Sami's blog


And again, it came to an end. on Saturday everyone left, leaving behind great memories. I doubt i'll be a part of this project anymore, so this will propably be my last entry of this blog, with that said, again thank you for letting me be a part of this, it was amazing.


So, this had to be the worst day of them all. On friday we preapared some pizzas in the home economics class and then we went to a place called Katariina, or Katariinan niemi. The thing is, when we got there, because it's right by the ocean the wind was really cold, and it started raining like hell as well, AND to top it all off we had to walk for a long time while carrying all the heavy stuff with us... yeah it was trash


On thursday we went to Repovesi national park, where we basically walked around for quite a while and the ate there and had a pretty long but chill bus trip there and back to school, not much else to say


On wednesday we went to the Kotka main kitchen, also known as Jylppy (atleast the area is called that i think) and we again did the same deal with the bikes, this time it was 6km. We explored how the main kitchen works, since it provides foor for most of the schools and hospitals and such in Kotka, and we got to interview the production manager and nutritionist.


On tuesday... well i can't say a lot 'cuz i had almost a normal school day, but the exchange students went to the Hippala farm, wich was one of the places that we prepared questions for.


On monday we spent the day at Luovi, it's some sort of camping place, something like that. We started the day at school, got our own bikes, and for the exchange students school's bikes, and thus we rode 7,5km on bikes there. After we got there, we hung out for a while and had some fun with finnish tutor students. We also ate at Luovi, and then we prepared questions for upcoming visits.


And so the tables have turned... and by that i mean, i got the person who was my host in Gdanks to be staying at my house here in Kotka for a week! They came on sunday and we kinda just explored around, played some football, got ice cream and had a good time all around.


And so, like all things, it came to an end... we spent the rest of the day with our families. we went to the zoo, and afterwards we said goodbye, some of the girls also got very emotional. It was a really fun trip, and i gotta say, Gdansk was AWESOME! thanks for letting me be a part of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!


yeah i know i posted from this day allready, but let's make it proper this time! So we started friday off with doing blogs, the finishing our Cartoon/Drama. We also prepared some polish food with our host families! in the evening we showcased the projects, ate the food and had a good time!


on thursday all we did was go to Szymbark, WICH WAS AWESOME! At first we went into a pot making place called "Necel's". Some of us even made our own pots! Later we visited a Kashubian centre in szymbark, where i bought some little trinkets, including a cap. And to top it all off we had Sausages roasted on a campfire!


Wednesday started off by summarising the work on the map of the city game. aftwerwards we had a lecture about "gastrointestinal tract diseases" (whatever that means) and then more workshop (drama/comic). And as a cherry on top, at the end of the day we went to an escape room! (wich i also stated in a previous post)


So we began Tuesday of, with what felt like pretty early, a bus tour around Gdansk, where we were also told about the city. After that we went to see the "Mariacka Tower" and it's 82m tall tower (as mentioned in a previous post). At the end of the day we did a little "city game" thisng where we interviewed a bunch of restaurants near monuments and after worked on a map of the city, with the interviews.


After arriving to poland, on monday we recieved an official welcome! One of our teachers from Finland, Sirja gave the students a training "lesson" as well. We also recieved a preview of what the school psychologist does. After that we were devided into groups to do either Drama or Cartoon (#TeamCartoonFTW) and after that was all done we went bowling and spent the rest of the day doing whatever.


So far i have had a lot of fun at Poland. there have been a lot of activities, though they have been pretty tiring at times. i have been to many places like, my first ever escape room, and on top of an 82m tower. Gdansk is a very beautiful place with many things to do, and i'm happy to be a part of this project, but sad that it's almost over.


My name is Sami and i wanted to join this project because i have a polish friend and because of him i got interested.
I am a boy from Kotka, Finland and most of my days i spend at home with my mom and dog.
I'm an 8th grader and go to school at Karhula school.
During my free time i mostly just play videogames on my computer.