Tanelis house. Me and Weronika didn't go there because I had my dance lessons and I take Weronika with me. 
We went to bed about 23 p.m.

Sunday 13.5.2018

Polish people arrived Karhulas bus station at 16.30. Everyone was excited to see their exchange students. They went housters home and ate.
My exchange student was Weronika and we went Sapokkas sea park at 18.00 p.m with Elli, Ania, Noora and Lisann. We ate ice cream and walked in a park. 
We arrived home at 20.00 p.m and went to shower and bed about 23.00 p.m


The whole trip was amazing and lovely. I miss my all friends there. I never forget this, thank you. Can't wate to see you guys next year. ❤


On Satrurday me and Weronika went some campgathering whit Alex and Dobrawa. We play there some groupgames.

After that we went skating whit some Polish and German peoples. I was the only finnish guy there. But I had so much fun.

Later me, Weronika, Camilla and Lisa went to Gdynia. On the way back we went some food shop what was right next to big shopping center Riviera, and bought us some food.

We drove Weronikas home and took my suitcase and went to the airport whit Camilla and Lisa.

In the airport we said good bye. When we said good bye I cried beacuse me and Lisa came very good friends lately.

So when they left we went baggage dropping and go eat some cheeseburgers and fries. Our flight was 20.05 P.M and we were in Finland 23.30 P.M

We went to our bus and we were in Karhula's bus station about 2 o'clock A.M

After that everybody went home to sleep.


On Friday we wrote our blogs in pedanet. Later we did our drama, cartoon and computer works. We ate our last lunch in canttiin. After eating we continue our works and finished them.

After school I went whit Weronika, Camilla, Lisa, Alex and Dobrawa in the shopping centrum.

In the afternoon we did some polish food whit our housters and brought those in shcool at. 6 P.M.

In school our housters family was invited take a look for our works. We also ate our made polish foods.


On Sunday we had to get up at 4.00 o'clock A.M. We went to the airport and the flight was at 8.25 o'clock.
We were in Poland airport at 9.25 o'clock in polish time.
We met our housters in the airport and go to the their home. We spent the end of the day whit them.

My houster is Weronika and on the Sunday we went to the observation tower whit the others. After that we went McDonald's to eat.
And end of the day we went to the Sopot whit the same group as in the afternoon.


I woke up at 6.25 A.M and get ready for school because it's starts 8.30 A.M.

Firs we had Welcome event for every Finnish and German peoples. And after that we had our Finnish teacher Pedanet training.

Next we had some groupgames whit schoolpsychologist. After that we went eating in the school's cantin. Because in Poland they don't have school lunch like us in Finland. They have "second breakfast".

After eating us were divided different kind of groups: drama, cartoon and computer. And we had to prepare some kind of presentation for the Friday.

Later that day we went eating and bowling whit German and Polish peoples. And also whit teachers :)


On Tuesday I had to woke up at the same time like yesterday.

Me and Weronika went to the school. And when everybody was in the schools yard we went to walking.

Our destination was the two-storied bus.
The bus was round around the old city and we went to some kind of museoms viewing platform.

After that we went to Mariacka Tower and we had to clib about 400 stears up on the viewing place.

Next we dived some nationalgroups and did some missions about the restaurants in the old city.


On Wednesday I woke up agen 6.25 o'clock A.M

In the school we worked whit our drama, cartoon and computer groups about the different kids of digestive diseases.

Next we had some digestive diseases lecture whit Dr Agata Rudik. Who was psychology in the University of Gdansk.

After that we went to eating our second breakfast. And go to Escape room whit the hole group.


On Thursday we went to the Szymbark. What is some kind of tourist attraction.

We went to Szymbark on the bus, but we stopped on the way in pottery workshop.

There we can try out the pottery. But I didn't want to try it. Also from there we can bought some ceramics containers.

So when everything was done we continued our journey towards to Szymbark.

There us had guided tour. And the guide was told about the second world war. Because in Szymbark had some historical thing like the simulator bomb shelter. In the simulator bomb shelter we listened dvd bombings sound.

After that we went to fry sausages and the Polish peoples was also frying some bread. Also the German peoples was vegetarians so they ate potatopancakes.

I tasted those potatopancakes from my German friend Finja and they're good 😋

Next we went to souvenir shop and after that we went back to Gdansk.


Hi I`m Laura.

I want to be in this project because I really like trying new things. I also think that I´m good in english. This project heard interesting and I like meet new peoples, so that`s why I`m in this project.

I`m right now in the classroom writing this blog with my other friends who also are in this project and go to Poland whit me. This is our second meeting in this configuration.

We all are really excited go to Poland this month. I can`t wait any longer meet you guys, hope we see soon :) käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä