Elli's blog

Thursday 17.5

day in Repovesi. Our buss leaved school to Repovesi about 8 o'clock and we was there at 9 o'clock and there we just... Went there a hole Day! It was gaind of fun... But i was realy tired... there was good food and it was great adventure! I like it! After that adventure we was soooo tired... when we went to home.. we just chilled and afternoon we went to hetas place and we have fun there!

Wednesday 16.5

We desingned go to Kotka main kitchen to visit... but when we were leaving my bike broke. and i had to go back to school. I went others in school. It was boring... And couple hours ago they came back and we write blogs... Afternoon we went to lauras place and we played many games. It was wery fun.

Tuesday 15.5

Ania went to school at 7 am and I went at 8 o´clock because Ania and others (polish and germanys pople) went to Hippala farmi. We finnish poeple went to shcool and we did some test. They come back at 11:30 to eat and about 12:00 o´clock we write our blog´s about 3 hours!!! And leaved school at 2:45 pm. After school we went home and later we went to middle of the city with others.

Monday 14.5

We woke up too late and we had hurry but we Made it on time to school. The se take The bikes and go to the Luovi. In Luovi we played many games and volleyball. After that we had lunch. after lunch we chilled and play again. It was wery nice day! After school we went to with friends to Sapokka.

Sunday 13.5

We met polish people in buss station. I take Ania with me and we went to shop and after that we go home and just chill.


Saturday was our last day. And we go to The zoo. It was so nice because I like animals very much. After that we go home, ate, chill and pack. Then we go to the airport and said good bye... It was hard.. and we return back to Finland.. it was nice trip


On friday se went to school and we did the general exercises. because in the evening works would be shown to Polish parents.I was in the main part of the play with a girl who has problems with self-esteem. After training we normally ate in the school canteen our own evasion. At home we did the food that we then drank all the stuff for the other edible in the evening we put the makeup on our face and presented the presentation ... After that we go to shopping to Alfasenter because it was our last night there.


In thursday we went to school and finished our project and ate lunch in the school canteen. After school day, we went to the escaping room where we spent a couple of hours. It was so hard and we got the most time. I like it! Then after The escape toim we went to home and chill... After few hours se went to shopping.

In Wednesday we went to school to the croups (Drama, computer, serie) I was in the drama. Also some Poles made map of restaurant interviews. Short while ago we had a lunch break so we ate lunches we had received from our families because there are no school meals in Polish schools.
the whole school day went to groups and after school day we went shopping to Riviera.


In Tuesday we went to school to then walked to the bus station. We had a tour guide who told us about the old Gdansk. Then we climbed 400 stairs all the way up Mariacka tower. The church was big and old. After bus tour and seeing a museum. After the rounds we went to playthe city game where we took pictures of restaurants and also did interviews.When we all done we went to eat in one restaurant. after dinner we went home and chill.


In sunday at 5:00 a.m buss leaved from the buss station to the airport. our flight left at 8:25 a.m. We arrived to poland at about 9:30 a.m and in airport were divided to the families. Immediately after we got home we packed the goods and slept about one hour. Then we went around the city, beach and exchanged money.


In monday we were taken to school and wehad an infotion using a pedanet. Then we had a small activity with the scholl psychologist. We ate lunch at about 11:00 a.m. After eating, we were divided into groups: drama, comic strips to desing presentations. After a couple of hours we started bowling and eat. we had fun! In the end we were in families.


My name is Elli and I wanted to join this project because I love to travel and meet new people. I loove animals specially dogs! this project is very good for me because I´m very picky eater and i want to learn how to eat well.

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