Niilo's blog

Trip to Germany, day 7

Hello! On saturday we had to leave. It was little bit das to leave because we had so awesome and unforgettable week in Lübeck. On saturday we went to Shopping in Hamburg. We left to Hamburg Airport 17.00. When we arrived to Airport, First we went to chek-in then we went to McDonald's and Last but Not least to security Check. Flight Back to Finland was very nice. My cousin was picking me up from Karhula bus-station. Week in Germany was AWESOME! Bye bye! 

Trip to Germany, day 6

Hello! On friday we went to our hosts first lesson. After lesson Foreign students went to Marzipan workshop. After Workshop we went to Cafe Affenbrot which is a vegetarian Restaurant. I ate pancakes with Apple Sauce. Pancakes were very good. After eating we went to Citti-park for Shopping. When we left from Shopping we went to Lisa's house. We ordered some pizza. Pizza was delicious. After eating we went to Home. Bye bye!

Trip to Germany, day 5

Hello! On thursday we went to Hamburg for a day-trip. Germans had to go to school on thursday so to Hamburg left only Foreign students and teachers. First we went to Elbphilharmonie which is a consert house in Hamburg. After visiting there we went to a boat trip at Hamburg harbour. Boat trip was little bit boring. After a boat trip we went to Chocoversum. Chocoversum was awesome. We made our own chocolate. When we arrived to Lübeck Hbf our hosts were there to pick us to home. Bye bye! (Photos coming later)

Trip to Germany, day 4

Hello! On wednesday we'll had to be at school 8.00. First we made a discussion about dumpster diving. Then we watched some videos about dumpster diving. After watching videos we made a teamwork about dumpster diving. Then we had a Lunch at school. After Lunch we had a lesson about dumpster diving. Lesson was very interesting and nice. After school day we went to Mara's house. Bye bye! (Photos coming later)

Trip to Germany, day 3

Hello! On tuesday we went to Baltic Schule to cook some food. Me and my host cooked some chicken. It was good. Others made some salad, vegetarian food and Dessert. After cooking we went to Mara's house and we cooked some pancakes. Those pancakes were very good. Bye bye! (Photos coming later)

Trip to Germany, day 2

Hello! 19.3 was our first full day at Germany. On monday we had City Rallye at Lübeck. Well, the rally was ok. After rally we went to school and we ate there. After eating we went to Travemünde. Travemünde is nice and beautiful city. After visiting in Travemünde, we went to home. Bye bye!

Trip to Germany, day 1

Hello! Sunday, 18.3 was our travelling to Germany. I woke up 3.00 because we'll had to be at school 4.20. Our bus to Airport left 4.30 and we arrived to airport 6.00. Our Flight left 8.30 and we arrived to Hamburg Airport 9.45. Flight was horrible because flight had to make a go-around. Then we Took a train to Hamburg Hbf and from there we took a train to Lübeck Hbf. When we arrived to Lübeck Hbf our hosts took us to home. Later, we went to Cafe and i ate croissant and i drank coke. Then we went to home. Bye bye! 

Blog update

Hello! It's laskiainen soon. I don't know how to explain what is laskiainen. I usually eat pea soup and baked roll. And finally here is snow and that is awesome! BTW now i am a ice hockey referee. Bye bye!

Christmas Holiday

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Christmas holiday was OK. First day of the holiday was boring because i didnt know what to do. Christmas 2017 was awesome! I got six movie tickets and chocolate for Christmas present. But that was little disapointment that here were no snow on Christmas. New Year was OK. On holiday i also went to swimming hall and Finland's biggest inside amusement park wich were in Helsinki. I went there with my friend. Bye bye!

Saturday 2.12.2017

Hello! On saturday i went to watch some ice hockey. I went to Karhula by bus. Game began at 11 o'clock. Teams in that game were Titaanit and KJT Haukat. Home team Titaanit won the game. After that game i went with my cousin to pizza. When i get to home i went to my friend and we started to play NHL 17. Bye Bye!

BLOG UPDATE 27.11.2017

Hi! Sorry for been unactive. I haven´t this blog because i haven´t remembered. I have tried to eat school food but i don´t still eat it. Bye bye!

First blog update 22.3.2017

Hi! This is my first update to blog. I wanted to join to project because I´m interested to explore different cultures, food culture.

Friday school meal 31.3.2017

That was our school meal on friday. I didn´t eat that because i dont like it. (That tray in the photo is the model plate.)


Yesterday my father took me to Hesburger. Hesburger is a fast food restaurant. I ate hamburger, french fries and drank Coca-Cola.

Linnanmäki day 6.5.2017

I was at Linnanmäki. Its an amusement park in the middle of Helsinki. I went there by bus and the bus trip took two hours. I ate french fries and drank moomin lemonade.

PEA SOUP 28.3.2017

We had at school pea soup to lunch. I liked it. And i drank milk when i ate that.

Summer holiday 2017

Summer holiday 2017 was awesome! In last week of summer holiday i went to HopLop with my dad and my little brother. In first week of summer holiday i went to confirmation camp. And i also went to summer cottage in Lake Saimaa. Car trip to cottage last almost 3 hours. But summer holiday 2017 was AWESOME!

Weekend 25.8-27.8 2017

Weekend was OK. Little bit boring. I didn´t do anything special at Saturday but at Sunday i went to Kukouri with my dad and my little brother. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä