Essi's blog

Day 2. Monday

Monday, we first met at school at 8.00am. From there, we started city rally, where we got to know lubeck.
We had lunch at 13.00pm and school day ended.
Some of us headed to Travemunde beach.

Day 1. Sunday

Our bus left from our school 4.30am, so we had to wake up around 3.30am.
Our flight left 8.30 and it lasted about 1.30h. When we got in the Hamburg, we took a train to Lubeck.
When we got to Lubeck, our host familys were waiting for us in the train station, and then we headed to our houses.
When i arrived to my host family, we ate lunch and then we headed to town to see some other students.
We went to cafe and spent rest of the day in there.


My family doesn't have any special christmas traditions.
My grandpa and aunt comes to visit and then we eat together. 
Our christmas food consist of fish, potatoes, ham, carrot casserole, salad and vegetables.
We open gifts in the evening.


Hi. My name is Essi and i'm 14years old.
I wanted to join this project because i'm interested about other cultures and travelling.
During my free time, i usually read books, play guitar and piano, draw and play videogames.
I also like acting and i'm a theatre group.
I live in Kotka with my parents, big sister and two little sisters.
I'm really excited about this project because meeting new people is always fun, even though I am little quiet at first... But when i get comfortable around the people, i actually talk really much.